
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

'Two kids and a job that includes moving around from one country to another, I guess tanstaafl28 was right when he said never try to pin down an Entp, very very interesting answer

I agree with you completely, but still curious about other people(types)

I figured that I might get that answer, but if you had to choose one, and I'm not saying that in real life it's that kind of choice, which would it be?

How do you see your life turning out, do you wish an average life, having a 9 to 5 job, wife and kids etc. or do you think a life of adventure and uncertainty is better suited for you? I'm not...

sometimes, I think most people make their lives seem more interesting than they really are so you get the feeling yours is boring and uneventful, but sometimes it's pretty damm interesting, more so...

Might give Hungary a go, it's close and my people have had some experience with that school so it looks promising, thank you for the advice =DD

Nah not really, just joking around but do tell me more of this Dictatorship institute, do they have a European branch?

Double post: First order of buisness ... Double posts are mandatory

so what you're saying is that the job competition is high, not sure but even with that in mind I still think it's a more realistic goal than visible abs, at least in the whole dictator department the...

I confess that I wish I had a serious goal in life, something like complete world domination, or visible abs etc, you know what I mean

Hahhah see you know us better than you think, a good example of that would be you explaining to me and convincing me that I can't pass all of my finals based purely on charm

Also on a more serious note if you're interested, no test or anything of the sort, one thing I've noticed I do always seek is potential, possibility of growth and so on, I'm not really interested in...

Well you certainly pass the... Can you write a thread that shoots up my already high ego even higher...test so keep up the good work

That's because we are, to boldly go where no man(or woman) has gone before is a Entps goal in life.... or something like that :perc2:

I agree that we can be provocative in arguments but I don't think that adds to the belief that we're better than everyone, it just annoys the hell out of them :laughing: and makes it easier for us to...

I don't think it's NTs thinking the're better than everyone, it may originate from discussions in which an NT will calmly present their theories based on facts and the other type might take it as...

I just showed this to a infp friend of mine half epecting he'd deny the whole thing and accuse me of this and that(as he normaly does when I try to analize him) but he admited it to being 90%...

I don't think any one type should strive to become another, maybe if we knew the Batmans type you should go for his but other than that no, regarding NT scepticism I would have thought that to be...

I think you're never going to be completely happy, or completely understood, or accepted and you should accept that, I don't think there is any one solution to all your problems, but it's important...

This is one of the most interesting threads I've read in some time, pray continue... (just observing and being a diplomat in my own head)

yeah I'm thinking I need to work on that a bit, I have a tendency not to fit into one single group of people, I kinda pick out people who seem interesting to me and move on, the problem being I often...

Right on to your signature, well thats flattering :laughing: anyway Se dominant would be Esfp or Estp.... well no, probbably anyway, I've looked at this from a lot of angles and it seems to me the...

I do realize spending some time in entp forums doesn't make me an entp but the thing is I've taken the test a lot of times and most of them I got entp, I see myself in most of the entp descriptions,...

I realize now that I should have gone into more depth when writtung this post, so thank you for your oppinions, when it comes to me being an Estj, Enfp or Esfp I dont see any of those types as a...

I have read about them but not to a lot of detail, so I did your test and i got Intj, other possibilities are Entj and Isfp(weird) , Intj does make a lot of sense to me but good friend of mine is a...

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? Well concerning extra/intraversion I do like being around people but I don't feel like it fuels my batteris, it can be great...

I think the trick is taking little steps so as to not put much pressure on your self and on the other hand your making progress, if you should fail just stop, gather that strenght deep inside and try...

That I have to be the dominant alpha dog in every sittuation, pretty much learned to control those urges when I feel there isn't a need for me stepping in, I mostly show my 8ness when it looks like...

I don't like it but I think I have to, I really don't want to but it seems I don't have any other options, you guys/gals are great, just seemed like you should know that, I thought for some time I...

as promised.... :wink: There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself. Louis IV If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into...

Thank you for your answers, 11/10 every one of them, made me see some new sides to the concept of strenght so thanks again

So I was wondering how different enneagram types would describe strenght and if there even is a big difference between the explanations, for me everything is in this quote There is little that can...

Esfp, most likely to get in a fight(physical) over a girl/boyfriend?

Entp having a conversation like this.... A: you're stupid B: you're stupid A: you're annoying B: you're annoying A: stop copying me B: stop copying me ...:tongue:

Isfp, most likely to enjoy listening to Enrique Iglesias?

Intp, most likely to be a mad person?

Intj, most likely to be full of contradictions, like enjoys being sad etc?

entp most likely to enjoy both serious literature and also reality shows?

Istj, most likely to be seen normaly walking down the street listening to music with headphones on and suddenly burst out dancing uncontrollably

I think I read somewhere that Infjs are most interested in MBTI and other things of the sort and since that is about self discovery for the most part I'm gonna go with Infj, most likely to have...

If I don't put them in their place, like my mobile has to go in my right forward pocket, my keys the left, wallet back left pocket etc. if they're somewhere else yeah, there is a distinct...

A little embarrassed but totally possible.... Entp most likely to love meeting new people but have a small circle of friends, like 1-3?

When peoples argument begins with.... but he/she told it was so and so and I believe them because they're a good and honest person.... Entp

Well that was dissapointing hahaha, no problem, maybe I'll have better luck next time :D

WW2 Germany, a kid writes an essay about what duty means, all this because his father( a local policeman ) has caught him with paintings belonging to his old school friend artist, now the policeman...

S. Lenz , German Lessons , anyone read it?

Intj, most likely to cheat on their significant other?

Infj, most likely to be a narcissist but not really, just cause they wanted to see peoples reactions

Infj, most likely to feel like a cartoon character?

I'd do it so Entp, type most likely to say.... liar liar pants on fire ?'