
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'slightly somber and wishing this caugh/dizziness/light sickness would pass already. also peopled out very badly.

ESTP TMLT love sensers

when asked a question you answer with everything but the actual answer because it seemed to obvious to you. :laughing: when you want to read into things too much and trying to explain it just gets...

XSFJ TMLT to downplay themselves as a habit.

me talking with my INTJ(?) friend I tend to use lots of emojis when texting or chatting online with others. INTJ- why do keep making those offensive remarks at me? Self- :O they aren't offensive...

ENFP TMLT to become a teacher

Yes :proud:




ice cream sandwitch

Ni for sure

I think I'm perfect at working towards being a better me. (but I know I'm not perfect so yeah)

going with yes



INFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdYWuo9OFAw

ISFP (?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtP1TFbl3l8

ISXP TLMT to prefer building computers to ordering them online.

myself-INFJ Best friend of 20 years- INTJ Other close friends- INFP, ISFP, ESFP

INTP TMLT to believe in fung shui and design their entire house around it.

INTX TMLT to spend a nice day inside of going out.

IXFJ TMLT to enjoy meeting people and hear their stories.

https://cfaithholland.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/within-you.jpg  http://img.picturequotes.com/2/596/595236/hermann-hesse-quote-about-books-1-picture-quote-1.jpg

ENTP? :unsure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W60IPexop30


warweasel good luck on the job prospect. :) I'm sure you'll bring a lot to the school district.

Edit XSFX really not sure :unsure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpYjHa-cAlc

708898 I think what attracts me most to this is the wires and see through aspect of the people and building. Like we're all connected by wire. Shaped, molded able to be seen through moving...

Most likely.

Agent X - yup definitely intj :proud: Dustmite- going yes as well.

Ugh recent events are making me want to be shaken and asked what are you doing?!?! Ugh I know I need to do this but this move and everything else... Sometimes I really did wish I knew why i do...


ESFX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT_nvWreIhg&index=16&list=RDn4tK7LYFxI0

I haven't personally been a yet but i think some people victimize themselves in typing. Looking for a sense of self going into stereotypes or what not (both good and bad). It doesn't help the...

Your secret SO :kitteh:


XNTJ paradox :)

XNTJ :kitteh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea--faRAoBM

What sort of hobbies and interests do you have?

EXFP ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjR-lFq4J90

Ni for clearly plotting on how to take over the galaxy. ^^

Yup entj.



Not sure. I don't know what entj are usually like. :unsure: So yes(?)


XNTJ? :unsure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drJqDmEGIes

Hello and nice to meet you. :happy: Wow sounds like a difficult and stressful situation all around for you. I do hope something improves soon for you. Like I do have some opinions on things that...

Ne :happy:'