'So you're saying I shouldn't learn discipline and accept being lazy :unsure:
I feel as though I could accomplish so much more if only I had the work ethic to actually *do* the things I think about. It's something that's been bothering me a bit lately, I know I could...
Mom: INFJ Dad: ENFP (bipolar) I don't really get along with any of them.
ENTP...you just *ooze* ENTP.
http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1316/1436119560_8db1fc3bd7_o.jpg Mhmmm....sexxxxx :blushed: http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Gerard%20Butler-5.jpg *sigh* I was watching Bounty Hunter...
When your science teacher asks a question and you give the most straightforward answer and your teacher says its wrong only to go off on a lecture which is essentially is exactly what you said. ...
Mom: INFJ Dad: ENFP (he's bipolar though so maybe it's inaccurate). Older Brother: INFP Younger Brother: INTJ (could be off since he's autistic) Younger Brother: ENTP or ENFJ (those are the two...
Am I the only person here who would be comfortable in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt? It's hell to get me in a dress and heels, well it used to be hell to get me in a dress until the maxi dress came...
Sowwy! :laughing:
Every guy I've been really attractive too was an ISTP. So I'd love to be in a relationship with one, however all the ISTPs I've been attracted to have been inaccessible (too old, has a...
Thank you, that's a very mature way to put it. I have friends from all sorts of religious denominations and whenever the hardcore atheists and theists butt heads I always tell them that neither group...
Usually whenever my Ne gets out of control it's usually due to a negative emotion. If I'm awaiting a punishment or I'm feeling guilty (haha rarely ever) my Ne into chaos mode and I imagine all sorts...
Yeap if you read it and understand Arabic it's even more beautiful. It really annoys me when I read the English translation and words and meanings get lost in translation.
Haha at least you aren't attacking me for it. Most people assume that if I'm Muslim I must be oppressed or ignorant or both. Oh and they bring up verses in the Quran and try and get a rise out of me.
The one in the middle is actually an ISFJ ^_^
Well I'm a Muslim. ^^
I GOT MY PERMIT w00t! I find it so funny how I hardly studied for it and my aunt and brother studied their butts off the last week and I was the only one who passed!!! *insert victory dance* ...
You know you're an ENTP when your teachers love you for your quick wit at the beginning of the semester and towards the end they establish a love-hate relationship with you because of your...
I know the types for all girls in the picture (myself included). http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs106.snc3/15351_338993270206_597195206_9700078_7600856_n.jpg Here are individual...
Haha sorry if I'm crashing the thread but one of my best friends is an ISTJ :tongue: Nobody really gets why we are friends, until they really see us in action. Apparently we're the Monica and...
I realized a few days ago, that I can really control people if I wanted. I have an older brother who is an INFP who if I present things to in a seemingly logical way, he'll totally believe me and do...
Hey I found you funny...but only because your desire to stop my diabolical plan was hilarious. ^__^
Pfft I'm sure that one day a wacky ENTP will invent a machine like that. We are inventors afterall. I suppose we should keep the INFJs instead of the INTJs...I'm sure they wouldn't question us. Oh...
We can still be friends! I said you were desperate but not that desperate wasn't my type haha :laughing:
Desperate is more like it ;)
This has emo written all over it. But then again INFP has emo written all over it : ) I actually do give thought to how I want to do. I know I want to be remembered, I want to do something that...
According to the bible: Urban Dictionary: m00m
Color: I really don't have one, it switches all the time, right now it's orange. Tomorrow it could be purple. Planet: Uranus ;) and if you could be what animal what would it be: Hyenas are...
I can never lose when I'm wearing it!
Oh that I'm amazing attractive? I already knew that ^_^
We're just that irresistible.
One of my closest friends is an ESTP. At first we look eerily alike, we're both extremely goofy and outgoing. But you'd have to watch us a little closer to tell the difference. For example, in middle...
Pfft ENTP > ENFP ^_^ We're like you...only better!
Oh! I just discovered this little thingy (ok so I stole it from someone else's post so sue me) Name? Ikram (it's supposed to mean honorable in arabic...my mom sucks at naming things/people/pets)...
Hi y'all! I'm really terrible with first impressions...I feel all jittery and I talk to much and get way off topic but I'll try to contain myself (and my run on sentences!). I'm 16 years old,...
I don't like it when others bash my ideas without really hearing them out. Just assuming that something is wrong without really thinking about it infuriates me and then...and only then will I really...'