
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'What I mean to say is our current state of bureaucracy can do some improvements, more fine-tuning.

I think bureaucracy is a necessary evil. I mean, how well can a big corporation function without an organisational system that can help run its transactions in an efficient way? However, efficiency...

At the moment, I like the word androgynous as this is what perfectly describes me at where I work. I recently had my hair chopped off really short, and I work at this aged care facility where all...

In all seriousness and honesty, what I fear the most is when a potential serial killer stalks me in the woods.

I guess a more realistic answer would be....Why?! :shocked:

Everyone of all personalities ask this question. I don't believe it is right for only one personality type to monopolise this questioning, because I think it is inherent as human beings to have the...

Entering my room without knocking the door. Privacy is very important to me, and I hate to be surprised by unscrupulous intrusion. On the other hand, if I have to take this question literally......

A book made of fresh onions. ... and March of the Penguins. I seriously cried when I realised the beauty of emperor penguin courtships, monogamous love, how much they endure and brave through...

When it comes to intelligent humour, I take my hat off and bow down to the great George Carlin! :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cjRGee5ipM

*raises my hand* :D Aiming for neuroscience!

This calls for an intervention by the Labour Union. And yes, this is very disturbing.

Are there NGO social services there that could help? You appear to have classic symptoms of depression. *gives you a hug* Just offering a listening ear if you need someone to talk to. :)

both. this shouldn't exclusively come down to personality typing, but there are lots of factors that come into play on orderliness... like culture and upbringing.

Researcher. Period.

seems like everyone wants to retire in NZ. The population of older adults is actually larger that that of the youth. :3

...watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians.:bored: Somehow the sneaky onion ninja pops up from nowhere!:shocked:

I try to be careful reading others as I could be projecting. Objective empathy takes a lot of mental effort than I thought, since I have to ask myself whether I'm feeling a particular emotion and...


I have already mapped out how I want my life to turn out to be, but then I have left enough room for spontaneity and for adjustment to arbitrary life changes that are likely to occur as I carry on...

To my original question, I shall take your answer as a yes. :3

1. Environmentalist 2. Pacifist 3. Academist .... The reason why I didn't choose Liberalist is that, personally I have observed that humans are too caught up with promoting their rights and ...

If I asked you guys a sarcastic question, would you guys give me a stupid answer? :P

I love to play.... mainly I do it privately, inside my mind. :3 I love how my imagination consumes me like a giant wave washing the vast expanse of a shoreline. *wink wink* xP

...degrading/looking down at people who are already downtrodden (e.g. discriminating people from lower socioeconomic status just coz they are not as well off as you are).... ugh. that loosens the...

Gosh, this is such a late reply, But THANK YOU Zech!! This has definitely made my geeky day! =D *hug* I hope you're doing great!

low.... SSAD (subsyndromal seasonal affective disorder). i think i have that.

It can get cheesy listening to it for long... but indeed you can't deny the beautiful concept it shares about genuine love. :)

quiet internal turmoil.

every opportunity hides a possibility of a new beautiful journey. a new-found friend can be a treasure of your lifetime.

They also see red, probably because they have more red conical photoreceptor cells than they have blue and green (though I'm not entirely sure if they do have even just a residual amount of the...

I've been secretly trying to encourage myself to embrace those feelings of romance. I had been trying to deny it, avoid it, ignore it, confound it. But this time, I'm trying to teach myself to feel...

These aren't the exact words, but it'll try to recapture the the sentiment spoken by one of the senior nurses who I worked with before. On establishing rapport with patients: You must share a bit...

I share the same hobbies as the other INFJs that have posted here, more or less. However, my new found interest is: burning paper with a magnifying lens. :P woot~~~

Yes, mom. :)

I find it hard to relate to the wider population of females I'm surrounded with. If I'm dropped into a convention hall full of women, I'd probably be an island and stand at one corner, observing the...

Pescetarian (but would want to be full vegetarian). INFJ.

I want to have a trip to Rwanda and volunteer for community work. While being there, I want to see a real-life elephant! :D

I talk to myself like how a schizophrenic would respond when they're hearing auditory hallucinations. With hand gestures. Privately, I strive. But sometimes I do get caught, especially if they don't...

My first dozen: 1. Writer 2. Medical scientist 3. College professor [What a dream. :)] 4. Psychologist [I love this. Plus a neuro at the beginning....

two slices of toast with avocado + vegemite/strawberry jam on either slices [I eat the vegemite combination first then the jam, such a playful transition of salty to sweet flavour] ..... and some...

Even if this thread has only got one response, this is by far the most comprehensive response I've ever received on any thread I've started on any category. Thank you very much. :)

should of <---- I often come across this, then I think ----> should have (or in this case, should've ) [?] I don't think it really should be annoying, but it kind of is. hmmmmm...

lol... looks really tempting, isn't it? xD hence the change. :3 ironic coz pretty cupcakes can look really delectable, but are usually grossly too sweet. :P

this made my night. <3 thanks for sharing!

I'm actually glad to see that INTJs have this thread. I have a clandestine naive urge of making it known to the general society that you're not wholly robots. Although I had clashed with some INTJs...

don't be silly. anecdotes are good. ;]

Sensitivity is indeed a bane... On the other hand, back in high school I was quite notorious for being a motherly-know-it-all-i-know-what's-best-for-you kind of jerk. lol

In response to your thought of how we all are connected, living and non-living, micro and macro, here's a video that @unsung truth once shared to me before that rendered a profound inspirational...

I find humour in your editing out the details which you thought was irrelevant to the original question of this thread. :3

probably individual preference. I love sciences too, but I really don't mind whether it's micro or macro, I find them all interesting. However, I'm particularly attracted to abstract matters, such...'