'ENTP. Or INTP, I have blood type A+
Entps have the second lowest GPA of all types (I googled it) and yet I have got a 96% and the only things I didn't get an A is in languages and History.
I know I am constantly trying to grab her attention.. That infj girl. I think I love her or something.
You people found any patterns?
How do you act when you see someone you love? Do try to grab attention? Treat then nicely..? Since entps like change, and get bored easily, does that mean they're not loyal? How deep do you...
I sleep fully under the covers sometimes on my back if it's hot, on my stomach if it's cold, on my side if I'm reading usually with One knee bent
This is a bit off-topic, but how can god be human? How can human make humans? Anyways My questions to god 1- why do u have only one son, and why is your son human, if ure son is human does that...
I though god doesn't regret.. It's amazing how we all think of god differently, it's interesting to know what people think god is like
I think you're a good person but you should have done things differently. You can't just hit some guy and brake his nose I think it could have been better in another way. I don't know I mean you...
Omg but I thought I was a type a personality 😱 I swear I really think I'm a mistyped intp!
Well if my friend asks me to go play basket ball with her I honestly would feel lazy to do so. But if I have chores or homework, it's not that I feel lazy, but I'm usually doing something else more...
I usually get really nervous around guys in general I think I have the same problem.. I thought it was my bad self esteem or confidence or whatever, I never thought it was because I was an I and not...
Ok this is frm my diary so it's not well done
Me last thing/ do u really believe we all (every single intp) can relate to the same things exactly? Really life would suck if there was only 16 types or exact same people. It's impossible. So...
Maybe the F is strong for girls, cuz it's in our nature (science proves it!) but maybe there is no such thing as a perfect personality because we all have different percentages, different...
Something like that I get a lot, I totally relate really. But sometimes I feel like I need to be more scheduled but I can never follow one! So I'm trying to be a J (more planning less chaos). ...
Wow u troubled ppl thanks god I'm still 16
Well I on the other hand. Had to literally reject a few guys before they even approach! Im not saying I'm so lovable or anything but I almost always have a guy who has a crush on me! I'm not even...
Btw I'm a women and I feel! Ok ppl don't think I score 100% on the t scale
Ya I wanna know
Omg I don't even know if I'm an intp but I always get the same result so, Idk
Being so shy and nervous at places, but crazy wild around well known people :D Always the odd one out and I don't know if it's my personality or the way I look or if it's just me feeling things...
Wow infj? I'm a fan of u ppl !
Hey iq is supposed to test your introverted thinking and intuition and thinking, and ability to solve new things that's you have never seen before (intp) literally intps have all these traits which...
Ya I think low self esteem and procrastination
Lol I googled it
Infjs are awesome
Wow how easy is it for u to study :/ I'm so jealous.
really i don't know i shy away automatically i swear
I don't understand why U think we're incestuous omg :
|omg guy shy it's guy shy! !
Like red tomato cheeks nervous lool no joke
Ok dude Intp girls are not that bad, like a lot of guys think I'm fine and I'm loyal like very loyal and easy going bla bla but I'm disorganized so .. Idk
I think enfps or inFps wud be much more of a girlfriend and I guarantee she will make u happy or any other guy I also think girls with an F are much better
I dunno abt other intp girls but sometimes I lie to say I'm taken just to avoid any guy even to think about approaching unless I actually feel attracted to him I hate making guy friends they make...
I believe I'm some where around 110-125 somewhere in between.. But I'm not sure I could be 109 or if I'm very lucky 126.. I always thought I was one step ahead or my friends, however now and the...
Financially entjs make sooooo much more money than any other type like way up the scale
Entj's make (by far) the very most amount of money, and they're pretty successful IDE say trying to be more open and extroverted will give u better chance with jobs and communication skills that are...
What is self oral 8-0! Omg
Lol I have music in my head a Always too
I really am starting to unrelated to intps the more I know about them.. I don't know why I'm an intp. I not a mathematical genius either. I network and google all the time but books I barely touch....
Hey I'm an intp girl
Low confidence or low seld esteem, sometimes bulimic behaviors and wanting to be perfect. Procrastination is another thing and being unable to follow a plan all interfere with my grades and trying...
One reason why I never actually asked a guy out is because love for me is uncommon. Another reason is even though I fall in love like intensely. Like I would think a bout conversations with that...
Hey I'm an INTP and I ALWAYS go through such stories, but because my friends and childhood friends(very close: almost like family) thanks god I don't lose them- I hate having to deal with people...
My love story? Loving someone and chatting with that person online for like many hours (maybe12) non-stop is very much like love to me. The farthest I have went is to get close enough to...
Hey, I'm also intp, and I also feel this abnormal attraction to this one intelligent girl in class, believe it or not I was attracted to her before I ever knew she was so intelligent and the more I...'