'Learning to drive oscillated between my mom having nearly nervous breakdowns teaching me while I drove, overexplaining EVERYTHING, giving way too much detail, and just in general, being really...
Dear Undertale run, mwahahahahaha. You're all going to die :) Finally getting around to doing that genocide run.
Does Portal count?
Liberals want laws passed which spend everyone else's money. Conservatives want laws passed which steal everyone else's money. Libertarians just kinda sit in the back eating popcorn watching the...
I don't need to invent a 100W laser, they already exist. The other issue is the exponential loss over distance. If i had to guess, it'd only be good at a traffic stop. 100W diodes that are persistent...
It's not my prerogative, but if someone doesn't feel they are qualified or are uncomfortable talking about it, say that. Not some bullshit, Call a hotline right now, people care! Those are baseless...
Because Mellow was a freak who had no chance of being even half-considered L's successor, and Near was a wanna-be acting L with the knowledge of a demi-god just magically being prepared for...
My thing is that anytime I've been in that headspace, the only bullshit I hear people spout is call a hotline which is usually short for I don't want to talk to you about it, call someone who...
Ee in tee pee
Pretty hopeless tbh. I'm getting sick of everything and don't really see any reliably useful path forward. I can't stagnate forever but there's no forward I can reliably see.
Because whether they actually are or arn't, no one intends to call a hotline. If you're not, you don't actually need help so you'd not call, if you legitimately were, why call a place to try to talk...
Either one depending on the rest? I don't really think I have a preference. The eyes though...blue or green.
Stop telling suicidal people to 'call a hotline'. If they're actually suicidal, they either want someone other than a bullshit phone representative to try to help them (because nice words can't...
Am I the only one who feels like the second half of Death Note was meh compared to the first?
Aside from the vague answer, Doctor Who, what compelled your username?
Most of the trans community shoots themselves in the foot by being too accepting. The concepts of gender being entirely a social construct is a joke, and saying gender identity is merely a choice is...
So....Heart of Thorns expansion comes out the 23rd and I'm fangirling hardcore after playing the beta. It's going to be all kinds of silly fun and I can't wait for it. ^^ Anyone else play/heard of...
I...feel slightly outclassed. XD I can do cakes, cookies, cupcakes, hell, if you'd like, I could do a giant cake-sized cupcake with various ideas of frosting depending on preference (it's one of the...
When you get stuck behind a car with a handicap sticker going Congress-passing-bills levels of speed and you angrily say, Of COURSE you're handicapped, from the looks of it, physically isn't the...
Bring the alcohol and I'll bring the baked goods. :tongue:
It's perfect. :laughing:
:wink:Humor forged in the mines of Droknar with only the sharpest jokes found from working in IT and reading /r/trollxchromosomes and /r/TumblrInAction
Oh, so you're marginalizing me emotions now, huh? I express my (entirely valid and extreme) dissatisfaction with what you're doing right now and you tell me to 'stop whining'? Excuse me? I could have...
I'm extremely upset by how discriminatory you're being right now. Why would you purposely exclude other types, even as a joke? You know they don't have the emotional stability to handle that kind of...
ENTPs only? What kind of moron wants that? I'm the only one that matters.
Very dark humor makes me laugh, I can't help it. Me at work: Err, your printer isn't working. Those things are possessed I swear. Gimme a sec to get my chalk, candles, and a few orphans, this...
Logic: There's no proof magic exists! *Breaks down any attempt to explain magic into scientific terms* Emotional/Ne side: But do you have ANY idea how awesome it'd be if it were though? Maybe we...
No, you stated your opinion that you can't, it's a value-based judgement so there's not a logical way to prove which one is 'right'. Different moral values would yield different responses to that...
I believe that falls into an ethics argument on: If you mislead someone and something bad occurs because of it, does whether you intended it define if you did something wrong?
But what if you start talking about X when you were mistaken and it legitimately is Y? Would that not mislead every person you talked to? Isn't that the equivalent of lying? What if one person...
But what if red is blue for someone else? What if red is scarlet? What if red is something entirely different due to our limitations of sight? Do we always measure light based on frequency and not a...
When in doubt when it comes to being trans, if you're really seriously uncertain, I always suggest a psychologist with experience in these things to help you sort things out. Maybe you just have...
I'm trans and I side with /r/TumblrInAction 98% of the time. There's a difference between supporting a cause to not oppress people and getting off on slamming everyone you meet against the head with...
5'11 f
I'd just like to correct this. For what it's worth, when you're trans, it's not this loud echoing explosion of, YOU'RE ACTUALLY A GIRL in your head. It's a huge series of lots of different feelings...
Oh god, don't ever let COGIATI determine anything for you. That thing is the spawn of evil and inaccurate in sooooo many ways. Sexuality is something you figure out, gender is something that just...
It kinda depends. As weird as it sounds, I find lesbian women to be easier to get along with. They have more of a masculine directness while still being relateable? I don't know what it is exactly....
The few INTJs I've met can be a bit intimidating. They're a lot colder, direct, and I can't follow their train of thought like I can an INTP. It's just This is right and when I try to debate, I...
Yeah, I posted in the You know you're ENTP when forum with a troll I did, unfortunately despite all the blatant stupidity? Everyone not only thought I was serious, some even agree with my points...
Being able to troll is such an art. I have to walk such a fine line when doing so with people between saying what makes sense and saying what's obviously stupid. If I go too far and say things which...
Here's a response I got back. He really took the entire conversation very seriously.
When you post this gem in another forum and people actually take it seriously and have actual discussion on the issue. :shocked: I'm both amused and mortified for the future of the human species.
;_; I was actually looking forward to the pink.
When someone texts you with the wrong number and the conversation goes like this: Her: Mr. B I hope your dental surgery went well. Caden mentioned you were out bc of it. I know that's not fun!...
I love lamp.
When conversations between you and your friends go a little something like this: WARNING: NSFW Me: YOUR MOM Her: How old are you again? You're such a dildo (I really need to work on my...
My bf is very likely INTP. I'm a little more spastic/silly than he is but we get along really well. He's good at calming me down and making me think when I get emotional and one of the few people who...
I'd argue that what is rational is to not believe something unless there is something to back it. Since there is an infinite list of possibilities that COULD be true, believing something true until...'