'Can't see my thanks received page, as in the url just loops to my profile page somehow.
Not really, but it isn't abnormal. Wanting to die AND having a concise and clear plan is though. If you start formulating plans, that's when you should get help, other than that, extreme...
Exact. Opposite. Problem.
Show him this thread.
You forgot pseudophenotively.
Made my head hurt. On the plus side I think I remember an assload of calculus formulae now. On the downside I have no idea what I was suppsoed to do for the day, also headache.
Quick random question, do you have any recent stressors (things that cause you stress) this past year? Not asking for personal info and shit, just a yes or no is fine. Either way, doubtful you're...
-A better punching bag maybe. -sunscreen -Board shorts -A toy hammer -A plunger?
You changed a bit too late, if at all. So, going any farther would result in stalking, I'd say just quit.
In my experience this doesn't work out much, the people who want to fuck you for being on the top, don't want to fuck you when you're at the bottom. Better to find someone similarly shitty and...
My turn, I've been rejected more than 50 times (I lost count a looong time ago, it's probably in the hudreds by now), only had 4 relationships out of that pot, had 4 that I didn't really start, two...
nosrsly, I'll show you mine if you show me yours?
I miss you as much as your toe fungus does. Which is who are you again and why do you smell so horrible?
12, not counting taxidermied animals, in which case... 381.5
We ran out of godzilla arguments, also it's fun to out-ironic hipsters. Gives me a slight headache trying to remember inconsequential factoids, but whatevs.
50% of men who read the above looked silly just now. Babies taste with their hands.
Your penis size is the entire length of your hand divided by the length of your toe.
Let's play a game. How many times have you been rejected?
You people really have fucked up sexcapades at the back of my favorite Arby's.
I don't remember the specifics of the cognitive research, but the findings was that you can remember 7-ish things per sitting, whether it be 7 letters, 7 words, or 7 sentences. What I'm trying to...
Don't play it.
Read the abstract at first, let it simmer, then look at the data, and ignore the conclusion, unless you're reading it for debate purposes. For studying, take notes, not one note, notes.
That's a shit-ton of tyrones.
A small tab on the side that goes in real time, is going to detract from people using the forums where the response time is usually ~1 minutes to an entire day? What I'm trying to say is that...
Isn't it possible to put the chatbox at a sidebar? And then put more ads on the other side, to even it out?
I'm just happy faggot mcjewels wasn't in a poll like this again. The internet is growing u- ... Annnnd something stupid probably happened in tumblr and reddit while I typed that. Nevermind.
I miss playing e-detective.
Voteforwatnow. Space Jesus?
Because you're important enough to keep tabs over.
So sorry we made a hobby out of your dayjob bruh. But hey, we'd never be able to undercut you on that form of business.
Look at the previous post before yours. See the time difference. Realize you're a necromancer.
Please, we're all losers. Hopefully we can be losers together. Well, so that'd be a dollar a minute, so not really a waste. OHRIGHT DARK SOULS ggnore.
Sorry, but it doesn't work that way, you give me the substance. I give a cut to my pimp, and we get to do research. It's all a legitimate business, you understand.
Can I get jury duty too then?
Self-testing produces biased results due to confirmation. You'd need a double blind test.
And evidence comes from research, so research away.
I'm more impressed you paid attention to those faggots to learn the intricacies of their behavior. Not to mention overcomplexifying them is precisely the problem. Unless the giant gender pronouns...
Please. You give yourself too much credit. You wouldn't last a minute.
There. I have a dark souls 3 gitgud marathon to finish. ggnore. Also, I can only do seduction. I suck at cybering. For those who're gonna be cock/vaginateases.
http://www.xojane.com/sex/stuff-i-get-off-on-orgasm-edging :D Goodluck~
Hey, no skin off my back. But are you really sure you aren't even the least bit curious what it is? How to perform it, etc? And wouldn't it be better to have an expert show you how to do the general...
There's a lady version of edging, wanna try it? :wink: Hey, if you don't want a try, you don't want a try. But you are missing out on so many new ways and positions to try. Course not, it...
tl;dr'd after the first sentence. It's the same thing keirsey and jung said, only more english, and less pseudosciency, I guess. Sooooo, surewhynot, it's a generalization I agree on.
How'd you even do that?
It won't be the only thing to blow if you gave us a chance.
It's a shame you weren't involved. But chances are, you never will be. Good on you.
Well, indirectly maybe, more food = more energy = less sleep. Also, eating before sleeping is bad, by the way. Don't remember why, but I'm guessing it's a digestion thing.
niggapls. I'm probably your dad. Also most likely your mom. Not to mention i dont talk server anymore'