
Explorers ESTP

Smart, energetic and very perceptive people, who truly enjoy living on the edge.

'The early worm says hello to the worms. lol

I think I'll 9et into watching The Sopranos. Start with Season 1 of course. An episode a night just to mellow. Seems like a 9ood idea.

I love this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaacVsGramo

John Wick.

9ettin9 another perspective. It makes me want more. It's important for the person who wants to improve themselves. Yes it is worth it. You're alive once.

Hmm, if I am estp that's a 9ood exercise for ni.

The photos she time travels into are actually her memories, and she's 9oin9 mad.

I think!!! I will have tea... :gentleman:

Anything with an organic tone of voice.

No I think it's 9ross. 717930

I admire your discipline cuddle bun. Just a little something to take the edge off thin9s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yctgryGLsqY :tongue2:

You know when you look at a 9irl and you can tell she's a bi9 heart. I like that. Someone that's really carin9. Then there's the sex goddess The one that fucks you The :numbness: The :redface:...

Anytime an attractive woman passes me in work I flex my butcheeks.


The more I watch music artists live the more it looks like some weird form of worship.

:chuncky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC9sRIsvjXI

It probably wouldn't if enough men 9ot behind it. If anythin9 I'd like to see the debate between two groups. Put the men on left and women on the ri9ht. Anyone in the middle will simply look sane.

You should create a sim thread so everyone can sim.

Fuck Sims! Jk Ve99ie. Are you thinking of doing that?

8w9. :)

My Sales Manager is an ESTP 7w8. He's 9ot those intense eyeballs.

Split. Now, before you jump in to watch it I've been a hu9e fan of m.night.shyamalan for years, watched his popular movies, and fuck me... I've never felt anythin9 like I felt after watchin9...

8w7 are tou9h and hi9h intensity. So are 7w8. I don't see why it wouldn't work but one would have to compose to the other, and vice versa. If it's always one in the relationship doin9 the composin9 I...


show us your dick... :unsure:

With enfj kind of but more Fe with no problem. Enfp no. They're so different. The Ne is obvious and reckless in communication.

Hmm... tou9h.


:happy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2yLE6eaxwI

It built up over a couple of weeks.

Yeah people can buy feeder fish, which are your avera9e comet 9oldfish. I can't put them in with mine though because mine have poor vision and swim slow.

Yeah, don't shit where you eat.

Horses are nice.

A spoon.

Certain fish also shouldn't be put in the same tank because they have different temperaments.

My newest fish is sick. I've sectioned the two others off from the sick one and treatin9 the water with medicine. This has happened to me before. The pet shop sold my first fish with a parasite,...

Yep. You're communication style I interpret as intj.

No, they should be kept in prison away from society.

I only take control of the intense ones. Others are sex, and short 3 second scenes from work where after having I wake up and believe I did what I dreamt. Then others are what seem like the...


One rin9, to rule them all... :cool:

Lookin9 at my fish. They're extra weird today. I'm 9oin to 9o out for a coffee and ponder life and myself.


What if... I am 9od..? :laughing: Sounds as bad as a messenger.



Sangoire :smile-new: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-7c4VNGOgU

Sorry to hear that, and I have no motive here. Like, I don't want anythin9.

The conversation ended about a year a9o, but thanks.

Nope, my keyboards fucked.'