
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

'Lies are the worst. Even if they're little. Even if it's just stretching the truth. I was with a guy for a long ass time, and no he wasn't what society accepts as a catch as far as life...

More often than not, authoritative figures create inefficiencies and fallacies in their speech and policies, and the assume they know what is best for the general masses, though often work a secret...

Yeah I love writing if it's interesting lol

Yeah I'll forget where my body is and run into door frames/tables/poles etc. Happens in first person video games too. I'll be stuck and frustrated for a minute then realize it's because I have...

I don't. I will do the least amount of work necessary to get whatever grade I feel like getting. If homework/assignments are 10% or less of the grade, I often won't do it, or do it...

I did one of those stupid career classes (got as far as the first personality test) and it told me nothing I didn't already know. We (as ENTPs) tend to have a very wide range of professions in which...

When you spend every single day on PerC for a month, then forget it exists for 3 years, then decide to check it out again on a daily basis.

Hmm I think it really relies on what your natural instinct is. Sure things change due to the situation, but MBTI really tries to describe the personality patterns you fall into when left to your own...

Yeah, your writing style confuses me and I forget why I'm reading it. (Not meant in offense, just an observation of my own mental state). And now I've forgotten what I had intended to write. ...

I actually have found that I'm highly self critical and frequently have slightly higher expectations for myself than for others. Perhaps that's just me though.

I don't do much in the way of crazy/risky shit, though people always assume I do. I speed, and I drive cars hard (aka, how they were intended to be driven, not retarded douchebag I lowered my...

You're probably right. It's also probably a defense mechanism, because feelings get in the way and they're the cause for a whole lot of grief that can be avoided if I just avoid them in the first...

My interests are generally more in line with guys than with girls. I have a few close female friends, but I don't see them on a daily basis, and I'm okay with that. It pisses me off when I...

Yes. Anger is the emotion I am by far the most comfortable with and the most accepting of. I don't frequently cry except in times of utter desolation, which happen few and far between (usually...


I'll figure it out in about nine and a half years.

Agree. (Probably an ENTP thing, I guess..) Doesn't feel like I go out that often. Perhaps because I don't plan things in advance (a week or more) 80% of the time. Yet friends will still call me on...

What about a look? (:

Oh. If I see something I own on someone else (especially if I decide it looks better on them) I will stop wearing and usually give away mine. Even if I liked it a lot when I bought it.

haha yeah. I was wondering what we were supposed to do with this besides acknowledge each other...

I'm naturally nocturnal. It doesn't depress me though. I know why, anyway. I really enjoy the quiet of a house asleep. I've never been good with mornings. Of late, I've been going to sleep after...

I dated an ENTJ for a bit. I got emotionally attached, and so when he broke it off, I was distraught for almost a whole week. Then I got over him in a single instant (saw a picture that embodied our...

I met one once by chance. One of (I say one of for benefit of the doubt only) the most interesting people I've ever met. Hands down. Unfortunately the relationship was short lived as we live...

Hey. Sup bitches.

So this topic looked interesting, so here I am. I'm very much ENTP, but I do find that I actually do this too. I don't know so much about a mirror per se, but I do morph my observable...

It's like reading my own fantasy! ... If I fantasized. :P

haha yeah I do this. I usually don't talk out loud though. If I'm alone though, I'll get as loud as mouthing the words, but I'll add hand gestures and facial expressions. It's always conversational...

Definitely the psycho thing for me. ;)

To add to the bit about our hate thread being longer (even if that is because a vast majority of people tend to focus on the negative aspects of others...), I'm noticing a lot more ENTPs posting in...

Friends in general, it's about 60-40 guys (but that could be because I'm in my early 20s, and don't look hideous). Close friends, probably 60-40 girls. But I get along with guys better from the git...

I think INTPs are terribly interesting. Even if they don't think they are. I've dated an INFJ (can't stand him for more than about 2 hours now), an ENFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ, ESTP (physical...

I was the universe last year. ... Wear the costume still on a daily basis... >.> I was thinking about this a while back, but I've forgotten. My memory's just like that... : OH! I remember!...

Initial observation (no interaction) I generally get: ditzy, crazy drunk bitch, chick who dresses really strangely (but god, those tights are glittery..), hot chick who they'll pretend to listen to...

off camera, yeah probably entp.

Your mom's right (: Friends with whom I click best with/get along best with: ENFP: 5 ENTP: 3 INTJ: 2 ENTJ: 2 ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2

hmm I think enneagram has some validity. Not necessarily in this case, though. Still stand by Munchies, it's very situational. We can only say so much. It's really up to self analysis. What...

... yeah I just bought it... >.>

God, I would like to start out by stating that I agree with every point you made, so this is not an attack nor a defense, merely an elaboration. Aight. So I'm thinking stupid people= those who...

mmm weed... Yeah I actually had to step back and force myself to stop smoking for at least a month cause it was getting out of hand and I was going down the stoner path. Hopefully I'll be able to...

SJ types. I'm trying to think of someone I know well who's SJ and I can't think of one. Isn't that one of the more common types? I guess I just have a tendency to be very picky in the company I'm...

Made a universe outfit for Halloween. Wore it. Friends asked if it was for Halloween or just 'cause. Also. Neon green capris. Dig it.

I'm almost always out with friends. I have a wide variety of friends too from all different corners of life. Some of the social circles overlap, usually because of my introducing them to each other. ...

@Revolution - LMFAO. That is all. and if we use that video as a definition of stupid people then - I deal with stupid people by finding the humor in what they are saying (and try not to get too...

If I'm not mistaken, the IQ test was originally developed when public education became a standard in the US. It's purpose was to determine what levels to place children with no educational background...

Learning is the shit. It's the allure of something new and [figuratively] shiny. I totally get it. I'm always excited to go back to school, but as soon as it becomes a routine, I lose interest and my...

I mess with people. Confuse them, freak 'em out, but I always set 'em straight in the end. I NEVER maliciously manipulate people. Sometimes it's read as such though. Especially with guys - they...

hmm I think stupid should be defined. Sounds odd, I know. Personally, I don't necessarily consider someone who does non-thought-through things to be stupid, nor someone who can't argue. Some...

you find that it's 9am and you haven't gotten to sleep yet because you were on a roll trying to hack your cell phone/reading interesting things on a forum/downloading new music/editing music... what...

Mess with 'em. Or limit conversation with them to close to none. I'm in partial customer service, so I have to deal with them on a daily basis. I have a routine set of questions, and if they're...

type 8 ENTP Sorry I'm late (but I'm worth the wait. Fuck you English for rhyming words I don't want to rhyme. Fuck. You.).'