'Hm, you seem to take this a lot more serious than I thought, I am for once not religious though I believe that Jesus has lived. And secondly, this is what I believe at the moment but is at...
Metaphorically speaking... :) The paradoxical nature of everything means all perspectives are true in their own right, I am not looking for any definites since the constant motion of the all is...
Nah, clever isn't really the point either, and neither is it being original. ^^ Just my personal view at this moment. I just want to know if anyone agrees? At this moment that is, we come...
Jesus was INFJ, right? With a natural understanding for the metaphysical, right? The vacuum that exist in the paradoxes of the everything, he called god and his father, right? Though...
You are aware that Putting an E or an I before the NTP makes the system that calculates the functions different?... You don't calculate the functions of an Extravert the same way you calculate an...
Yes! I have transformed! It happened two weeks ago! I got closure on some VERY old issues and as soon as I felt that I had accomplished what was needed I could feel *ALL* the knots in my tummy...
I'd say pscychologist. Boring answer, but true! ^^
This was fun! I approve! :D
(I only read the OP and have thus not followed the whole thread, I just felt so compelled to answer anyway! ;P) Well I think this one has quite an obvious answer: If one has an isolated system...
I understand this but... do you realise the irony in this considering that many INFJ:ers are generally too quick to judge based on too little information? ;P Thought it was a wee bit phunny. ^^
Yes, I can definitely relate to this, unfortunately. Mainly through my interest in music, movies and RPG-games. I've never really *genuinely* shared my love for music, movies and games with anyone...
Well, you can count me in aswell! ;) I believe a great deal of us INFJ:ers share this experience of feeling like a walking fallacy, as an entity separate from the rest of the everything......
Has planescape: Torment been mentioned here? :) I'd suspect so but worst case scenario makes for this being a much needed reminder of it's greatness! Planescape: Torment for download $9.99 -...
Short answer: Yes! :)
I'd rather say this is due to anxiety and not your personality! ^^ /Hugs, Jesper.
I know, it was an exaggerated joke. :) I am very intent on keeping people happy and comfortable in any way I can! :) Thanks for the welcome, I'm happy to be home! <3
Yeah, the greatest relief I have ever experienced! A very intense both psychological, emotional and physical relief! Probably the first time ever that I've experienced *true* calm. :) Nah, they...
The other part of the cheese? ;P
Yeah and I just wanted to clarify just in case! :) It feels like someone who clicks on this thread will give it a thought at one time or another, no? ^^ EDIT: Yeah, maybe I should have put a...
Of course it hasn't been proven, I've gone through a number of different trials and tests, having different people evaluate my person. I'll link the final process for you if you feel in doubt!...
Fudge yeah, My friend! :D The best game in the world, I LOVE the philosphical and metaphysical questions posed, discussed and answered in PS:T!
Hi, I just figured out I'm an INFJ, if I had known that INFP:s cry cause someone walks too heavily I'd know sooner but, yeah. ;P My name's Jesper and I don't know what to state here really.^.....
What? xD Are you wondering how many years it's been?.. in that case 15. :)
I just spent some time doing this: Test your V.I. skills So far I've nailed all personalities at the first try ECXEPT the ENFJ:s! SO COOL! :D Like there's something special about them! And...
I wish I could speak with you... I'd really like to. I hate written communication! It's so crude! :( I don't know what to say, it's a feeling... but... yeah.. WAH! I know what I want to say...
There are a lot of things going on here... not something to talk about over the internet though, right? No person is doomed to be alone. Not a single one of us can ever know what the future holds...
yeah, I feel you... I'm there too. We'll get through it, right? :) <3
You guys are awesome!!! ^^^^^^
Baah... Alone, heartbroken... sad. :/ Why does love have to be so.. why does it have to be love? :( it hurts!
Awesomee! :D This right here is the best thing eveeeer!! Sharing good feelings and letting them multiply! <3 ^^
Totes! :D This made me happy!!
Your own brain! ^^ Just venture out into the everything, just you and your brain! I promise, it is all you will ever need!
Oh, are you very self-conscious about your voice? :/ I used to be but, I got over it... eventually. ^^ WOAH! I never actually REALLY reflected on that I suddenly thought my voice sounded OKAY!...
Thanks again! :) I hope you get there one day, a year ago or so I would NEVER have believed it if I had been told that I would have done such a thing a year later, Obviously! ;P It is such an...
The day I realised how Intense I get when I speak of something I'm passionate about, both in terms of body language, facial expression and speech, that day changed my life... My eyebrows are probably...
I'd say life is lived in a constant state of transition. Any notion of permanence in life or of reality being unwavering is likely to be an attempt at fabricating control, which I find understandable...
I'm quite curious about my behavoiour actually, question my existence you have seen my utub-vid. Wanna give a verdict? :) And please express yourself as you would without any concern about...
I like your vibe! You are like laid back but with a hint of inner turmoil and I'M IN A HURRY BUT HAVE TO MAKE SURE I GET TO SAY ALL THE THINGS I WANTED TO BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT... there's one more...
Yeah.. the thing about crying and me is that I fudging loooooooooooooove crying! All that stagnant energy that gets released, woah! It's almost narcotics grade shiiid! ^^
delirious.. yeah.. mostly just that.. or, do I need three?
Thanks! ^^ It's the first time that I've ever filmed myself. And that I actually even put it up on youtube, it amazes me! :D I must say that I feel rather proud of myself for doing that. I never...
Have you ever tried standing up straight, then breathing calmly with you stomach? I just got a feeling that it could work. ^^ Oh! By the way, I'm commiting a crime now but.. I hope it's okay! ;P ...
HAven't you got anyone with you? :/
Pokémon, that wasn't yesterday.. indeed. ^^ THe GB-games are really good though :) I have quite fond memories of them!
Yes and no, I'd say. Isn't the act of closing your Jaw fundamentally the same as biting your own teeth. Two rows of teeth that hit eachother, teeth against teeth. ^^
Not well. Abnormal levels of energy. wah. -_-
Yeah, we are INFP:ers after all, yolo is like our bible only better cause one letter less. ALL INFP:people are YOLO:ing at this very moment, right? Like WAZZYP, Yo? Phat shiiid, yee, dope! Oh,...
Thanks a bunch! :):)
May I ask what your primary focus is, the question or an answer? ^^ It feels like I can relate to what you've written btw. I imagine it as being one of those moments that greatly define two...
I've recently adopted trying to go about things with a sense of My emotions, my responsibility. I know that I get veeeery dramatic and loud at times when I feel a lot. And other people often find...'