
Explorers ESTP

Smart, energetic and very perceptive people, who truly enjoy living on the edge.

'Hey that sounds like a good trick then :p Actually I think this is available here too, just not common. Though I would prefer buying my own clothes still. After all I have to try them on......

OK yes that does make sense. Yes people can just follow though I find some people don't automatically do so :p Obviously, I'm one of the latter kind of people myself. :P Btw I do shopping like you...

I don't relate that much. If I invite someone over then the focus is having interaction, fun.. not invasion at all. But yeah don't dare touching my things. The example of someone finding a glass...

well that's interesting. I usually verbally declare let's go this way before I go. Yes if they then say they'd like something else, that can be discussed :) But I don't just simply go like that...

Hm yeah I don't like to be the one who's a step behind :p

That Fi secondary sounds like Enneagram 3. Though the part about the universal standard is okay works for Fi. I don't know, I actually relate to the tired old cliche pretty well. I'm...

Sorry I don't have real suggestions... I'm thinking though that if your son can see that people aren't all against him it could help. I don't even know if he tends to feel that way at all, though. ...

meaning you go/do faster than him?

Okay. Do let me know ;)

Nice. Hmm what kind of POV, intellectual or emotional?

That smiley is too sad... uh-huh, autism and S overlapping ...cool

Well thanks for that list. For me these are distinctly T: Are usually impersonal, being more interested in things than in human relationships. Are stronger in executive ability than in the...

OP: I hate to go to sleep and I hate to wake up. Waow, story of my life! :P :/ (And, just like you, I'm also instantly asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I can do that during the day...

And thanks for your answer ;) Yeah well emotion is generally defined as a kind of result of some sort of evaluation - not necessarily evaluation in the jungian sense of Judging. So I guess...

I don't know if you've changed your test since then... Neither F nor T really fit me in your test that well. (But I'm not a rational-dominant type anyway) I'll go through this in a bit...

How is the first definition of T/F different from what they should not be, that is, reason and emotion? Surely if you decide something's good or desirable it will involve an emotional reaction. ...

No you didn't really answer it concretely beyond four letters but nevermind. No force here.

If you're believing in stereotypes then you obviously go by traits and then you need to realise that it means that each of the letters mean MANY things. Many loosely correlated traits. So which ones...

Well I don't know about your way of thinking, your attitudes etc. Four letters isn't all that much to tell me why you have a problem with something. Are you having a problem with stereotype of...

I know what those MBTI terms mean but why a difference in the preferences must be a problem for you is not quite clear to me

Nevermind if you're not able to put it into more words

Because it was my own guesses not what you said actually. I repeat my question: are ESTP's not imaginative, speculative or spiritual enough or what else are you missing about ESTP's?

I see these replies only now. Still, this about not introverted, intuitive, feeling, or judging... was not saying anything. Not imaginative, speculative or spiritual enough or what?

Again... why? I'd like to hear more about this. Are we just too different or seem to be too different? Yeah uh again why don't you think it would?


I'm also curious what sounds INTP-ish about OP :)

Well it can be applied too but you got it I think. :) As for the logical paradoxes: those are not necessarily a problem. But tell me which paradoxes you thought of in terms of reality containing...

well I still think maybe xxTP. :) (N probably yeah) but I hope someone else will chime in with more expertise!

Hmm this Fi thing does seem to share some things with Ti, then. But this resonate thing is just based on subjective feeling right? Not some kind of logical resonance. The logical version doesn't...

True, that. I just wouldn't know when a function qualifies to be dominant. I don't have any function that's truly always on. Unless you can count the fact that even when I'm thinking about...

Interesting... are those symbols supposed to be arbitrary, that is, nothing to do with generic well known symbols? I dislike certain symbols, usually those well known ones or mystical/esoteric...

Lol. What's the link to it? So/sx or so/sp does make sense for you I think. :)

well if you want :) it's interesting stuff. but I was thinking maybe you have social instinct. social 7, could totally work for you..

Yeah, I see, I guess we work differently there. Probably not MBTI related then. What is your dominant instinct in enneagram? So, Sx, Sp?

Lol, which parts felt insulting?

Why would you want to force yourself to be interested in whatever you are not currently interested in? Who the fuck cares about expectations related to your age? There's many ways to enjoy living....

Heh okay I see. I get your analogy though I don't agree. ESFP's could still have good skills in logic, just not using it as a preference in their lives. Okay.

Ah I see :) So when did you feel trapped then? Btw it was so very enneagram 7-ish. That description about being trapped.

in other words, stay at home mom? (I'm just trying to relate this to whatever else you said in another thread :) )

sorry I don't know martial arts that well so I don't know what kind of analogy you meant here ?? :) (ESFP, IQ, tai chi)

exactly. ESFP can have really high IQ too. :)

Ah hmm one more thing I thought of, with regard to focus on sensations. I think I can sum this up best in this way, I don't focus on the sensory data in the way descriptions seem to suggest it should...

Philosophical in what way? You mean it's just a theoretical idea? I dunno if I have extra-groundedness. Some people do say I am materialistic and grounded sure... but more than the average person?...

I didn't mean it in terms of objective measurements. Though that would be best, sure. With MRI or something :D Yeah, functions could be interpreted at a high level or at a low level in the...

it's hard to see it, it's unconcious usually what is that bashing like? example?

Yeah I know, I was kind of being rhetorical with that question there :) I like how you willingly talk about the irony of the issue. :D Got that but a theory could definitely be built in a...

Se = doesn't think of future, just act Ni = helps Se types slow down by helping with timing of action

Yes but the theory could incorporate that. Sure but why give the same name to all these different definitions.

They are not definitions, they are traits correlating *best* with the type. The same goes for the listed jobs. Just correlations. Simple but how do we define introversion/extraversion? No...

nice stuff! I used to doodle a lot but I didn't think of keeping them so my mother probably threw them out. maybe I have a few from art classes in school. would have to find them. used to be really...'