
Explorers ESFP

Spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic people life is never boring around them.

'It's funny you mention respecting each other when from start you're thinking in an us vs them mentality. Fortunately I don't view others in such a close-minded way so it's a bit pointless to...

Lol look it's another one of those darn sensors threads. Now I remember why I never really felt too welcome on this site. Some things never change. :laughing:

Se-dominant here and scored 3. Seems plausible. :kitteh:

Have you considered SFJ? The finding spirituality in things and talking about sharing these traditional meals with others seems very Si-Fe. I can't really relate.

Not anymore



I'd just stop at that sucks and find someone more interesting to talk to. I don't really want to hear about your shitty day tbh. :laughing:

http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11/111254/3742138-1800272738-tumbl.png Yeah, the saran wrap analogy totally makes much more sense. :rolleyes: That patronizing attitude of yours is...


Lol saran wrap really that's terrible :laughin: whatever man

This is where I have to call BS. Humans are more complex than that. No matter what type and whether they know it themselves or not, there's always a deeper level. It's like saying peaches are...

Of course it can work out. Don't give up a dream just because of some shit people say on a forum. :laughing: You won't know what it's really like unless you experience it firsthand.

Maybe :typingneko:

That was quick!   http://images.cuddlycomments.com/1/193995215588823f49.gif

Catallena please :love_heart:


Ti and Si types

It's not your fault.

Lol I guess you're just more open and comfortable around your friends Dude that was so anticlimactic :bored: and now I'm hungry

Which is...??

What do you mean by feeling like an ESFP?

I personally haven't met many INTJs in my life so I dont have much experience but I feel the same way about friendships with anyone in general. If we have some common interests (like that Nujabes in...

Someday :laughing:

Well idk the history but my guess is maybe they have some underlying feelings of guilt or something. :apthy:

https://merovee.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/limit.gif?w=610 Because it is dead empty Idk Hell yeah and I would if I had the time

Constantly look for distractions to avoid dealing what's stressing them out then get upset about that in the end and go back to looking for distractions. It's a vicious cycle. ...

Confidence, a nice face, a nice body attached to that face, someone that's open-minded and interesting to talk to so I'd enjoy spending my time with them. :encouragement: Turn offs would be...

All hell breaks loose. Everything you say can and will be taken the wrong way. You'll probably hear stuff like What is that supposed to mean?! a lot. Arguments will start over the most...

Look at them dead in the eye and ask Can't you see the excitement on my face? Be completely straightforward and tell them how you really feel. If social situations are not your thing then...

I'll try this out too. :kitteh: Just swap the ESFPs and INTJs in the quote


Which gift would you prefer, an item you didn't really want but someone took the time to pick it out for you so it's the thought that counts or just straight up money in a card to buy yourself...

I hate parties for the most part. :mellow:  http://www.lookhuman.com/render/product/2062/2062760546010034/2329triblk-w800h800z1-61636-im-only-here-for-the-food.jpg

5'0 and 95lbs

I'm too impatient for this site :bored:

http://static.tumblr.com/iozzkmf/V9Om7kcle/meow_banner_7.gif Welcome :kitteh:

I'll vote ENFP. :kitteh:

ESFP Famous music producer or if that doesn't work out, the coolest teacher ever. :cool:


I think so

ESFP lol schedule I'm either so excited about what I'm gonna do tomorrow that I can't fall asleep tossin and turning in my bed the whole night or I'm dreading what I have to do tomorrow that I...

Where'd you get that idea? :laughing: This name is much easier to spell.

http://www.stylish365.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/marc-jacobs-honey-f.jpg I like something light and fresh for everyday. For special occasions I use Modern Muse.

:laughing: The point is I like sweets. https://38.media.tumblr.com/ff4e1ee4194b2b0ba83098e6093898ea/tumblr_mzfg45VgoR1saq0axo1_500.gif'