'It just seems a bit arbitrary to me but I could be wrong, I haven't looked into it.
I got 80/100 masculine 43/100 feminine 53/100 androgynous, I'm not sure I agree with this test btw.
I to believe that x93Man is disturbed not by things, but by the views he takes of themx94 The subjective meanings we give to instances that happened in our life is everything. you can see this...
I can identify with what you write, I myself always get very high Ti and Fi scores on cognitive functions tests, I value Objectivity more than anything else so I'm definitely more on the ENTP side...
I had tons of Lego when I was a kid, I was always super excited to build the set only to take it part in about 30 minuets, and try to see what else I can build from it, and how I can combine it with...
Israel is also quite expansive in general, a big part of the budget goes to the army, orthodox jews families of 12+ that don't work ,and settlements. just buying a beer at a pub would cost you around...
Everything relates.
Yes I was and you missed out on steak :) Jerusalem is much more expensive than it should be, so I don't think I'm going to rent an apartment by myself anytime soon. Besides, it's not like the pay is...
Lol no, though it was full of orthodox Jews and was really annoying. I needed to find a new roommate somewhat quickly, and no one came because of bad location and a bad room, I wasn't going to pay...
I need to evacuate my apartment in the next few hours. It's not in a good place, it looks pretty bad, and I don't have any good memories from here, yet somehow I feel kinda sad never coming back.
I was just thinking, we are generally more affected by our perception of reality than reality itself.
a 1998 Hyundai Lantra, not much I know, but I do drive it like there's no tomorrow.
Yep, these things are really fun, they are sure to make your life a whole lot better. -_-
Not all relatable characters need to be good. ofc he was evil and deserved to die from the beginning, but he had qualities that made you identify with him, as a fictional character I'd find the...
My older sister is an INTJ and it seems like she never liked kids or babies, I honestly thought she will never have kids, but now she has a baby and it seems like she loves her very much (still hates...
I also enjoyed the Presto from the 1st Sonata, so different from the violin(or guitar) it is great!
Yep, you caught me. I'm an Ih8U, we are very simple minded people, so we can't possibly understand when someone is joking, I whole heatedly thank you for clearing that out. Ih8U is a secret type of...
Cool I love the harp! I feel it could work very well with Bach arrangements, unfortunately it doesn't seem popular to do. I play classical guitar, I uploaded a video to the ENTP videos thread...
You only feel motivated to do something when it becomes impossible. :laughing:
I think You're typing people way too much, you don't want to get to the point where you see people through 'type' glasses instead of who they personally are. What PolexiaSmallPox u200bsaid is very true,...
O.k I just got to this part- To be honest I don't know your specific situation but from what you've said this sounds very unhealthy. You guys should really talk this through, moving on might...
Understanding someone's type can only get you so far, at the end of the day everyone's an individual and any type combination could work well on a personal level. Having said that, this- can bring...
possibly :) as long as I'm here I can say one might argue claiming ENTPs are not crazy in an ENTP forum is basically preaching to the choir btw... society is stupid, can't argue against that.
aaaand wrong thread..... there should really be a way to delete posts, at least in the first few minuets...
So I've decided to help making this thread a little more active :) @PolexiaSmallPox and @jdstankosky made me want to contribute. @Themorning I enjoy seeing other people here playing guitar, and...
I can't talk for anyone else, but I see the world as an intricate web of connections ,finding patterns helps you simplify those connections, than you look for patterns of patterns and so forth....
Ha that's nice :) where I come from we don't really have that. You could say that in Israel the water is green and the grass is yellow :)
It's to see what are the first things that come to your mind :) , so far It seems ENTPs are big on open mindedness( no surprise here) but I think it's too soon to make any generalizations, I also...
You have a lake near home? O_O
For me, from the top of my head I'd have to say * Self awareness * Open mindedness * Intelligence * Talent (people who are very good at what they do) * Strong will
pretty simple, so what are the 5 traits you appreciate most in people? let's see if we can find ENTP specific patterns. comment first read other's later, so you're not affected.
I don't know why people care so much, your 'type' success or failure statistics reflect nothing on you, at the end of the day you're an individual. If you want a high paying job, go get it.
Because we value tradition above anything else.
Every person is an individual ofc but I usually tend to get along very well with ESTPs.
I really don't like happy people...
I eat 2 really small ones because I'm too lazy to make food and I forget most of the time, but don't worry, around every other week or so I eat for 3 people for a few days, so as it is I'm perfectly...
Talk about worst help ever wow, I know where not to go now when I need an advice. In defense of all the compassionate ENTPs in this forum, so little backstory can make you sound like an EMO ...
If for instance you never got any warmth from your parents, were secluded and beat up your entire childhood outside your home, and most of the people you cared about were religious nationalists who...
I think you don't get how depression works. It's like telling an anorectic oh you feel week, why don't you eat something.
You have until the end of the month. aaaand I just remembered I haven't eaten anything since morning, it's 21:00 here. I go eat now.
I make great steak though, and I'll teach you free guitar.
Soooo.... I'm going to be kicked out of my apartment if I don't find a new roommate by the end of the week, anybody thinking about moving to Jerusalem?
Lol, I was sure a lawyer, or maybe something in finance.
Sure Pi*e=8.53973422267 , o.k I have no idea where I'm going with this... But soon I wouldn't need to know anything because I would be drowning in drugmoney, sweet sweet drugmoney, so there you go.
I meant to write wide age demographic but never mind that, seeing as fucking guys is not something I'm too keen on doing at the moment, I'll stick to women in their 20's. I'm off to buy chocolate...
This post is much less pretentious, I'll give you that. And by the way sexual services at a cost of a fancy date is still prostitution I don't see the difference. As I know you're not going to...
Are you sure? Because I know some old ass people who believe some pretty stupid shit just because they've heard it enough times. I want to start a religion, so I need to address a wide range...
Around Venice in the summer :) 208250
Jerusalem, Israel 17:20
I tend to be attracted to ENTP-ENFP, and chances I'll ever find my self with an SJ are very low.'