
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'IMO, INTP for this doesn't make sense. As nobleheart pointed out, the test simply looks to see whether Xi or Xe gets the higher total score. But looking at the actual individual functions, it is...

Ni. Because of this: As I understand it, the introverted functions narrow things down and the extraverted functions spawn new branches. So what you do when making connections is looking for...

Sorry. What, I'm trying to ask for is if you could give a more concrete example of:

That didn't really answer the question of how... :)

To me it seems there is a lot in there that is not very much type related but rather coloured by your experiences. But anyway, from what you write, I would second INFP, as you remind me of other...

Yes, IN_J makes a lot of sense. I'd guess Fe, rather than Te. Very much so, actually. This for instance: Not that T's can't be good listeners, but I wouldn't think a T would put such a high value...

This is so much more true than I can ever understand. But I keep coming back to it. I wonder what the world would be with all the creativity released that is now held back by negative thinking and...

I wouldn't worry too much about not fitting ENFP because you do not feel friendly enough. ENFP don't have to love people, it's just that most do. But that would always come down to experiences,...

My sense of this is clearly much more N than S - but I guess you already knew that. Assuming you are also I and not E, and given Te/Fi, only INTJ (Ni/Se) and INFP (Ne/Si) work out. And in my opinion...

I don't know that much about specifically Ti in ENFPs but was thinking more of the general tendency in all types for the tertiary function to be more ambivalent so to speak. Sorry if I'm repeating...

An ENFP will have T as their third function. That is also the function that is the least strongly biased towards E or I (some people even argue that it is of the opposite attitude to the dominant =...

When I overdo my Ni I need a good dose of Se to balance. Tried pushing your Ti harder?

Thanks! I'll have a look at that.

Oh. ENFP would also be Ne-Fi-Te-Si. I haven't heard about ENFPs avoiding their tertiary anymore than anyone else, which is to say: depending on age and environment. Right or wrong seems to me a...

OK. I should have remembered you from before, but anyhow I found some of the older threads searching for the one you mentioned. Considering you are constantly looking for more data in order to jump...

True. I wish I knew how that actually works...

Check out the cognitive functions if you haven't already. INFJ is dominant Ni and ISFP is dominant Fi. That's a big difference. And how do you relate to Se? That could give a very good hint, as an...

Do you relate more to Si or Se? Ti or Te? There's a balance between all four functions so that might help too...

Not that I consider it an issue, but if you do want to fix it, it should be as simple as setting the background color of the <html> tag to the same grey color (#E7E4DC) as you use for <div...

penchant, does the whole page still load though when loading a page? What browser are you utilizing?[/QUOTE] Yes. Safari 5.0.3, Firefox 3.6.15. (also...

Safari 5.0.3 and Firefox 3.6.15 on Mac OS X 10.5. Just to be clear, the screenshot is from during page load. Everything is normal when the page is fully loaded.

Me too. I commented on that here: http://personalitycafe.com/support-suggestions/45915-personalitycafe-2-0-bug-reports-10.html#post1065068 I'm guessing it's quite easy to fix...

This, right? http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/2949/black.png I believe that's because the bgcolor is #101010 for the html tag and that bgcolor is #837E6E only for the body tag.

The thank system is not gone. I just disabled it for the mean time in order to do some stuff. :P (see...

The social groups seem inaccessible. Is that the official status, or just me doing something wrong?

I second this...

Most people I've heard consider the site itself generally very useful, even if not agreeing with all the details. :happy:

What Sea Cucumber said... It's really all about Ni for an INFJ. And don't go to much by function tests, but rather try understanding the functions through description, introspection and other...

Your type and function preference didn't change. Only your test results x7fwhich rather tell you about use and strength than preference. You could still be INFJ with those scores.

http://personalitycafe.com/infp-articles/3138-infps-infps.html#post76300 for INFP maybe... But the most important point with INFJ vs INFP is that they have totally different functions. So figuring...

Do you know the time limit for that? Might be useful to be aware of... :happy:

I have automatic subscription to threads that I post to, and can then find them under User CP in the top menu bar or at http://personalitycafe.com/myaccount Would that work for you?

Again with the added information I think that the things that do fit IFP are still things that by and large also fit ESP. Having your mom answering the questionnaire could be interesting, but I...

I think either of them could work with what I've seen. Both are Fi dom, and I was probably too quick to insist on T over F. The difference between ISFP and INFP would be mainly Se vs Ne (or for a...

I agree with xNTP being very likely, but INFP is just hilarious! :laughing:

I'd suggest reading or at least skimming the info on this website. INFJ or INFP? a closer look INFP and INFJ can appear similar, but the cognitive functions are totally different, so choosing one...

Only you could really tell... We can just help with your search for your type. So far it's coming down to relying on the tests or on your introspection, and it's only when both point in the same...

True. I was obviously taking this as self-evident, but it does really needs stating. Thanks!

So do you mean that nothing except the two preferred functions will show up on this test? I agree it's fair to argue that the dominant and either auxiliary or tertiary will be most prominent, since...

1. Check the link I posted again and scroll down to the interaction style part of the OP. See if you can work out your interaction style. 2. Read this and see what you relate to as your possible...

Another one for INTP then...

Thanks for the added theoretical base. I had a feeling strong tertiary shadows were normal, but wasn't confident about it. It makes sense with Jung claiming all inferior functions to have the...

ExxP, based on your Inventory, your avatar and this: It's a guess... :wink: edit: And this:...

1. How did you arrive at INTP in the first place? 2. Tried this? http://personalitycafe.com/myers-briggs-forum/36866-determing-your-type-made-easy.html

You come back to asking for definite answers, not only from yourself about your type, but also from me and Unicorn here. It there something that you find particularly discouraging about not knowing...

Thanks! That's about what I would've liked to post, but wasn't able to. I hope I didn't come across as denying correlation between ADD/ADHD and the P function; that is how I understand your...

Or is it just that we (or at least some of us) are more resigned about it in a way, given that many of us have had our reasons to withdraw from social contact at an x7fearly age - INFJ kids easily...

Too bad we don't know if it is the test or the introspection that's less reliable here... :laughing: I'm not so sure that Te+Fi should completely written off. Ne+Si over Se+Ni is obvious though....

So, yeah, basically it's unsupported - he obviously hasn't even fixed the spelling error in over a year, so I guess there's not really any hope of further development... Old versions of vBulletin are...

Haha, no problem!'