'Hello cheapsunglasses, I'm not correcting you (because there's not a definitive/simple answer), just adding my perspective. You make a great point about an individual identifying more heavily...
I think Ćerulean's post is essentially saying the same thing (just kidding, I'm just trying to defuse the logic and wisdom that was so rudely injected into this thread)... Seriously though, your...
This song on loop? I don't think I need the chainsaw (maybe not so manly that way though)...
Geek Of All Trades ; )
Dear Fellow INFJ and Forum User Who Shall Remain Anonymous, One day you will realize the words posted in a recent post (ahem, the one directly above me), could have been easily written to you (I...
Hello Owfin, That's a valid way to look at it; that's why I typically need to mull things over until I can validate findings. However, the way I understand my own experience with Ni-Dom, it's a...
Hello L.L., Whoa, a lot of text here! I'd like to formulate a reply, but I think you misread the tone of my message. There is no need to defend Owfin (firstly, I'm sure she's quite formidable all...
Thank you for this niss (bookmarked for reference); very concise description, and it seems to gel with the way I understand my own functional behavior (INFJ). In fact, I think I have a relatively...
Hello W.O.T., I love your username; I can relate to that... Hello W.O.T., yes it is a purported INFJ trait, but it only manifests if you will it to be so! It's really not a very natural (as...
Hello SpamBot, I mean, Adrian... Welcome to the forums! Say, does anybody know where to get information about a mental nurse job (I don't think I've ever tried one of those before; it sounds...
Hello Owfin, Regarding #2, I hate to be a lexical nerd (but as far as I know, you're ISTJ so you won't take offense, and besides, you f*ckers correct me all the time [winky... ; )]), but F...
Enjoy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5MJbZ4l4J8
Hello A.K., I'm going to be uncharacteristically blunt... by the third paragraph in, your post started to concern me; you sound extremely conflicted or scattered (...and that's not a criticism;...
More like, epic fail; chances are the chain saw would not only sever major arteries, but possibly tear through skull and pulverize brain matter. Too fast... Better... especially if you started...
Thanks Elyasis, I discovered the MENTION tag set due to your post (the icon looks like a speaker, so I assumed it was an audio tag); however, I had replied to n.y. (n.yumikim) directly, so I believe...
Thank you N.Y.; he's tested twice, and achieved that result both times (ISTJ), and many aspects of the various profiles fit him like a glove (naturally mechanically inclined - he can build or fix...
Thanks C.S.O., it is in fact a bit sarcastic for sure, but it's a sincere request for necessary information (and this is my best recollection of a single example, representative of a pattern...); I...
An INFJ son here... I'm not certain if this is an ISTJ characteristic (feedback welcomed), or particular to my dad (he's extremely intelligent, but words - and patience, are not his greatest...
Laughed when I read this one! Adolescence (job description: rebel) is hard, more so when one's father is an ISTJ (but thankfully, mom is an ISFJ; she seems to be the only person in the world that...
Hello Zadude, An interesting find, my INFJ (NiFeTiSe) take: This is a good example of how Fe and Fi differ... As an Fe-Aux, I believe this is what often places me on the fence with...
Very succinctly put; really no need to clarify, but perhaps a handy mnemonic (memory aid; I find a lot of people I know aren't familiar with that word...). Fe: Everybody is likely without any...
Arclight, I have to agree with Zech here. In fact, I think the majority of us on the forums here interpret the various typing systems and derived notions more literally than the originators...
Hello L.D., I don't think your view is entirely alien to many NF's (though you perhaps take it a bit more rationally). However, consider the state of the art tools that are available. I...
Hey L.D., You sound like a technically-minded individual, so I think I can offer some general and more specific examples you can appreciate. Essentially, the misuse of religion (a human system...
Wow G.O.A.T., (That acronym is ironically appropriate in this thread I think you'll agree - but of course it not disparaging in any way...) Now THIS resonates with me: As does all of this:...
L.D., You should take a closer look at the post by Btmangan immediately before you posted this question (and if you like, I posted something to this effect as well)... Why do people do it? Well,...
