
Explorers ESFP

Spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic people life is never boring around them.

'No I'm not, you go home!

Farnsworth: ENTP Fry: ISFP Bender: ESTP (although he is programmed so it's not his choice) Amy: ESFP Zoidberg: INTP Leela: ESTJ Hermes: xSTJ Nibbler: INTx Kiff: IxFx (if S then J if N then P)...

Hazel, but very much on the green side in appearance. Btw if you think you have green eyes you probably don't. It is the rarest eye color in the world by a long shot.

Sometimes what they want to hear is what they need to hear.

I dislike INTJs and ESTPs, I love INFJs. There are some INTJs and ESTPs I like though. I've never met and INFJ I don't like.

When people do something that is obviously illogical or for no reason than to spite another person. When people don't use their brains.

I think I'm just going to go by cognitive functions, because mannerisms are too easily learned.

ENTPs are probably all over the spectrum, I used to identify as one and I am socially liberal but economically conservative, I know another ENTP who had similar views, and the other ENTP I know is a...

Yeah I would say for me the core from which everything is based is a value call but after that it is strictly logic for me. I wish it could be otherwise though. I wish I could let go a little more,...

I actually want to work for the FBI, CIA or as a police detective. I think ISTJs might be the ones to ask though, and I assume, at least where espionage is concerned E might be a necessary trait in...

This is starting to make me think I might not be an ESFP, I get the fun thing but I always calculate if something is worth the risk.

Hahaha I <3 you

Do you have proof for this, and by what criteria do you consider them the best of the best? A house built on bologna will be easily knocked down.

How about not.

Also an ESFP He's more ES andF than I am though.

Wouldn't it just be better to do individual income though? Not only might there be more significant differences, it would also be more accurate as it is rarely the case that two people in a house...

One thing about okcupid, I took two official MBTI tests on there...the long one and the short one. One gave me ISTP, the other gave me ENTP, neither were correct. So, I don't know how they come...

I think there might be just a hint of jealousy driving this.

http://baboof.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/ESFP.355231046_std.jpg http://www.enfpforum.com/enfpforum/Portals/0/MBTI%20Pics/ESFP/ESFP%20relationships.jpg

The income graph is a little deceptive in the way it was constructed, it seems as though they are trying to make mountains out fo mole hills here because there aren't in fact enough significant...

I walk fast because I like to walk fast, my steps are pretty big but they themselves aren't particularly hurried. I have long legs for my height, this might be the reason, everyone always tells me...

reign it in cowboy slow down turbo take it easy

I would be interested in this. I am GMT -8.

1: What's your MBTI Type? ESFP 2: What's your Gender? Female 3: Are you the eldest child, middle child, or youngest child? Only 4: How do you learn: Hands-on, seeing, or auditory?

I'm some combo of INFJ INTP and ESTP. INTJ was the funniest due to its placement on the list.

title is redundant

I've never met one with a big enough mass to draw me towards them, theoretically it is possible though.

Holy fuck, this is amazing.

I don't care what you think of me Although, I actually have said this many times and meant it, so maybe it's not true, but stereotypically speaking its not something and ESFP would say.

and do you think it effects people's perception of the different types to do the significance of this site in the MBTI community?

Well I was typed as an INTP when I was 13...so there is that. Obviously I'm completely different now...well actually I am very similar but I know more why I think what I think now and my place in...

You need a good smacking about from the truth stick

You get angry at someone for lashing out at another person for making a small mistake even though you were annoyed by the mistake as well.

I agree, I think stereotypes are the reason so many people are mistyped and consequently feel like there is something wrong with them or wrong in general. Going by stereotypes and superficial...

I relate very well to this, which makes me think it is not specifically an ENTP thing, but actually specific to people of any type that have the ability to use all of the cognitive functions well. I...

Your result: ENTP I think it's very hard for a logically/practically oriented feeler to be able to distinguish the F from an NT combo on tests. This is my theory as to why I keep getting this...

As a really rather reserved and cerebral esfp, I see where you are coming from. I am upper middle class and my parents are both N's, I don't know whether my high N is innate or not but the older I...

Call the cops and get a restraining order.

Sheldon ISTx

Mellie seems ENTJ to me. Also, some of the things Huck does I identify sooooo strongly with.

That sounds very logical. When I am comfortable I tend towards wordplay and slapstick humor to an excessive degree so you could be right, but when I am really motivated to write something (and I...

This is the problem with positive typing as opposed to negative typing. I would say I get ENTP on around 65% of the tests, NEVER ESFP. Not even once. People should think about what they are not,...

I basically am. I don't consider the f/t all that important. Maybe xSTP more than ESTP in feel though. I hung out with a lot of ESTPs for a while and there is definitely something a little...

Dear ESFP, Please shut the fuck up. Not yours, ESFP

SCUAI But yet I still CU in me.

So just to clarify, you don't believe there is enough evidence to assume a correlation? I mean I agree with you, I don't take it too seriously, I just think its odd because multiple people have told...

My approach is mostly this and if I can't be arsed it comes with a side of this LOL fucking ESTPs, I <3 you guys. Hilarious. I also have a slight tendency towards this.

SP or TP inb4 you're not a T...I kind of am even though I'm not.

When you can justify this sentiment with logic.

Your friends get mad at you for constantly asking why?'