'I'm not sure what's better... posting individual pictures or just the link to my entire public gallery (YEARS of pics).. May be easier for me to offer links to individual cool galleries. ...
OK, that was pretty funny! LOL! Thanks man! How do you do the mention tags btw?
It's really no different between my ex (ISFJ) and myself (ESFJ). Took many years (5) and the extended breakup we are on to wrap my mind around her need to withdraw, and not take it as personally. ...
For sure, as we discussed in another thread, I totally relate to my wing 3. I am an achiever when I am tasked to something. It truly takes a lot to get me there, but when I finally have it in my...
Your words comfort me... It's funny, just yesterday we talked for about an hour about what she's looking for in a guy (me or others), saying it's somewhere between me and her ex husband. So I...
Lol... And just like that (talk about missing me?) she texts me 10 minutes later with just some random tidbit to talk about. Distance can make the heart grow fonder... I just pray the damage...
We had it planned... August 8th 2015. I had text her this morn just saying I was thinking if you. She text me back right now hoping I was having fun. I called her and we just chit chat for a few...
It's funny how you say that... She would always say the same in the last year. I need to miss you! So it sounds like your boyfriend is a lot like me. Are you guys dating others? She has...
Honestly.... I'm A needy two with little sense of boundary. She's a enneagram type 3, so that means that during periods of tasking and focus she's always doing, not being. What that feels like to...
I believe it's a place of endless beauty... Not just in the world, but within. Gone are the personal demons that own us. Anxiety, fear, rejection, sadness. Instead, there is just a feeling of...
The final fantasy series for me! Definitely have had some choking up moments.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Honestly... I don't believe they can *sustain* a relationship. Anyone, if they're interesting can attract a mate. Whether it's physical beauty that gets you in the door, or confidence, being a...
Thanks for joining! :)
LOL, nice intro! Made me laugh. I'm sure you can request to have the username updated. It's easy enough..
For sure... read them all, and then decide for your self! I realized there was a misguided portion of my young adult life (15+ years ago) where I mapped out as an ISFJ and then about 10 years later...
Welcome!!! :)
So, here's a followup then.... what is the practical difference (that people have experianced in real life) between an ISFP and ISFJ.
I agree. I read through that, and the one thing I appreciated MOST of my ISFJ was when she'd finally OPEN UP to me and tell me what was wrong. It give me a chance to actually do something to help...
I'm looking for perspective from females on just what makes them tick in relationships? What are turn ons, what are turn offs. What give you feelings of security or loneliness? I'm an ESFJ, and...
I guess it's what they say, about it taking time to heal. I tried after a month to go out on a few dates.. being the charmer, didn't take long to advance things, and I just felt rotten and...
Welcome! :)
Great read! Check out the type 2 sub forum. I have my entire story that brought me here in there. Perhaps you'd have some words of wisdom from a different perspective.
Welcome! Well written!
Not sure, but it tells me you're defining yourself still. I STARTED growing up as an ISFJ, then an INTJ.. then I realized through my experiences in life I ranked out as an ESFJ. You'll find that...
Welcome man!
That pretty much sums us up. Best friends, but with passionate benefits. I know we truly loved though. Had planned and talked about marriage until the pressures of the last year really got to us....
Thought I'd stop in and say hi! I've really taken to this site, as a means of growth with like minded people who get each other. I know I'm done feeling the way I do sometimes and have embraced...
I'm going through a major tiff with my ex GF of 5 years. We're currently broken up, but still talking, seeing each other. We've both actively dated, and do have our own date setup in a month...'