Hello A.T., I didn't grow up with religion. My father's view towards it is cynical (as are his viewpoints on innumerable other topics), and my mother I recall had attended church as a child, and...
Hello L.L., I agree with your statement about shorthand; though I generally prefer 'x' to enumerating various types, as my posts are long enough as it is! However, there is a portion of your...
Excellent topic seastallion, As with all profiles, I think the INFJ profiles are written for someone who is generally strongly oriented in all functions and attitudes. Sixteen type boxes for ~7...
Hello Crono, I think we're in the same boat; I agree with the various points made to differing extents, from very much so, to not at all (for example, even in scientific problems they will...
Hello F.A., (I'm going to use a contrived notation here for summary: F(), here indicates Function, and the (V) or (v) indicates ones preferred and non-preferred 'verted's respectively) ...
(The correct answer to this old post: none of those functions are important, because I'm an INFJ, and they are all my shadow functions - therefore, they suck, and people dominant in any of those...
If I had any business being an entrepreneur or supervisor in need of an assistant, I would heartily agree with you. I worked for two individuals I believe to be Si-Dom's (ISTJ), and both my parents...
Hello Razorfield9, I think that you are generalizing a bit too much for Nx types; I'm INFJ (NiFe), with strongly expressed I and N preferences (consistently at ~75%). My writing can be quite...
30800 INTJ: Why, why was I programmed to feel pain! (The Simpsons) Just kidding of course, did you cut your antagonist down in a previous post? I took your first post as a joke...
Hello TrailMix, INFJ married to an ESFJ. Unfortunately, I think you'll have to do a little more of the heavy lifting - you lead with the Ti/Ne functions; Fe is gut, so it doesn't always wait...
Hello wsmf, Has your mom actually taken the test (and placed ENFJ)? If her N was just over the line, or if she mistested, and is perhaps an ESFJ (Fe-Dom), that might explain the certain things...
Hello L.F., I can tell you as an INFJ male married to an ESFJ female, that yes, my heterosexual life does revolve around my liking of the opposite gender (and in particular, a very specific member of...
Hello S.F., Sorry I didn't reply sooner... I think if you viewed my prior two posts in this thread, you'd perhaps realize we might agree more than you originally perceived. I interpret...
Hey NaughtyChimp, If I said kissing a lot made you promiscuous, would you be free to get laid as much as you want, because the damage is done, might as well live it up? If so, then yes, you are...
Hmmm, So firedell: An ISFP (I'm related to one)... So you're likely: a deeply and honestly caring individual, generous, adept at enjoying life... and you also manage to suggest a functional...
Whoops, I just noticed there's a few more pages I missed (currently 55 of 57): but to continue with a prediction, with regard to your comment SoftBoiledLife, I think Celtic Dreams was actually...
Mr Reality, I used to be a bit more black and white myself, but maybe it's just an age thing... It just seems that the deeper you look into things, the more you (may) realize that many things in...
Hello LTTM, I was a little unsure how to reply; oddly enough, I'm an Fe auxillary user (INFJ), my wife Fe dominant (ESFJ), and when I first scanned the examples and your follow-up, I thought to...
Wow Souled In... While perhaps you feel it takes you a long time to reply to posts, your input is typically top notch (so in my humble opinion, it's time well spent). Anyhow, being INFJ with...
Hello SenhorFrio, Very succinctly put; I think generalizing behavior goes too far (however, I think there is a kernel of truth, given that nature favored a division of labor. If there weren't...
Whoops, a follow-up to my rather long winded post... As far as correlation, I haven't bothered to poke around for research, but I think it would more apt to indicate that sexual identity would...
Hello Prufok, Yours was a very interesting post; I hadn't thought much before on gender identity. I honestly had to Wiki androgeny to ensure I understood the gist of it's meaning in terms of...
In this case LAF, I think you're correct (a group of individuals didn't suddenly jump personalities), but it can happen to individuals in special cases. My brother just took the test, and I was...
Tridentus, Not picking on you, really a thoughtful write-up, but again to try to avoid the absolute/black-and-white trap, I'm offering a non-archtypical, auxilliary Fe user's perspective (and to...'