
Explorers ESTP

Smart, energetic and very perceptive people, who truly enjoy living on the edge.

'so im an istp male - though my profile says estp.. Whatever... anyway, ive been in a relationship with an infp girl (CONFIRMED!!!! lol). so its been a year and a hallf, my second longest...


I always have a blast, and constantly 'stir' the party. like, um . keeping it upbeat, Cause i get so talkative and it seems like everybody else is in slow motion :( And then I wake up trying to...

work smarter and not harder. take the N's job C: Thus $60 every 10 min.

still, the vague question is vague.

like i was tryin to say

You dont know what nig rig means? Or what, does that offend you? Like redneck-tech.,.. no ? Lets just say its when you ducktape shit.

Good C:

you intuitives are CrAzY!

Oh yea! Intersting point - i don't think least feminine means most masculine :/ eh?

my vote is in esfj's And even more so on xsfp's

like Miersho says, whats mbti got to do with it? But, for your sake; females wear that type well, as they do as sfp's, which i seem to be magnetized to for some reason. So if your a female, an xsfp,...

Yea, I didn't understand either. I want male power, but i want female love LOL Whats the question?

I know i know, im no istp But i think im istp enuff. So. i dnt like em. Seem like everytime I get a gf she always says what would you think if I got tatoo? depends i guess, im not gettin one so,...


http://gifs.gifbin.com/16099g6561.gifISTP - while smiling http://gifs.gifbin.com/163563561.gifESFP + Jager-Bomb + Halloween Candy http://gifs.gifbin.com/169717951.gifENTJ - Trying to get to the...

wow. How are these people getting banned?? And why don't estp's have amnesty?!?

Masters of Reality eh? I like that!!

Deff find new friends! Dsn't mean you have to kill the old ones. just expand your circle. My closest homies are CONSTANTLY gettin high and playin with magic cards, Always! As they play, they sit...

viva la piratebay.wtfe,-. ..rock n roll till your 80

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWMCR8Wadtw get it while it lasts

not tryin to be a dick, aight. Im just sayin man

Or, maybe your taste in music sucks and is limited. Perhaps

when you and your entj brother are continually drunk in the Fl keys, fully convinced that you own the whole island

dude your all over the place on this.. Why dont you try not manipulating the results (answer truthfully)? intj and estp's are COMPLETELY different. - i mean, even if you do know what the questions...

Well, I think that xsxp's are more commonly than not asxp's. why. i don't cnow. and, if i were a feeler, would it be more appropriate to have said Well, I feel that xsxp's are more commonly than...

passive aggression

Well, for some reason I don't think intuitives like me :( i mean, in person. i think I put off the wrong vibe somehow. The thing is, Ill make a random, sort of crude,...

but really, im usually good at getting things done last min. BUT as college progresses this last min. stuff, here lately, has lead to more stress that I've ever felt,.. aside from the stress induced...

planning.. i suck at it. Also, i think it's a little wierd that I can't communicate with personality-cafe.com home slizzles without having posted 15 posts. So -Chicken noodle soup for the teenage...

i feel like that last post was retarded lol

I deff have had some of these sorts of issues. Partially because all i want to do is be recognized, I really think i can be the best at everything sometimes. something about the sp nature is so...

they're just thoughtful estp's :cool: - a guaranteed formula for awesome

Drop the needle to the groove I get smooth, and Im forced to fck it up, my style carries like a pick up truck. Idk why

Is something on your mind dear?

This threaeaeadd is ha-hlarious!

for me, it's a trust problem. I just don't wanna get hurt. I've never cheated on a girl and I avoid ALL thoughts of such things. I figure if im loyal to her, she'd be loyal to me. Not the case...

Deffanitly takes time. Learning from new experiences, im sure,. and not a swap sustainable for an extremely long period of time, Isuppose (just for sake of agreeing with the Debbie downers here).....

thats just how shit works mu fcka's .. (applause)

The type changes are absolutely possible! Not even theoretic.. While your initial categorical type is hard wired, the preferences can change (which is to say, they are just that.. Preferences)!...

Like the shit! In a im soo happy to be awesome because god's blessed me tremendously sort of way :) To whom it may concern, my best freind is an infj and he's the bomb. He's the one that got me on...

well im just gonna say that when in a given moment, I am able to have FUN while everyone else talks about having fun (when really they just think talking is fun).. idk somethin like that. Then...

Wing 5 must know something I don't'