
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'No, I feel excited! Then nervous... Then I start crying... then I laugh historically. The I go to work, avoiding everyone until my shift is over. YAY!!! :D

You're too scientific. >.>

Hello guys(:


Is what I'm trying to say is of course it's creative. It creates theories, understanding, meaning, logic, ideas, case studies, ext. Everything we create, is creative. We all have a collective...

Depends on your definition. The word literally translates to 'knowledge', art is a synonym of science.

I have some bad anxiety problems at times.

18, I turn 19 very soon.

I woooould saaaaaay.... Yes, you're definitely attracted to her.

What're you talking about gaudy316?

Better yet, act mentally retarded.

http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpu0k098Gy1qi1gl0o2_500.gif :D

Of course! Because we all know, more guts means, more huuuuumaaaaan. (;

You could always bludgeon them to death with a rock or something. Just to beat the dense stupidity out of them.... Just sayin' . >.>

Just keep a level head. If you need to, I would express that the project is very important to you. Don't even worry about them thinking you're trying to look better than them or mentor the project...

Best advice, go with your gut. Don't get overly emotional, but if you want to ask her to go out on another date because you had a great time and wish to do it again, go for it. I don't think there...

And Magic tricks....

Where's the cake? I'm usually attracted anybody who's calm, collected, and looks eccentric. If you're around other people, I never usually approach. Intelligence is also a quality that I look for...

I think bar tending would be a good job for INFJs haha

Ni! http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/173/c/6/forever_alone__by_elektronikage-d3jo5s2.jpg

http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/1508/medddv.jpg (:


Thank you(:

Oh, the guts.... With the spleen and the... Squiggly Spooch! mmmmm I totally feel ya (haha puns) Personally, I don't think you're off your trolley. We're all a little bit off the trolley anyhow....

We make your mind explode! ;D

I don't ever chop... ever.

Maybe some positives? So, I've gathered jumping to conclusions and over reacting.

Is this conformation that it's normal?

Maybe you say inappropriate things at the wrong times? That's kind of like going to a funeral and telling dirty jokes.

The title is self explanatory.

Only if it was fried alive...


Is it just me or do you guys feel socially retarded? Because I for one, do. Example - I've always caught myself spewing random crap like singing Never Gonna Give you up By Rick Astley while I'm...

Free cake... That always gets me...

So far, I've found out that being able to pickup on how people feel has been very accurate. If they're feeling sad, it's very easy to comfort them. If they're happy, we can use that to our advantage....

Parties are pointless to me. I've tried very hard, but never have fun and just end up getting drunk and on a couch, alone or something lol.

Well, when relating to other perspectives when you're a INFJ. I'm a type 4 enneagram winged with type 5. Reading the thread that is dedicated to the correlation between INFJs and other enneagram...

Any ideas? What would other types find attractive about us that they just couldn't resist? I would also really like to hear what sensors think about us since I am not sure they are as enarmoured with...

I understand that INFJs are very good at reading other people and enjoy learning about them. But, I've been wondering how INFJs interact with different MBTI types and what they specifically enjoy...

1. What makes you want to figure someone out? Generally, for the sake of friendship or I simply just like the person. 2. How do you go about figuring someone out? I usually just hang...

My counselor told me I was 4w5. any and all tests I take tell me the same.

I scored a 25...

I'm 5ft 5 - Short.

Grey, White, Black, Red, Blue.

I dislike them. In my opinion the Holidays have only been a way to give businesses an excuse to market their junk disguised as 'festive'. Big business has corrupted an innocent Holiday and they've...

Reading people. It's hard to decide on the two because even before I knew my type, I pursued knowledge about both. But I only say that because I've taken psychology and sociology classes and I've...

My names Alex, hopefully I'll be a forum regular (:'