'He wants to know if allowing himself to love you with everything he has will kill him in the end.
The irony is that the theory you described is the ending to ''Legally Blonde'' i know you think im a jerk now, but thats all honesty gets you. <- more infj oriented topic, start a thread on it
crickets, the clock ticking, the hum of the refridgerator, the barely audible sound of the static field created from this computer, the computers fan, my fingers on the keys, my breathing. why am i...
i want to vomit. im losing my mind
Glad that resonates with you too, I think everyone should be able to answer the question of what they stand for honestly and with unwaivered surety. (side note) I see, your type is IN(t/f)J I was...
i havent been on this site in several months but il respond regardless. gender identity is a term to cover a mental illness, meanwhile hundreds of terms exist to diagnose an illness where there isnt...
I agree, it seems probably we view this very similar, just initially started from different perspectives. For example I do maintain that it's very important to focus a good deal of energy on...
Well a person should only do things that they truly believe in, (easier said than done) but I think most people feel something, or at least wonder why they DON'T feel something of a kinship with the...
so... to be selfish?
Right, i guess i should have spoken more clearly.
The two INTP's ive gotten close to: 1. a very close friend, hilarious, intelligent, loyal. 2. a wonderful wife, all the same and much too much more to list.
I had a dream that I gave a couple young kids advice on how to get girls while someone who I apparently knew but couldn't see stood next to me. If you want to be attractive to women, treat them...
its strange, and your avatar pic is sweet
OK. wasnt even going to post but PLEASE answer this. So when i am driving, walking, sitting, whatever; anything where there are other people, this constantly happens- the moment i look at someone...
I like the middle two sentences:wink:, those made me happy for you.
I guess I understand where you get that idea, but i wouldn't go as far as to say its true or the healthiest solution. There is nothing wrong with being introverted, and I've found BY FAR the most...
Peace and blessings, I hope all is well. :)
I believe things have turned out as they had to, though certainly there are many things I regret doing, but then I can't. I would go back to age 5 maybe 6... I'd stay for a while if my time line...
Ya, I'd be very shy, given the opportunity though I'd take it. I'm a bit cold sometimes so It would be the perfect opportunity to say something earth shattering so that no matter what, my feelings...
WINNER!!! 10char
I used to think along the same lines and wonder who I was, what is actually me, being that I too can morph and mold and feel and even unfeel with enough effort. One day I came to the realization that...
I pictured the entired scene and when I read this for a moment I felt strong emotions rush up into me, I might have cried if i had focused on it. Very sad story, God willing the children will be...
ah close... well, so to speak lol
2nd from the right
I don't think those ideals are funny, nor should they be considered old fashioned. I think they are simply righteous.
I got a dick I'm a man.
Define terrorist, I'd like to respond to your questions, but I'm not sure if I should be offended or not.
I just realized the other day that I do that and It was kind of an eureka moment. I was happy to realize such a good use of acute emotional awareness.
I have INTJ days, weeks sometimes... I thought I was an INTJ for a very long time actually. I think its a result of what others have mentioned about dealing with others as well as somehow a result of...
Krav Maga is very good, A well rounded MMA school is very good as well, don't be duped into thinking it won't help you. Krav Maga I would say is probably #1 for street defense, MMA second. I've...
I hope they're able to remedy the issue, that really sucks and I can relate. I'm kind of worried about the same for myself right now, yet, I'll be sparring and grappling at my gym as I have been,...
The change that occurs within the person is up to them, but GREAT deceptions are coming soon, people will need to follow their hearts and not give in to fear when it consumes everything around them,...
yes, dollar collapse will indeed happen soon, followed by much more
A shift is going to happen, catastrophic man made events, they will delude large portions of the populous of the world. A new religion is going to be born more so force fed to willing and fearful...
ya, that's coming in the worst of ways
wait. we can change our names now!? Oh, hi! welcome.
My downfall has been the bag of reeses cups laying around from easter lol. I actually havent grilled the veggies before I'll have to try it as the weather here warms. My favorite preparation...
What you said essentially. It's a mindset, not an age.
Be honest, and LISTEN to him. Also if you are interested in his thoughts, show it, it will make him feel good.
1. eggs, oatmeal + almonds + half a banana + almond milk mixed in (for milk drinkers almond milk has way more nutrients and tastes wayyyyy better, seriously try this stuff.) broccoli + green beans,...
I have an ENFJ friend who swerved off the road to avoid hitting a cat running across the street during a storm. He stopped the car and got out in the pouring rain to pick up the soaked and emaciated...
Meds can potentially make anxiety worse. CBT I agree with though, there isn't much practical advice that can change what you're feeling laurie17
That wasn't intended to offend you in any way, you misunderstand. You have indicated that your mental state is not exactly optimal we will say. If indeed you are going to take this drug, I would...
I won't say that there is a right reason, but you definitely want to take this for the wrong ones. Also, your mind doesn't seem in any state to handle strong psychedelics. I thought this thread...
I'm no expert, but as an INTJ I think you should talk to her in a setting with nothing else going on, no distractions, and speak ALL of your feelings to her. I know it is difficult to do, but my...'