
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

'Try going without a hug for 10 months. :sad:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKFamUu6dGw I think he's an ENTJ. thoughts

88 out of 100. ENTP.

Im kind of treated as the alien in the family. Sort of like where the hell did you come from. My cousin doesn't even understand how I can be the offspring of my parents, she thinks it's rather...

Mine Mother - ESFJ Father - ESTP Maternal Grandfather - ESTJ Maternal Grandmother - ESFJ Uncle - ISFP Cousin - ESFP I'm the only NT. :unsure: Anyone come from families similar to this?...

How about genetics, genotypes, haplogroups, etc. You can talk about the boring superficial tests to see if you're a bitter or non-bitter taster, to the question whether R1b was from the iberian...

Shit, you're from Lancashire. I'm originally from South Yorks. However nothing about me would make you think I'm from there. More people have guessed that I'm more Southampton. Some have asked if I'm...

Stephen Fry http://www.pasadenavilla.com/residential-treatment-center/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Stephen-Fry.jpg This guy is like the most identical in thinking processes. Karl Popper...

I saw cave paintings of touch-screens. Do I win?

You know nothing annoys me more than the Greater than thou stance. I've used plenty of operating systems. Sabayon, Vista, XP, Mandriva, Mint. And you know I got Snow Leopard, because I was after an...

It must be a natural talent. I changed my thesis 3 times and the third time there was less than 12 hours before due date. Another I will mention is i once turned up to a tutorial without having read...

it's worth it. I use to a lot, sadly the shop i go to no longer stocks Montegrappa, Caran d'ache, or Cartier cartridges anymore. The dupont are okay, and the Mont Blanc do not compare to...

It may be hard to believe but I do, kind of. This semester I've had four assignments. all of them i started writing 48 hours before they're due. and I've submitted them in like so. Assignment 1: 2...

haha, I know right. If America is publicly allowed to waltz into Uganda to help free the people, then should they be allowed into the other screwed up nations of Africa too. Oh this one different...

I USE A FOUNTAIN PEN!!! :happy: I have a Carran d'ache and a Graf v. Faber-Castell. I use Caran d'ache, mont blanc, Montegrappa or dupont ink only

http://i.imgur.com/rthVv.png Yes, it must be they were terrorising Lincoln University earlier on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zandec5fA4U

I like trains. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHkKJfcBXcw

Don't you hate it when you have a lecture, and it gets cancelled because the ceiling has fallen down. I suspect it's a conspiracy! I know the dinosaurs were involved, clearly that's the only thing...

Abrasive Intelligence P. could show himself as abrasive or smooth, depending on whether he thought he was dealing with fools or articulate and intelligent people. He was very good with hardworking...

Does anyone have any interesting Allergies? I got something hereditary which makes life fun when I'm out getting something from a café. I have a milk allergy. Yeah I know, right? I can not drink...

Welcome aboard. I'm usually anxious around Women of interests. Perhaps it's your enneagram? or a personality disorder I have not stubbled across upon. Welcome

Mine is full of SJ's :sad: yeah, everything was great in Primary, till secondary, then people started to change, generally for worse.

Likewise 99% of the time I feel out of the loop.

Seriously I visited LA and it is perhaps the worst place I've been to. San Francisco is okay. London, anywhere else is bland. In my opinion from my experience the best places I have...

There is an innate desire to have about 2 or 3 offspring in the future, the future being when one attains a stable career.

:sad: and I thought you were nice and friendly. Oh how times have changed since you drew monkeys in jetpacks.

why can't ENTP's be a Vermillion transcendental puffy cloud, with a phantasmagoric rainbow shooting out out, a russian unicorn with wings galloping over the rainbow towards a pot of golden pressed...

What's good if there's high inflation D: Okay, give me a few billions, and my own tiny landlocked tax haven european country, that's the size of a village, and We'll have a successful vibrant piano...

Well I suppose since childhood there's been an innate desire of the future no matter how much I admire the past, also I know I couldn't live any further back than say 1950's and if I had to go back...

I had hair on my forehead above my eyebrows that were visibly seen. so I shaved them off, but then i realised I missed some, and it kept growing back, and i kept shaving it. Shaving your forehead,...


how does tritype work?

Wow what didn't I dream about last night I dreamt that i was on a Boeing 777 the co-pilot and cabin had hypoxia, and so did everyone else, and I was the only one awake, I had my crush, but in the...

Dear OP, I too have feelings, far too many feelings that it fills the pacific ocean, and would cause a tsunami and flood places like seattle, san francisco, Los Angeles(yay!), and Santa Clara...

I came in here thinking for some reason it'd be about Schrödinger's Cat. Sorry I have not seen it, and too tired to read an english article. I might have considered it if it was in french, upside...

oh noes!!! Send in amber lamps!! hi how are you? do you need a doctor? what kind of doctor? Wait! I know a lobotomist? or perhaps a Ther-apist, ther-rappist, the-rapist, therapist?

I know I can be an ass from time to time, but I know some INTP's and INTJ's that can lead me to be agitated. They are a pain at times. Lacking emotion = no fun. I try not to play with INTP's their...

Are you into neoliberalism? because I think you might have a secret admirer on your hands if you're careful.

Here is The ENTP song Enjoy :D

depends on your relationship with the person, if it is a person one is in love with, one will make intensive eye contact. though with a stranger I prefer looking at other objects.

Hi kayness, I hope you enjoy the forum :)

Wing 9w1 - 14.2 Wing 1w9 - 12.9 Wing 5w4 - 12.5 Wing 5w6 - 11.8 Wing 9w8 - 11.5 Wing 1w2 - 11.4 Wing 2w1 - 11.2 Wing 3w2 - 11 Wing 2w3 - 11 Wing 3w4 - 9.5

How about this one? http://www.jobezark.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Raptor.jpghttp://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/140/915/clever-girl_design.png Why Am I suggesting this...

I can't decide if I'm INTP or ENTP, is it possible to be an ENTP turned into an INTP adult? I don't know D:

Interestingly enough a psychological study between primates, and human infants have shown that humans have an innate desire to copy, and learn from adults, even if it's obviously clear that the adult...

Yes, I agree with what you're saying, he's been left with a stigma, which from what I gather he would not appreciate in the slightest. I agree on what he was saying about social cohesion. My mother's...

drunk friend takes drunken photograph of me.   http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/406232_10150558949311101_548606100_10998909_939886339_n.jpg

Swordsman of Mana Thanks ^_^

any ideas?

I'm not sure if this is an ENTP thing, but when i was in 2nd and 3rd grade, me and a few friends imagined we could enter the internet, and interact with the internet in person, and we of course had...'