'The scum is coming to the surface What about the children? The evil, the avarice We have saved the children and defeated them. The elite still cling They clench the sand so tight It squeezes...
Connection Can't be forced Reflection Can't be real
This Moment Stay with me here now please stay you there me here stay and be happy
One time a few years ago someone said white, gold and green.
Snow here not the kind my sister would tell me about in june in chicago this snow is cold and wet and without doom
I hurt The spiritual agony It drives me in deeper than I've ever been I hurt, I need a hand I don't play well I don't understand
Your infjness is surfacing. I have read infj won't believe that anything original or useful can any longer be written. It will deter many from writing at least for a time. Then you talent is...
Sex I wish guys were able I seem to be the only one lets lay the cards on the table lies, cheats, dehumanizing women women, their beauty they put up with these addicts they should give them...
Internet Porn That dopamine high its an addiction to marriage, a real affliction can't get it up with real women frustrated and lonely wives take a second look at those knives
How the face changes in time The mouth that knows no hope When despair has sliced the throat Each syllable a chore Each new experience, a bore The eyes just shallow pits the glimmer gone...
When you are caught in drama, yours or others or are in a funk. When you are thinking rather than feeling. When I am focal pointing lower left during meditation
Falfi All the animals come to me and here you are Falfi you purr and I see what you mean to me You purr, then I knew what I mean to you
I must of I must of run around in the dirt with the nasties here on earth I must have caused a lot of pain been meeting these olsd friends since birth Seems like I am asked to decide each...
Light The light dims at times then brightens Will it survive the grime what makes it lighten Ganesh, Babaji, mantra yoga, reiki, nature what does it take? to wim light's favor
Old Receiver You can still learn Live for you Live free Human be So long to do for others idealist dedication lovers, do for you a helpers vacation
The consciousness of the atom If its true we are not ever alone if all the atoms are conscious even a bone The atoms that make the light red the ones comprising of metal this chair, this...
Wind and rain Wind and rain do come waiting for your gentle dump Windows large and numerous show your building strength the ghost is reflected in the corner of the eye the windows help the...
I am safe I am safe with the dog and cats JD slept so perfectly I am peace and thats a fact
Instead Its all or nothing instead of working with the something something instead of knowing my power instead of sprinkling a shower of patience of understanding that they cant see of...
I like this one. i am ready to stop he search and be a human being and its just tough to quit the human doing and searching after so long of it.
Soul Looking at what was what is just a body as a body does soda fizz Soul doesn't feel the despair only the experience Offering every single body hair
Where do I belong I have no clue wasn't it me and you? I have no home I feel all alone Where should I be? what should I do? wasn't it me and you
Falf He gave me his paw without claw i gave it a kiss then another... pure bliss
I am frustrated I am frustrated I am on the verge this life is overrated the rat race the ungodly pace I am on the verge I want I want I want a life well lived
The truth is The truth is you can't find love outside yourself or peace, or truth or fun you can't get it from a book off the shelf you see it when you are the one
What a day What a day thank God for the morning walk yesterday intimidating talk Now more busy work full of to do not quite dizzy just ready for skies blue
Yes I agree. My son just graduated with a Bachelors in psychology and is looking for work. Even though he cannot find work easily if at all in his field, the major he chose suited his personality...
Yes, most definitely.
Very well done, my friend.
I love it.
The way it is I know you felt less than seems like people who act bad do life dealt a bad hand you didn't know to accept you It must be tough being you here now seriously you had it rough
At the water school At the water school gee for real not exactly swimming in the pool a place where knowledge heals Operators a different breed loners
Help She said you have a lot of help all around it feels so lone, so stark feet rarely planted on the ground expecting loving kindness, a spark whether I know, don't know they're always...
He was being mean a long time ago thats when the angel came and joked about his coffee thermos
This reminded me of the Angel song by Jimi Hendrix. I hope you had this experience. Sometimes the angels come in my life and they look like people. I tear up just thinking about those angels.
Yeah I was just going to write about how I get taken advantage of, taken for granted. People don't seem to think there is anything wrong with it. Boundaries are the best. I am accumulating some...
The idealist sits alone He/she normally at home Searches past have shown Truth wrapped up in subtle bundles Deceit on the surface of those Far and near Realize the lie it really blows Only peace...
A Chance Nothings wrong unless i need something to be wednesday a chance an opportunity Move on I will how peace found itself in the midst of the ill
Peach Tree you're so funny shaggy leaves look like a hippie from the seventies Your whole demeanor laid back british rock star hair your leaves resemble that
Number 3 Number three over so quick first one nine second one six How funny this last one me so innocent and naive he says I never lie me so easy to deceive
True Watch what you read read what you watch oh how simple that was but is it true Well it is true the lack of nothing discovery is not new
Chemistry or Management / Organizational Practices
I am just getting to I don't care.... in a lot of situations. I really don't care anymore about certain things. I get fed up and don't care.
Why the Dalai Lama Matters - UCTV - Youtube
So I can't just get into it i won't think about it they should know I wont its too close too manage it
Keeping the faith walking with her happy pant trying not to let this place get in the space she is happy walking with me it brings me back to life's grace then it comes and there it goes find...
Reiki Circle She had such beautiful energy then so did he then she had such beautiful energy the tears of realization that we all have such beautiful energy
It came in the stillness The knowing of waking up for me, God's love God's bliss that is the soup in the cup
As we become more who we are I ask that you do not question what another can do for you I do not ask any more than what you are If you know yourself then to me you will be true
Beautiful Kevin. I so love this thread and this site.'