
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'i find notes absolutely adorable, it depends on the people involved, and you're the only one who knows that

I prefer extroverted men.

you're you, beautiful and wonderful you

Search before making a post next time. http://personalitycafe.com/infj-forum-protectors/77793-common-infj-enneagram-types.html...

Apdenoatis, do keep in mind things are different in high school.

Only the obvious ones.

better yet, figure out what dominant cognitive function you have rather than just taking a quiz for it...

(a) INTP, I like you. Will you figure the fuck out if you like me or not and stick with it? Your games are childish. (this) INFJ

Are INFJs just volcanoes that erupt fury or love and happiness?

Having just sent a 132-word text in response to a 2-word text, yes.


Yes, I have. Yes, I have.

I ALWAYS read meditation as mediation.

Maybe not their eyes, but their face, and certainly with the way they carry themselves. Listening to them talk is enough for me to confirm it.


I want to be left alone is misanthropic. Avoid it. I'd suggest something like: I'm in need of some [quiet time, personal space, ...] - do you mind if I talk to you [optionally: a few hours, a...

I highly encourage reading this: HSP Living: Thoughts on being Highly Sensitive, a People Pleaser and a Nice Person

Birthday Card Discreetly Passed Around Office Like Some Sort Of Covert CIA Operation | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

I'm scared to give away anything I knit because my most intimate thoughts and feelings are imbued into each stitch.



Forer effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you know which threads i'm talking about.

Strong Neptunes, Pluto aspecting ascendants, prominent moon.

What about 4s? [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana] 3 source: 3 - Enneagram Type Three: The Achiever 4 source: 4 - Enneagram Type Four: The Individualist Don't take things at face value.

Um...what? Types aren't identity. It's healthier for you to leave this forum and stop researching MBTI/enneagram altogether if you're going to form your basis of somebody based on their type.

I just caught myself sincerely apologizing to the cup of tea beside me for letting it grow cold. It seemed appropriate for this thread.


MoonWatcher I had this tab open from much earlier today and was scrolling through to go back to the main INFJ forum when I returned to my computer. I saw hot and heavy with the church and did a...

This is something that has nothing to do with types, but advice and assistance. Why are you asking for type-based help? It's as type-relevant as My INFJ boyfriend ate food today! Does any other INFJ...



I don't have any friends because of it. The kinds of connections I seek out with others are incredibly intimate and intense. Few are in a place mature enough to offer it, and even fewer are...

Don't turn types into sun sign astrology.

Every poster in this thread needs to to acquaint themselves with this term - men who have sex with men. Men have sex with men, women have sex with women, men have sex with women, women have sex with...

I have trouble writing because I need to edit every sentence to final draft form before proceeding to the next sentence. INFJ.

Who would want to live life like that? ;)

Welcome! - fussy emotional person

I want to be among all these extraordinary artists posting beautiful artwork, but I don't draw, paint, ... I could write if I tried. Maybe I should start.

Do you ever run into the right song at the right time? The perfect movie that describes an otherwise uncommon event (e.g. not a generic breakup) in your life, or provides an answer to a question...

I promised myself that I'd remove a destructive friend from my life, but I relapsed and let her back in last night. I didn't mean to, it was an accident. Yeah, I know, how could talking to somebody...

welcome, welcome, welcome! :)

dear creativity, please stop running away! i'm not going to hurt you, i just want a little peak, a glimpse, a flash... and i'll beg you to stay around (it's because i love you!) and get a little...

Immediate reaction: Oh, I'm home! :)

76. I'm the highest so far...and I'm a guy? :s'