'Hmm.. I think I'm quite easy to become friends with. Or, at least on a shallow level.. I have a big social network, and a lot of people I would call friends.. Even though I'm not that close to...
My INFJ-friend (male) studied cybernetic for 5 years.. He'll maybe become a math-teacher now.. He's taking one year at the time : ) He's a math-genius :wink: I think I'm going to study...
Hahaha, I'll do my very best :proud: I'm still not sure.. The next step is to let go of the fact that I hate to fly, at least with not-so-good-companies. But I really do wanna go to China.. Oh,...
Hm.. Thank you so much guys, now I've got somethin' to think about.. ;) 'course I'll post some pictures from Beijing, lol xD I just have to get my self to China and back first.. haha.. I'm scared...
TreeBob, Seeker of Truth and thehigher; THANK YOU : ) Actually, I haven't thought about it that way, but you are all completly right... Maybe, an ESTP is the best thing I can travel with to...
Lol! Hahaha! Well, I could actually have done that.. :tongue: But, I don't know if that's a good idea in the middle of Beijing..! :cool: That's the problem. I NEED time alone sometimes (quite...
Hahaha, yeah :crazy: Maybe that, maybe that.. :P
Heh, yeah! How to get it? That's a though one.. Freedom for body&soul.. :proud:
Thank u... I think I'll need that good luck-thing if I'm going.. Maybe I have to talk to my ISTJ-friend.. Maybe he'll understand, maybe not.. I think I have to try.
Ah, freedom is really beautiful.. :proud: The worst thing someone can do to me, is to take away my freedom..
If I want to achieve something, I have to go out of my comfort-zone. My comfort-zone is very very very small. If I should stay in there like forever, I wouldn't achieve anything at all! Changes in...
Ooooh yes :cool: You have a lot of things going on inside of your mind right now.. or?
haha, that's my impression of this other boy too; entertaining and fun, positive and in a good mood. I think he has to be ESTP.. Hmm.. I'll try to be aware of the discussion-part..I'm not used to...
I've thought about the exact same thing. So I don't know either. What is real? Can something be real to me, but not to you? And if something is real to you, but not to me, can it still be REAL? Hm.
Yeah! .. And I love those moments. They are priceless. The feeling right then, is just perfect :proud: I have a lot of them, and that I'm thankful for. I tend to show my outbursts of...
Hmm.. I discovered my personalitytype a couple of years ago.. And yes, I've changed a lot since then. I've always been an INFJ, but an INFJ can be so much.. :tongue: My preferences has changed I...
I'm going to the other side of the world with an ISTJ and an ESTP.. I think.. In the beginning of July... I think... But, I'm a little confused; Me and my ISTJ-friend get along great, if it were...
No, is my simple answer. I wouldn't. There has to be a reason why she's still together with that guy though.. I don't wanna be together with someone I don't intend to marry, at the same time as...
I try to avoid margarine, I use real butter instead. I haven't had margarine in my refrigrator for the last couple of years. I also try to drink a lot of water.. But it's hard, I don't like...
PS I Love You, A Walk to Remember, Pearl Harbour.. I think a lot more too.. :P
I've just been in the same situation. Actually the exact same situation. The only thing I need, is time; I've been living far away from most of my friends and family for 9 months now, and first...
I do almost the same thing as you, waterviolet:happy: I'm also a little damaget after growing up with an ISTJ-dad.. I just had to ignore the things he said, and I promised myself: NEVER let...
Both, thanks! :wink: But I do admire cats very much, I have two (or, my parents), and those two just lights up my life. Maybe I'm a cat-person, but I love dogs too.. So I have to say; Both ; )
I'm thinking bipolar or borderline personality disorder.. But, there are more symptoms of that, complex disorders, so you have to see this suggestions as just that; suggestions. Even proffesionals...
Ahm, I'm not really sure which one I'll answer, because it all depends on what you define as a virgin:tongue: I've had a lot of sex, so I feel it would be wrong of me to answer the...
I can be the most natural self anywhere. When my mind is totally balanced, and I feel at peace. It can be in the nature, just observe everything.. Or I can lay on my sofa, listen to music or...
Hm, no, usually, I can't.. It's like it's one of my bodyparts, like my liver or somethin', haha.. I can't tell it what to do, but it's still doing what it should. - As the liver can get sick, my...
Like like like :laughing: Everything from the plot to the nature, caracters, animals, effects etc.. A movie worth watching. Everyone I watched it with loved it too; An ISFJ, ESFP, ISFP and ISTJ =)
I like I like I like! :laughing: Everything from the plot to the caracters and the landscape in it... A movie worth watching :happy: Everyone I watched it with liked it too; ISFJ, ESFP, ISTJ and...
Intuition is a natural part of me, I don't think so much about it. It function best when I don't focus on it, and just float with everything, just let it be a part of me and let it do what it has...
Sign :proud: Hehe
Hahahaha! This sounds exactly like me. No, it IS me. Me in a nutshell. Also, I don't wanna do anything wrong, I want to do everything right. And, because I'm afraid of doing wrong, I tend to just...
I love to give gifts, it's actually one of the funniest things I know :tongue: But, recieving gifts I don't really like.. Don't know why.. I just don't know how to react, what to say and so on.....
Hahahahahahahaha! :laughing: This just made my day! Take it as a big compliment though :tongue:
I really don't know.. It depends on the person.. But I have more trouble with reading ESTPs. She can be an INFJ, don't know enough to say that she is or she's not :) There are weird INFJs too.
Oooh, now I just wanted to give you a hug :happy: *hug* I've done that before too.. hehe
It's all about balace. I often do feel lonely. It's like an overwhelming feeling of loneliness... and I think it's very obvious to others.. But it's not. It's in my head.. If I don't tell...
A lot of people don't drain me. The two girls I live with for example, and some other friends too. 1 and 1 I usually don't get drained, but I do have some exceptions here, haha.. (I get drained...
Yeah. It's not just a thing I feel. It's a fact; We DO live in a world of idiots. In one way or another everyone are idiots, human beings are sooooo not perfect. I'm an idiot too. Yey for me! The...
INFJs are different too. Sometimes INFJs in here writes things I can't relate to at all, sometimes it's like reading about my own life & thoughts. A lot of the things I may find interesting, may...
mihihihihi *dances along*
I'm controlling. That's one of many things I know I have to work with (-and I do). I know INFJs who are not controlling at all, and I know people with other personalitytypes who are very...
SIGN. I have an ESFP-mum. I love her to death, but go shopping with her can be a nightmare. I really don't understand how she does it. ...
Yeah, sometimes. I get drawn between not hurting people and telling the truth.. I always have to calculate what to do, in every situation. I usually don't say anything if I notice that not...
I can bring people down, when I'm down. That's not hard at all. My mum, dad and sister has experienced this a lot, and luckily they do tell me, so that I can be aware of it. When I'm down, the people...
....baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more (haddaway) :tongue: That was the first thing that came up in my mind, haha - What is love, to be loved or the lack thereof Greater love has no...
I have so many memories, that I really can't write them :tongue: I remember almost everything I've experienced since I was about 2 years old, until I became around 10-12 years old. When I told mum...
Ooh, you lucky woman! I would love to do the same one day.. :proud:
I think I've wrote about my teenage-life before, but I can write some of it again, hehe.. Hobbies: I played handball for a couple of years, that was very funny.. I've also played violin. Being...'