I like healthy xNTPs a lot.
I have a hard time with assertiveness. I've had to try and develop it a bit more once I got into the military.
At first I thought it was a 4 thing, now I'm wondering if it's a NF thing? I feel socially awkward a lot too and I'm an INFJ.
I'm an INFJ in the military. I can tell you that it's hit and miss with certain people. It seems like the types that like it the most are xSTJs. All of my upper leadership are xSTJs, and I've noticed...
I like your avator. It's super creepy but cool.
I'm not an ENTP but I agree with this. Libertarians should NOT be placed in the same category as Conservatives.
I agree that those won't change. Heck, there's studies that show we choose our partners by scent without consciously realizing it. Apparently, scent is a good indicator of that person's genetics and...
I hate seeing threads on PUA and player tactics.
I could definitely see that!
Violet and Lavender :P I love purples myself but I didn't think it'd be fair to add several shades of purples lol.
I can understand what you're saying. I had a guy friend in high school that was an INFP. We dated for maybe a month. He was very clingy... I think I could've gotten over that. I just couldn't get...
Thank you for this. It was a very interesting read. It's the first time I've heard of Ennegram types having Counter-passions. I have a 6 in my tritype so I already knew about the counter-phobic...
I can understand that.
It seems like ENxPs are pretty popular with INFJs!
I was asking your favorite color goober :wink:
This is original! :laughing:
If you don't give a shit, why bother posting on this thread? :P
Im not a yellow fan either. I love dark purple and turquoise :happy:
I found this website on color psychology, and found the descriptions for my favorite color to be accurate: Having either purple or violet as your favorite color means you are sensitive and...
What are your favorite colors?:kitteh:
What are your favorite colors?:kitteh:
HAHAHA! :laughing:
One of the best descriptions I've seen about the Instinctual Variants. Self-Preservation: (SP): This Instinct’s “eye” habitually lands on the various conditions of the physical self – ‘me’....
I have many daydreams that will never come true! LOL! I do have life goals though: 1- I want to work in the medical field. I just want to get my foot in the door, and from there I will find my...
I would say attractive if I was going off just meeting them. Otherwise, I tend to look at whomever I'm talking to the longest. You know there's been studies on this? People look at attractive...
Chipotle :D And I'm drinking tea. I'm a tea addict.
90142 Jonne Aaron from Negative. He's a type 4 too.
Goosebumps, Harry Potter, Animorphs, Where the Red Fern Grows. I liked a lot of ghost stories as a kid.
Keirsey thinks NTs and NFs are the best pairing for each other (according to his theory): The most common type of pairing is the complementary type. Rationals and Idealists complement each...
I found these statistics interesting: Idealists were 73% satisfied with Idealists. Idealists were 64% satisfied with Rationals. Idealists were 51% satisfied with Artisans. ...
*Ahem* I'm quite enjoying this bi-curious and orgy talk. *Adjusts glasses* Please continue :P
I've dated an ESFP before. It didn't work out for me :crying: I've been attracted to ESxPs but I end up with a broken heart in the end. It could be an age thing though. It was high school...
Sorry they are taken! My friend are either married, engaged, or in a relationship.
People walking past would be like WTF? Hahaha :laughing: You'd have people coming to take photos with your headstone. I think it's a big compliment though. The girls that I talk to like 'Rapey...
A lot of N users seem to like teaching college classes. I could see NTs teaching more STEM related material and NFs teaching Arts and Humanities. Possibly Medical too.
I had a female INTJ friend in high school, and she wanted to be an archeologist. I could see INTJs enjoying it more than ENTPs. As for Advertising Campaigns, an ENFP friend is doing something...
Why did you decide you're not cut out for science? Derange At 170
My SO is an ESTJ (type 6). He's surprisingly gentle with me but is very detached when dealing with others. It's strange because I know that ESTJs can be abrasive at times. Other types I find...
Good luck and welcome to the forum!
What personality types do you prefer?
I'm going to have to agree with this. If she put you in the friend zone, move on.
Personally, I don't think it sounded selfish. It seems like you guys have conflicting values more than anything.
I'd like to work in the medical field. I want to help other people.
I wear make-up regularly. I like the natural look. I use foundation, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and highlight some areas of my face. Otherwise, I don't fuss with glitter or crazy eyeshadow colors.
Phase II (20s-30s) Once the dominant function reaches a certain threshold of strength and dominance, INFJsx92 inferior function, Extraverted Sensing (Se), enters the picture and begins to play a...
When I was a little girl, I freaking LOVED dinosaurs! All the other little girls were reading books about Care Bears and My Little Pony but I was all about the dinosaur books. I think Jurassic Park...
I'm stealing this from the ENTP forum ;P