'This is simple... Convert into a sloth. WHOOSH! Done, now you can't physically leave the house :)
We're not lagging, everyone's just going too fast. We're creating a 1000 word opinion and I believe we deserve some praise. Yes, I do this more often than I should.
I'm so sorry about this. I have absolute no experience about dating... But I hope what I say will help. I think the fact that you cried is good. It shows your emotions and emptiness, it just feels...
Every INFJ is different. I know one that is usually in her room watching anime or drawing on that electronic pad... But I'm usually outside...so if you want to find me, look at every backyard around...
HAHAHA!!! You know what's so funny... Whenever I'm with my best friend (who is a LOVABLE ENFP) and I don't want to do something, she hits me and says Don't be so STUPID! Then I go do it ;) Some...
When I was younger, I felt like my gut was wrong. But when I was older and I see the truth, I wasn't technically wrong, it was just a slight detail I didn't get right. Also, it makes it harder when I...
Oh god! My ESFP sister has an ESTP friend and he is hilarious as beep. He loves to look good and he has lotion on him at all times for the ladies. I swear, I burst out crying because he is so...
Well, yes. There were times at school, rumours would go around about something I did or something I said. If people didn't believe me, I would just reply The truth will come out. Then I would walk...
Whoa XD HAHA!!! It didn't take me that long to forget about it... My dad would tutor me for math when I was little. Let me tell you, it was brutal. Even my mom said that she didn't know how I...
Man! You guys are lucky, my school doesn't allow To Kill A Mockingbird... Because it has some vulgar language. My book list: Catcher in the Rye Never Let Me Go The Picture of Dorian Gray I have...
Oh yes! My ENFP friend is dating an ENTJ. He comes to me for advice and let me tell you, some things he wants to do for her is so fuzzicles, it makes me grin... AND IT'S HARD TO MAKE ME GRIN.
You're relationship sounds like my relationship with my father at an early age. I felt that he ripped all of my dreams and it was kinda hard. When I got older, I learned that he means well. So maybe...
Ahh yes. Well, some people don't admit at first. You could only wait I'm just wondering how do you know if they committed a crime such as sleeping with a married person if they deny it? I know you...
I want to clarify that I still believe that the person should have consequences for his/her actions. No doubt. I also admit, in my early stages, I have ignored my friends because of what they have...
Okay, from what I am hearing, it could be introverted feeling. Because you realized someone has broken a value you deeply believe in, you start to distrust them. It is a subconscious judging function...
We need chairs! That's the only way I could play this game: http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/07/14/vejyte4a.jpg (POSSIBLY IN REAL LIFE) Also, chairs are the most convenient ladders... I need them....
This is in no particular order: (I only have five favourites so...) The Big Bang theory Modern Family (oh cheesy goodness) Friends The Simpsons 24 (love this one!)
UhClionaish Aww thanks for the flattery! But in all honesty, I don't feel that being an INFJ is perfect. My ENFP best friend found me actually. We went to the same school but we had different...
I developed my emotional intelligence by watching people. It sounds scary but depending on how people react, I figure out how they feel. To control any feelings of mine, I tell it to someone. Because...
Yes, yes. I've been there and done that. I had a lot of complications with my problems. But actually, I realized from my therapist that it was my less developed functions was being suppressed. I had...
I have an INFP neighbour who is a few years older than me. We used to hang out a lot and I remember when we had play time, it was the craziest time of my life. At first, we played some spy game....
I have an ESFP sister and an ENFP best friend! I can tell you, I feel like Fi separates everything as either good or bad. There is no in between, I had an argument with my ENFP friend about...
WHOOT! Welcome to the club! :)
I agree because to be honest, I would throw it... ( I don't really care about my purse)I'm a J though. Umm...I'll try to come back with a question.
*Gives an official handshake* Welcome to the weird club :)
My mother and my best friend are ESFJ. They aren't shy to showing how much they love you! If I need some love, I'll get 200% more than I needed. Even though my ESFJ loved ones and I may argue, it is...
My sister is an ESFP. For starters, my family calls her snoop dog because she's able to find things we don't want her to hide or have been missing forever. Shopping isn't a good idea for her because...
I'm guessing that the functions were the result of a cognitive functions test. I would advise to ignore all of that and research on each function. That is the only way to really understand which...
If I were to destroy someone, I would like most INFJ's destroy people psychologically because my body type is the equivalence of a small puppy. However, anybody despite of type, can turn to their...
I would rather be nice and kind all day because I know it is right, not because I would want to change someone. If I really want to make a difference in the world and change people, I think it is...
No,no. We just choose not to remember the useless stuff :)
Mary Poppins by P.L Travers.
Yes yes, only when I'm close to my ENFP friend.... god dammit, I feel like I have to compete with her loud voice all the time :)
Looking at this forum is such a bad idea...because it's more than hilarious!
To be honest, I thought so too or it could be because I'm biased ;)
As in okay okay, we need to have a long lunch break before we can continue :P I have friends that are ESTJ but we cannot stand in a room together for a really long time. We would go a tad nuts if we...
Well, from personal experience... I know I am terrible with ESTJs. It's the saddest fact of my life. I can only talk to them for like an hour then both ESTJs (that I know) and I will stop and say...
DISNEY HAS DONE IT. They have completely placed the main character (in sixteen different movies) to one of the personality types.... All you guys can now find out whether or not your predictions...
Hehehe.... I am always embarassed if people compliment me...but a good Good job is fine :) You'll get me all blushy... ;)
OMG :) This makes you interesting. IF you love your job and it's not one of the typical personality career, you go for it! I find having a different type going into a career field they love gives a...
I agree with the tendency to keep an outer layer to cover inner motives. But from the INFP difference can make me seem as an INFP, I intentionally embarrass myself in order to be in the group. I...
Mom: ESFJ Dad: INTP You guys probably know :)
A big thing I have learned is to respond to situations faster such as a joke or a question. I still have that long still look of uhhh... but it isn't as long as it used to be :)
Ironically enough, because none of my friends ever had a boyfriend, we never discussed the boyfriend talk. Makes my life so much easier. B-)
When I was little, I had a favourite book called the button book. It was a counting book to see how many buttons are there. Everyday, when I go to preschool, go into my corner and count all of the...
I think it's because the bully feels a lot of pain also. People need to control in their lives so for the bully to control their own life, they control others to finally feel control. It's the same...
Idk, it's whatever I imagine to feel like I good in, I'll buy. Makeup is usually on my face to hide my terrible zombie eyes from lack of sleep. I'm usually cool in a pair of leggings, a hoodie and a...
It's true to a certain extent. I think I can be acquainted with people generally well. But being a best friend, has gone to another level. I'm just saying, that person has to bring their a game. For...
My dad is an INTP so everytime I want something EXTREMELY important done, he leaves it off until the day before. Not even two days before, the night before the due date. So now, I tell him it's due a...
Deja vu! I just had this thought process a few days ago! My best friends are ESFJ and ENFJ. Trust me, they're both soo clingy that sometimes I wished for a repellent. (Shhh ;) )'