'I agree with you on this for the same reasons. I've seen / done things (repeatedly) that are waaay too improbable to be mere coincidence. I've come to the conclusion that either I'm schizotypal or...
Considering that conscious thought IS energy, via electrical pulses / chemical reactions all up inside your brainpan, I don't see how it could be all that farfetched to think that conscious thought...
What wisdom? I'm just making $#!+ up as I go. It does help having several decades of experience pretending I have a clue.
Exactly![/QUOTE] Trolololol. Wow, you're sooo clever! I wish I was as amazing as you... [/sarcasm]
That might not help as I go months without posting, but I do still check my notifications almost daily. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time to be really active these days.
So I've come across a few more terms since I last posted (which was quite a while ago). Don't know if anyone else has posted these as I'm to lazy to go back and look - ~ Alpha are the dominating...
On that note - I have no clue what I'm doing... But I guarantee that somehow it will work . Having an extremely broad, even if it's not necessarily deep, knowledge base is rather convenient,...
Just started hearing this song on the radio and immediately thought of this thread. KONGOS - I'm Only Joking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ip1irYWXck
Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way! Don't worry, be happy (This was more my childhood motto, but has been more or less replaced with the one in my sig)
This is a great point, especially with the technology today we're even more exposed to seeing the 2/3 of the population who are all touchy-feely. We're so inundated with Feeler (for lack of a better...
Personality disorders (like cognitive functions) are actually more of a continuum than a dichotomy. Everyone will have some signs / symptoms of anti-social personality, but on a scale of 1 - 10 very...
I'm with you, I got ESTP. I may be prone to action, but I'm about as far from a Sensor as you'll get. A lot of tests like to put me as an INTP as well, but I'll occasionally get ENTJ too. ...
I concur. I think we're too intense and not transparent enough for people to handle on a daily personal basis.
Here's one that's short and (I think) pretty accurate. - John's Personality Test It actually adapts the questions to your previous answers.
Wow, I suddenly feel much younger. Not that I really felt old to begin with, but I was well aware of the fact that I've got some years on these 20-something y.o. kids on this site.
I usually go Bueller…Bueller? and if they don't get that I say really? are you fucking kidding me? I'm hilarious.[/QUOTE] Sometimes I'll use Bueller, but I usually go with Datz da Joke. ...
When you slip and fall on the ice, probably adding a flourish to the fall somehow (i.e. throwing everything in your hands as high as you can, or doing a jump or twist or something), strike a pose...
Nope, just recognizing that most of these are common ENTP traits, but not necessarily exclusive to ENTPs and not all ENTPs will identify with every trait. I am very close to being an INTJ though.
You might be an ENTP... ...when someone makes the joke I don't care what they say about you... and you retort with Yeah, me neither before they can even finish the joke. And you actually mean...
I see this as a far superior thing to when only 10% of what you say is correct, but 90% is actually consequential like the majority of the general populace seems to be complacent with doing. I...
If I did that, taking the Flynn Effect into account, I'm pretty sure I could qualify for Mensa. Of course I may have to brush up on my test taking skills as I haven't really done any formal...
I hate pleated pants Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Otherwise I'm on board with the whole suits thing especially if you're doing a vest. Tie is optional, but it it needs to have an atypical...
Well, boning a heart is kind of hard to do. Anatomically impossible might I add. ;D[/QUOTE] Heart On | 1000 Ways to Die | Free Video Clips | SPIKE
You might be an ENTP if your wife gets upset with you because she knows you saw your Christmas present early as you were cleaning up in the basement because it's not where she left it and you were...
Try to keep an ENTP thread actually on track. Now that would deserve several awards.
Actually on pretty much every cognitive function test I've ever taken Ne is almost always barely higher than Ni, Ni is usually just a tiny notch above Ti, and Ti is usually just a few points above...
I had to laugh at how you put the word technically in there because even though the majority of Thinkers are men (and visa versa), Jung called all Ne personalities feminine. I've always been an...
You people are all sick and demented! ... Kind of reminds me of when I use to have a social life. Good times.
I actually see things the other way around. I tend to view atheism, disbelief, etc as a crutch for people with no real vision. I do have 2 favorite atypically religious movie characters. ...
I actually find that I use commas to interject explanations instead of parentheses, but same thing. I often go back and proofread my writing only to realize that of the 10 sentences I just wrote at...
I usually get along fantastically with ESXPs. I just always have to account for the fact that they tend to look at the surface level of things and react. They don't take into account all the angles...
Haven't actually seen this topic in a while, but it has been done and done... and done. My wife's an ISFJ and as any ENTP who's dated an ISFJ will tell you, it's a struggle and a half. I think that...
(snerk)...(snerk)(snerk)...BWAAHAAHAAHAA...Oh man, I feel your pain. Oh teh stooopeedssss!!!
Meh... but if Grumpy Cat and Foamy the Squirrel combined forces it would be sweet, sweet anarchy.
When most of your verbal sentences, especially when answering questions, end in a interrobang even though you actually are making a statement.
What, you mean just because A = B (Christianity is Judaism plus the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles) doesn't automatically mean that B = A? [/sarcasm] That's okay, I always did hate that...
I was in the military so I use to starch and iron the hell outta everything (Civi's & BDUs), as well as kept all of my shoes and boots cleaned and polished. Probably still would except I'm married...
Social nomad, that's a good way to put it. I've never really been one for goodbyes. 'Round these parts, for some reason, people feel the need to say goodbye to...
I always preferred being down the rabbit hole to going over the rainbow, but they're both very nice places to be.
It's funny because it's true. For the last week we've been below 0* F more than we've been above it. In about 3 months I fully expect to see people in just t-shirts and windbreakers when it warms...
The ability to manipulate the local space-time continuum.
When you do this all the time - Them: Hey, how does this thing work? You: I don't know let me see it. Them: No, just tell me how it works. You: I don't know how it works, let me see....
I've always been a social chameleon, finding a niche with all kinds of cultures and subcultures (except pop culture, I've always hated pop culture), but I've always identified most with the...
Second of four over a ten year span. My parent stopped having kids once they finally got a girl. Birth order would affect Character not Temperament.
Aaand, you know you're in an ENTP thread when you burn through over 6 pages of derailment in less than 3 hours.
I'm just claiming Amy, Fiona is only here to visit and watch you crazy whipper-snappers fight it out. Although I don't think you qualify as a whipper-snapper, but you still do have a few years...
If that's a challenge, accepted. I win by default considering how green you are. People of Amy and Fiona's age will be looking for people their own age, like me. If you need us we'll all 3 be...
You can all fight over Fiona, that's fine, but I call dibs on Amy Lee!
Nice, but don't forget to cut the line on our air tank or it may take a very looong time.'