
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.


Hello everyone. As an avid D&D player, I felt a need to share this dice shaming picture. I would create my own if I had not abandoned my traitorous, speckled d20 so long ago.


Life is quite lovely right now. <3

My internet connection is being piss-poor, but other than that, things are going fairly well. How are you guys?

Hello. c:





Good evening/morning.


Doing well. Happier than before. Hello, Infinnacage.

Hello, Hakase. How are you today?


I tend to visit at deserted hours. Thus my old joke of being the thread's night watchman.

I am happy to be anticipated. c:

Well, I'm glad things haven't exploded in my absence, that would be a shame to miss. I'll attempt to peek in more often.

Thank you. And I've just been wandering. It is as I am. How have you people in the thread held up?

Would someone please fire the torpedoes?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TibaJH5HqMQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3FLpc-5yvM I generally see In This Moment's Blood album as a good musical example of SX-dom. It certainly speaks to...

2w3. Primarily based on signature.

I just watched them.  I laughed.  Oh, and to stay on track:  Unhealthy 7: http://thetvmouse.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/chris-traeger-dark-place.gif

If you want to keep your friends, do not discuss religion or politics.

Mr.Rbtoo 4w5, 6w5, 9w8 General melancholy, a desire to fight but too anxious and broken to bring oneself to do so most of the time, deep reflection on sorrow. ...

Type 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhKlBH2_dVY

Rest well.

Gamzee must die!  http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2012/189/3/e/serious_business_face_by_ztkuko-d56ik6d.jpg

He is a good villain, but that does not change how much I love to hate him.

I have been waiting a long time to see Gamzee actually die.

Gamzee killed all my favorite trolls other than Karkat. :c

My, my.  http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyf7r8V4Ep1qbkiyvo1_500.gif

Nothing tops Starbomb.

Jon had his good moments. Most if not all of which have fanimations now. My favorite series with Danny is when they play Ribbit King. I love watching them play a round of Frolf. <3

The ending was wonderful! The most recent Table Flip with Markiplier was great as well. I liked Jon, but yes, at times he would be too much and at other times the show would grow dull. I like...

Your recognition of a wonderful production makes me smile. c:

This image makes me laugh:  http://i.imgur.com/lOYJsot.png

That's the second time I've seen that gif today. I love it.

I'm not currently interested in that other thread.

Hello Foxical. :3

I just heard drinking and this felt like an appropriate gif.


Rest well. I'm going to retire to bed.

Apocalypses feel like holidays. They're intriguing until the day they occur and then you still have to go to work the next day.