
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

'22013 I actually thought I was going to score a bit more towards the libertarian side. I blame the way that the questions was written. Would be interesting to see if there are any ENTPs that score...

In my book hipsters are people who meet the following criteria: - Have an obsession about mentioning stuff (most often music or other cultural stuff) they think noone else have heard about. -...

You look more like you're ENTJ. You're not low on the P by any chance?

In socionics that differs a bit from MBTI, ENTp and ISFp are duals (the best match). It could be that you're ISFp according to socionics, or that he's ENTj. Either way, if you get along there's no...

the speech in the end of 25th hour always gets me. :blushed:

What I've come to know about how I best materialize ideas is to follow a general outline, like: 1. Describe the general idea of what you want to do. Be specific in setting the boundaries of what...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSq0ymTLO-c! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSKdv8RRPNo

OT: ENTPs don't need to be told what reasoning led to the specific conclusion. We don't work that way. Look at me generalizing! If you're not with us - you're not :wink: OT: I want park...

:unsure: (well he probably deserved it, but for goodness sake try group therapy next time!)

First question. What's rotc? Then: I'm not from the us so I don't know what you can expect. Haven't been in the army. I wanted at first, and in the recrution process I performed my best so that I...

Ha :laughing: I came to think of a slightly related experience from maths when at gymnasium. I was always doing other things in class, playing cards, chess, disturbing the serious students with...

Hi! I just came out of the closet. I am ENFP (previously typed as ENTP), and the topic of this thread is one of the reasons I had a hard time realizing I was in fact a closetF :cool: Apparantly I've...

It's the same for me. But I've got much better at handling stress lately. Some kind of revelation + I think I've developed my Si and Fe quite a bit the past months. The biggest source of stress...

okay I think I got it. In the first empty space: in possession of a lot of mdma And in the last one: a naked chick in bed with my name on her

Okay so you know him via academics.. When giving presentations, does he use his arms alot, gesturing etc? If he doesn't, he probably is an INTx. Another key is how scipted his appearance is. Or...

This could have been written about me by someone who's known me for less than 4 years. At first I got a little bit paranoid. But then again, even if your one in a million there's 7000 people just...

Ne: 44,8 Ti: 44,2 Te: 41 Se: 26,9 Si: 22,8 Ni: 21,6 Fi: 21,5 Fe: 16,4 Didn't really like this test. The questions was a bit rough. I'll cling on to my sig for know.

Ha, I love this one! That could mean so many things. My mind races, and most of the tracks are dirty:tongue: But that would imply we are bad lovers, maybe even rapists :dry: she said there is no...

I haven't really scanned the thread very carefully, but I saw a lot of things I like and i was pleasantly surprised to not see any mentions of the godfather. Might be due to poor perception though :P...

http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/500/10603625/Uffie+n1218640719_30110792_1334.jpg http://www.loopsandpluto.com/press/uffie.jpg http://dragonsvsdinosaurs.com/dropfolder/stuffs/mostuffs/Uffie1.jpg...

Does collecting fossiles makes one a dinosaur?

The collected stories - Amy Hempel.. Just started so dunno if they're any good yet

from a history of violence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FchdTnEx638

OMG! It's Steve Jobs http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/Steve_Jobs.jpg

som synden sveper han förbi lätt att älska står dig bi tar din hand och för dig rätt allt du missat, det du ej sett men det du fått tar han tillbaks och kvar blir blott en bitter smak krossar...

Wow sounds like my dreamgirl :blushed:

If I've been proven wrong, I say That's true. You were right. It kinda exciting in some way. However if someone wants to rub it in my face I get a strong urge to beat their skulls in with a...

http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_kwfry2P5Nw1qzfhblo1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1265902062&Signature=8l4mOu9liC%2FoL8Egd1%2BrA7KhmAA%3D taken from...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad3Hzsy1-20 Bolognese and a bottle of wine in good company is one of those small things that makes your life worth living :blushed:

1 - I have my own apartment 2 - I am of legal drinking age 3 - I have good hygiene 4 - I make delicious bolognese 5 - Your parents will like me

for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so - Dr Josef Mengele

Hehe yes :laughing: They keep the beer from coming up again once down. Don't want to stain that white sweater. The strings tend to get stuck between the teeth though :blushed:

I can down a beer with four tampoons in my mouth in less than 3 sec :wink:

Just finished catcher in the rye and started on to kill a mockingbird.

Is it just I how see a striking resemblance to Gil Bellows? http://18.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ktud6lERJX1qzwinzo1_400.jpg Okay maybe not this picture but when I imagine how he looks and then...

Well hello there miss, there seems to be a problem with your papers. a formal matter at most but we'll still need you to come in here and.. *thump* *scheeeeeeeesch*(dragging noise) +far away...

Sorry, but I'm not that good with the english language. Does the fine text say that to be able to question if meaning exists there must be a meaning?

Very interesting thread. I hope more people will add to this. I don't think i associate specific feelings/moods or disconnect via using other languages. One thing I've realized though is that when...

Hehe. I just reread my posts and saw that I've used meaning and value synomously or wrong in some other term several times. Well anyhow, just wanted to add, just because something lacks meaning...

Sounds like you may get 100% succesrate that way. You go girl!

I really don't know anything about medicin but I would guess that there's a lot of factors you can't change by will when the brain is fully developed. Like how the synapses are hooked up and stuff...

Samaire Armstrong wiie: http://5.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kuntz0qwMi1qzrdg8o1_400.jpg http://lilypadiddle.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/samaireshort.jpg

I really hate this... It's like you've surrounded yourself with walls thick as your moma and high as ya brotha and the only way for someone to get inside is to dig, dig, dig through all the bs fake...

you know you're an entp when you think dolphins and monster trucks are completely comparable

I'm extremely vane. It's not that I want to be liked by everyone but to different people I show different sides and I care about they pereiving me the way I want them to.

I believe that when you die your life will have no meaning to you. And on a long enough time scale your life will be meaningless to others. I just don't see a point in putting life in the infinity...

Being remembered and all that might be great but I see it like you have this life. This life is your chance to accomplish things, do good for your fellow man and live your life. What would be the...

You've probably heard it before but, my absolute favourite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLq7Aqd_H7g

I was surprised that not more of my favourite movies where mentioned in this thread. Well anyway here's my top 7: 25th hour City of God Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead Death to Smoochy...

Veronica Maggio: http://dyngan.se/karinafmalmoe/files/2008/08/vronica-maggio.jpg http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/24192099/Veronica+Maggio+Och+vinnaren+r.jpg'