
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

'I'm an ENTP I guess if you really buy that those four letter define my every inch of being. But my top 10 artists/bands are: 10. Buckethead 9. The Strokes 8. Band of Clouds 7. My friend who...

So, been awhile since I posted here and lately I've changed my perspective on this mbti stuff. Like, I no longer really buy into it that much. But I do think that it gets a few things here and there....

And then a turtle went toward them and said, upon arrival, الله أكبر, and blew up, causing a giant explosion to engulf everything.

Come on people, can I get a few more replies? We need a bigger sample size to come to a conclusion. In case I didn't make it clear, my brother and I made a bet on whether the baby's hair is blonde or...

Did you manage to get into any corps at all? There's a lot of PvE corps. Like mining corps or whatever.

http://puu.sh/dAwTB/49557e80a5.jpg Blond or brown? 5 bucks hinges on your answers.

I was a shitty pirate who miners always managed to out-do. Plus, I could never get into a decent corp. But, it was a pretty fun game.

We'd fuck, of course. Like... it's pretty obvious.

Is there a tl;dr version of this? I got like... things to do. And stuff.

But what about spiders? They're not insects :P

Why are you proud? Do you think you made those 10k people and the admin suddenly become not homophobic just because their freedom of speech was stripped away? That's retarded.

I'm curious about this. I consider myself to be a decidedly not angry person. For the most part, I just don't give a shit. But something about the way I talk and the things I like to talk about seems...

Well gee, thanks. I got that I got that part. What I don't get is the why and how of it. If you're proud of your roots, there must be a reason.

Well, I never said I thought you are a nationalistic extremist. All I'm saying is that to be proud of your roots you have to believe that the peoples who make up your roots are superior than others....

I'm sorry, but there is a problem with that. The fact is that being proud of your heritage implies that the people who make up your heritage are superior than the people who didn't. I'm...

None, you idiot. That's not why they call it the Milky Way. u need 2 go bak 2 presk0l, u dum hore.

Not innocent of everything. But I'm pretty sure a good majority are innocent when it comes to raping little girls after killing their families. *shrugs* Maybe I'm just cray-cray.

Not unless matter has a massive dick, but then it couldn't be Light, because he's an Asian with a notebook that kill people.

Children's stories. Because children looooovee to hear about the rules of engagment pertaining to the rape of young virgin girls and how mixed fabric is the way Lucifer gets close to you by hitching...

INFJs are crazy beyond belief in ways that make you go .... That's a good thing, btw.

Child birth is actually really interesting. Like, two people just say one day, hmm, let's make a baby. and then they fuck without protection and boom! A little monster pops out of Mommy's...

A poem? I could totally do that. Let's see.. I got bitches and money, Got cocaine, you know, honey. I snort a line, sitting on my bed, Fuck it, don't care if I get an aneurysm, because I don't...

ENTP/sign?/I think Pisces/.. Carbon would be the most notable one, I'm pretty sure.

Well, you guys is pretty coooot.

It's okay. I understand. We can still be best friends forever.

Or, look at it like this: E, seeks to engage one's own desire to connect with the outside world. Thus, becomes concerned with satisfying their own needs as extroverts. N, perceives the world...

UglierBetty No, fuck you. I'm a visionary, god dammit!

Can everyone just watch this and shut up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z7UnO66q9w

Yeah, I was raised Muslim. But I became an atheist when I was like 12 or 13. Just 'cause I thought about it. The same year I stopped doing the Pledge of Allegiance because fuck patriotism, too....

This is something I've noticed with ESTPs and ENTPs. This may just be with me and my experience, but it seems like we often feign stupidity on some occasions while also acting like complete smart...

That's flawed logic since I only put him on there because I couldn't think of a fifth character and remembered relating most to Piggy out of the whole cast of LotF. Well, that's why you're wrong. But...

Nice. Very close, I'm actually an ENTP. Piggy is obviously an INTP, btw. I don't know how you get feeler from him, but whatever.

Okay, I've set my personality type to unknown for the purposes of this.. thing. I'll set it back to my type when someone guesses. Okay, my top five favorite characters are(in no particular...

Not a fighter, but if someone resorts to physical violence... Well, first you have to consider. Who are they to you? Also, where are you when you just got hit? Sometimes, you can both resolve the...

Dude, what's your field of work? Now I have to know? Are you like a secret CIA agent? Or a politician? WHO ARE YOU!?!?

I'm thinking if I get bored enough that I'll go and post this same question in all the other temperaments just to see if there is some kind of link or something. But for now, I just want to see: What...

Honestly, I don't want a painful, grandiose death. Just something that's cool. Like, getting shot in the head. Quick and painless. But still a pretty cool way to go. But I think this generation's...

I'm not sure if that idea is actually a good one. I'm not ready to simply dismiss it off-hand, but as of now, I think it needs a bit more consideration and contrast with the cognitive functions...

So I got a melancholy, but that doesn't sound right at all. I'd say I'm most likely a sanguine phlegmatic. Sanguine at home, phlegmatic at school and with strangers. That tends to be how it is. I...

What is skub? I looked on the know your meme websiteasodeamenteelsayid, but it still doesn't make even half an iota of sense. It's a substance? What substance? Is it like hair gel? Is this like a...

The ENTP you describe sounds a lot like me. I mean, it's odd. Being an ENTP, I should be a lot more all over the place, and I am at times. But at school, for example, I'm just too inhibited and...

Love it, man. You are pretty much my favorite person in the world. Seriously. Probably a close runner-up to Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

I generally receive three compliments said in varying ways. You're smart. Nice hair. Nice eyes. But one of my teachers from this year said in an email to me, You have a lot of potential; you...

I predict that non-ENTPs will invade this thread within three days, if the thread even lives that long.

I'm still a teenager as well and I don't even fucking know. My asshole introspective stage was from 6th-8th grade. My trouble-making joker stage was when I was even younger. Last year I was depressed...

Just had this wonderful little exchange with my Dad. Him and my Mom just came back from a movie, and bring back some nachos for me. He's an IxTJ Dad knocks on door(of my room): I brought you back...

I said this a few months ago. Now, I've grown as a person and would like to make a slight amendment to that statement. Dear ISTJs, As a result of a recently made friendship with an ISTJ, I only...

Well, on the topic of Lorde's sexual attractiveness. I'm actually a year younger than she is now, so that pretty much means it's okay if I think she's hot. *sticks tongue out* Nah nah nahnah nah!

I was going to argue with you but then I thought about how it actually works. I thought about how the masses of text-on-a-screen incite emotional or intellectual objections and compel people to act...

Well, here's the thing. I'm pretty certain of my type as an ENTP. Especially when I was a little kid, that was kind of my own personal Classical Era. I was interested in so much things and pursued so...'