Another ENTP! Holy shit. Are we being trolled or what?
If for whatever ungodly reason I decide to actually start a conversation with someone, and wanted to begin with their mbti type, I suppose it would go like this: you into that MBTI shit? yeah?...
Sparky quit typing everyone as a god damn ENTP.
Mate. Back to the drawing board. I'm on my phone and can't be bothered dissecting all this, but there's so much shit here it's ridiculous. Explore this Tumblr page mate: Type Theory
I read them - the LII and IEI ones - both fit about the same, LII probably a tad more so because of all the other-wordly mystical dream-like absolute horseshit in the descriptors in the IEI one. ...
Not sure which one it was, I took the one you gave me just then and got this: Tests Result: Est 242219 Think it's INTP but haven't read it yet. Will real soon. Have to drop daughter at...
If 5w4 is only 2nd most withdrawn Enneagram type I need to have a read of the most withdrawn one. haha. In socionics I did some test the other day and got SLI - didn't agree with quite a bit of...
You're an ENTP, you're an ENTP, you're an ENTP, everyone's an ENTP!!!
Are you creative, or are you not creative? Do you like to create new solutions to problems, or do you prefer not to do that? Do you see the big picture, or do you only see the tiny little...
I definitely didn't read it as condescending, I saw all the revisions too, haha. Didn't know wtf you were doing haha. What's so-blind? This the instinct thing from enneagram? I'm pretty sure I'm...
Cheers for the response - I find it amusing that you edited your post like 5 times within the space of 30-45 minutes to keep trying to soften it, when it wasn't harsh in the first place haha. I...
INTP seems a good fit bro
Ah, cool, yeah I got some Riso/Hudson book on Enneagram last night on Amazon but I'm sick ATM so there's no way in hell I'm going to read it yet. I did know the wings were often associated with...
I think VI is horseshit. Need to see people in action, answering questions, solving problems etc. A mugshot is just.. no. Total crap.
I said nothing of the sort. My initial impression was Fi dom but that was just based on your response to the pictures question which is supposed to gauge perceptive functions, I think, haha. ...
This isn't how it works mate, do some reading of the cognitive functions and the dichotomy and you should be able to start putting it all together. Absolutely do not do it by interests or...
double post
Ha, fair enough. Yeah the 16personalities test isn't actually an MBTI test, so we'll just ignore that one anyway. I didn't consider Enneagram.. don't know much about it. Funnily enough, I read...
It's a reference to the model the PersonalityHacker website uses, which is a car model. Driver - dominant function Co-pilot - auxiliary function 10 year old - tertiary function 3 year old -...
To dream, the impossible dream...
It's the IDGAF no one is bound to their cognitive functions stack axis.
I love fuckin' nailin' tasty a.f headshots in CoD and destroying the living shit out of people in practically any game ever. Also a big fan of winning in general.
You don't post as much as I imagine an INTJ on an internet forum would post. Why, my theory is they do it all day, from the earliest bird to chainsaw possom sex in the night. For all this, I...
wouldn't have a clue braaa avatar looks like nerd humour so I'll say yes. lock that shit in Eddie. that's my final answer.
I'm sure he's a nice guy and I mean no disrespect but mate I could use his clips to put my daughter to sleep.
I got SLI. I don't know anything about socionics but the descriptor sounds pretty accurate I guess. Wholeheartedly disagree with some sections - the Ideas part in its entirety stands out like a...
AllyKat those are some beautiful responses, I'm sure there's an argument for some kind of Fe type to be made, do you get ISFJ sometimes on tests? I give permission for anyone who wants to tell...
Probably? I'm not familiar enough with your posts, only really see you here, basically.
I have a theory that after X amount of time, regardless of a persons type before parenthood, our kids force us into Te doms.
I don't believe I've ever met an alpha male in my life. What exactly is an alpha male? Would I notice their presence? If so, in what way?
Literally none of the traits you've listed as Ni are Ni. Read this, I think you will thoroughly enjoy it: ...
What type does your mum relate to most?
What doesn't fit?
I'm basically Luke Cage as far as fashion sense goes. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdogBl8730xuy9QV1Wwgs55W_1_kVylHT8oTPxZmkuzC7eet4Qh-mxYysWxg I'll usually have...
Haha, yeah, you're deadly accurate. The things she thinks about are never on my mind, but if she wasn't thinking about them I mean.. what the hell would I ever get done.. nothing.. I...
My wife is an ESFJ and a lot of the times comes across as more of a thinker than me, she thinks about practical real-life stuff - what are we getting from the shops, how much money we need to earn to...
I haven't exactly read all of his posts, then wandered off into a dark room for an hour to let my conclusions magically come to me. I was just saying how he comes across to me, based on the few...
Wow, so that's kinda inferior Ne? Sounds like a great basis for a comedic relief character in a TV series. Inferior Se can also manifest a bit like.. if I get asked a question that I don't have...
I think you come across more like the stereotypical INFP, than INTP. But I mean, I only know you from a few internet posts. Hey, have you read Was that really me? by Naomi Quenck? It's a great...
Maybe INFP
My understanding of 16personalities is that it is basically their own test based on the Big 5, with the results translated to MBTI terminology. Straight from their own Our Theory section: ...
Hm. Good vid. Certainly matches my life experiences with some people, but I'm not sure what types I'd peg them as. It's like some people kind of want to fight me, because they think I'm in...
Brilliant, I look forward to it. Another way to type yourself, is to read this, and make note of which facets you prefer: ...
^ yeah, pretty much what I was talking about. Now to some people - most people, this kind of thinking and thought process is entirely meaningless and of no real-world use - and for good reason....
5w4 44% INFJ 17% ENFJ 16% INFP
Brilliant, can you elaborate on how you relate to the following phrases: Experience a premonition or foresee the distant future. Achieve a metamorphosis, definitive insight, or powerful...
I personally don't correlate zoning out with intuition, your entire post, to me at least, was a whole lot of Te-Fi with not much to indicate Ni-Se or Si-Ne to support it with. Throughout, there...