
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

'I see XSFJ but I'd wait for a more experienced typer to respond.

Welcome fellow newbie.

Interesting. I actually filled out the Enneagram Questions on this forum if anyone is curious.

Thank you yay! Great breakdown.

I guess you could call my living situation a grey foggy cloud. It's a real downer some days. I appreciate how you've broken down parts of my post into categories of the functions. Given the other...

Interesting. You're the first to say extrovert. What makes you think ENTP? The Socionics test or something in the questionnaire? EDIT: In response to the first sentence, I suppose going from High...

:crying: Bump

I posted this questionnaire on another forum but I figured I'd post this here to see if anyone had any other comments. Last time I was looking for my type was in High School. What an idiot I was...

Bump....That's sad.

I don't make it a point to post on this forum. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure I care about a four-letter code as much as I care about venting my personality on a page. I'm not sure my heart will...

Interesting. The members here seem to agree with ISTP. The members of another type forum seem to lean ESTP.

Look at all the responses. :laughing:

Most people said INTJ. I stayed with that for a while. I agreed with many aspects of that profile. There was one user that later insisted on E/INFJ.

I joined this forum almost two years ago and at the start of it all, I was very interested in the MBTI. I jumped around every type and never could decide on one. I still haven't been able to decide...

18740 Let's see here...Yes. :laughing:

On a scale of 1-10. (Low is 1 to High 10) Meeting new people. With people you know but not well. With your group of close friends. With you closest friend.

Greetings fellow Cafe Members. I would like to ask general questions to see how ISTJs on this forum respond. This isn't trying to prove anything. I just want to see how much you relate to each...

Greetings fellow Cafe Members. I would like to ask general questions to see how ESTPs on this forum respond. This isn't trying to prove anything. I just want to see how much you relate to each other....

This link was originally posted at Typology Central. Fyodor Dostoevsky was a Russian writer and essayist, known for his novels Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov. He has been considered...

What type is this half of the magical duo? Believing there is no God gives me more room for belief in family, people, love, truth, beauty, sex, Jell-O and all the other things I can prove...

Greetings fellow Cafe Members and ISFPs. I would like to ask general questions to see how ISFPs on this forum respond. This isn't trying to prove anything. I just want to see how much we relate to...

Welcome to the Forum! :laughing: < Have a laugh!

No takers? :sad:

You know you're an ENTP if, after reading this thread, you do everything listed on this thread in excess just so everyone can know how ENTP you are.

Welcome to the forum! :laughing: < Have a laugh!

Welcome to the Forum. :D

There are several of us that feel out of place. There are many reasons for this and we all deal with it in our own way. 1) Too cold 2) Too emotional 3) Too enthusiastic 4) Too serious 5) Not...

Welcome to the forum. : ) Please join the dark side. We have cookies. :laughing:

Welcome to the forum. :laughing:

Welcome to the forum! :laughing:

These tests do not work for me. I can manipulate the results. I can change my behavior too well. I will be taking a far more official MBTI test. I will return and tell you the results. Delete...

It was a fluke! I had to look some terms up after I took this the first time. The scores changed. I was biased in answering on Ni and Ti by these new results. It was also at 2 Am in the morning. ...

Oh Yes! It did have those at the top. I think it was a fluke.

If there was, I wasn't paying attention. Why would it matter?

No one told me there were two function tests! This changes everything! My function order is: Ti Se Ni Ne

One quick change...Si is the average one. Se was limited in my functions. I mixed them up. ^ Those have not changed. I took a more honest approach to the test and my results are listed...

Sorry, I had an outburst there for a moment. If I am an NT I have a stereotypical reason for being seen as unfriendly. (That's what I can tell people) Even though it may not be true. My family...

I could ask you the same question in any given situation. I have always behaved in this manner. I have a need to know everything. I feel empty without knowledge. It builds my insight and worldview....

In the internal world of ideas, I have a need to be perfect. I need to master understanding of everything that interests me. I need to know I can prove myself. This is why I depend on the real world....

It is normally far more abstract. This was just an example. How I apply it to the world? I rarely do. When I do things in the world, it involves theories I talk about or work I do.

Would it be easier if I described my thought process? Out in the external world, I notice and connect things that I have previously understood or gained knowledge on. I notice things with my...

My Argument: Fe is outward values. Not outwardly being nice. Fe types don't have to accept societies rules. I go with my group and my values, above the group and their values. I still...

I feel like I am trying to use it. To support an ideal that I need be gentle. So my views do not make myself a hypocrite. I prefer using Te than using Fe. I will try though. I guess the feeling...

What am I supposed to feel? I used Fe recently to the best of my ability. (Family Christmas) It is unfamiliar and pointless. I can't conform to norms. I don't like them. Nobody looks down on me when...

Brilliant. I will gladly try. I haven't changed much from this...http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/4499-i-am-clueless-new.html :( If you read that it will prove that I need...

Welcome to PC! A few tips! 1. Find the right planetary hotel. (Shh...It is a conspiracy) 2. Find an avatar that matches your flavor. 3. Pick something creative and or informing; post...

Are there any references that could help me blossom my Fe? Do you have any advice? I still test fairly weak from not using it as much as I should.

Are Intuitive Feelers more likely to have internal emotional debates? Are we prone to depression more so than other temperaments? Or is this a common N/IN curse? Thanks, iLove

Thank you again. Take care, iLove

I consider myself more introverted.'