
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'No worries. I'm only joking :) Was debating to go with something along the lines of not having access to google out on the island (once I understood the reference). Probably would have been the...

Even Wilson won't hangout with me unless I pay him :(

Where can I find one of these Wilson's?

Bump. I'm INFJ. Mystic all the way.

Gonna be the 4th or so to recommend berserk here. Also note the manga is more rich in detail and character development but if you aren't going to read it then be sure to start with the 1997 anime,...

536738 536762 536770

In my experience I would say you don't. YOU can't. Not truly. The job or duty to do so is his and his alone. You could do so many things to help but that doesn't mean they will help, what will be...

This thread was necro'd. Coincidence? I think not :cool:

Didn't read too much, agree with some points but overall I think the author is really butt hurt over something.

So true. My brother rarely played any RTS with me but I feel like he'd be able to pick it up quick and execute things easily but he'd have a harder time with the strategy bit. When we play chess...

I think I laughed more than I should have.

I'm quite good at boffering (padded weapons) and running. I'm not so great with teamwork when it comes to fighting (or any sport you can think of), maybe it's just that my allies always tend to be...

I've kept a journal since I was about 6, and it went on and off for a few years. My teen years were when I just stopped, I tried a couple times but I just couldn't commit like I used to. Maybe it's...

That escalated quickly.

Better is hard to define. Doesn't it depend on your perspective? Overall I voted no. I have massive flaws and even if I fixed those I would still have other problems. I voted yes to the following...

If You had a limited amount of words to use in life, how would you apply them? This is a terrifying prospect to me. A nightmare. A bad place. Anyway I got The Count of Monte Christo. I...

I don't ask for help. Maybe I feel I shouldn't need help or I'm afraid to show weakness (perceiving asking for help as weakness). Even if I need help. I'm just stubborn about it and because of this...

Osama Bin Laden. Not sure how comfortable I am with this.

I've been dealing with something similar. I can easily motivate myself if I am going after a goal for someone else. The goal could be anything, school, work, self improvement, etc. Maybe it's...

This is actually me before I get sick. Then it turns into I will be fine tomorrow. I tend to recover faster than anyone else in my family so placebo might just be working. Heh. I tend to...

There isn't any quick and dirty answer. None that I know of that is.

My thoughts are often about the human condition. Lately I've pondered what are the boundaries of human ability. I began studying psychology so my ideas have been vastly expanding. On my last...


People tell me things that I've told them in the past that I can't recall saying. And my current self is saying to my past self Why did you say that?! My memory is terrible. It's not funny......

70% infj 10% intj 7% enfj 4% infp 4% isfj


Which part of him exactly are you speaking of? Everyone has a little :ninja: in them.

This deserves an Oscar.  http://i.imgur.com/wReHI.jpg

http://smatterist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Famous-Quotes-Misattributed-0013.jpg http://smatterist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Famous-Quotes-Misattributed-0010.jpg Sorry if this last one...

That line has so much win. Back on track with the OP. I'm an optimist. So optimistic that people have bashed me for it, but it's okay. They'll come around....

http://diebenow.com/sites/default/files/Man-Flashes-Stay-In-School-Shirt-On-Playground.gif  http://diebenow.com/sites/default/files/Man-Flashes-Stay-In-School-Shirt-On-Playground-2.gif

I actually avoid them now. I could spin anything easily, not seriously believing, but that What if? is rather entertaining. It was a huge waste of time, but you asked for it so... :tongue: I'm...

I just have to say wow. That post is amazing.

When an old lady asks what your shirt says and you suddenly remember your wearing a shirt with a statement(an anti smoking one) the whole time you've been going around doing stuff in public. Then you...

I don't relate all that much. I felt something was just wrong with me most of my life. Finding MBTI set me on a positive path and I've never been happier. Sometimes I may alienate myself but I...

First off, this is really confusing me but what the heck. Overwear, because who needs underwear when you have pants? I mean, uh, yes, I'm wearing underwear... Or is it wear and tear?...

I've been thinking on this for awhile now. I don't know if these movies exemplify Ni or not, but here they are. Mr Nobody: I felt a real connection to the part about choices. Something along...

Denied, no regret.

Keep in mind people don't actually know what they want in a partner, not really. Without knowing, I'd want someone very different from what I am actually attracted to. I'd like to say I find...

I'm glad I'm not alone. Though I would probably prefer ENFJ. I wouldn't change my type. I wanted to in early stages of discovery, I wasn't happy. I felt like I was dealt an unfair hand and was...

Nooo. Deer hunting season is bad enough. But wearing a shirt isn't blending in. Seriously though, you'll find me in my room. On paths/trails, and of course, in the woods. I also like...

Can't offer relationship advice but I do have some random thoughts. I can be critical of so many things, but I'm always watching how I express this, or if I should. A lot of the time people simply...

Complete isolation.

When you go to the bathroom for a quick use and then suddenly find yourself brushing your teeth because you went on auto pilot as your brain wandered. It's not even funny how detached I am from...

I'm 90% sure I remember reading it. But maybe it was from the silly movie? :dry: I could see it being either way now. I'll be honest. I think I might have some weird brain disease. I seriously can't...

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou It's the feels, at least for me. All...

My gut has been wrong before, but I was also under stress so I can't be sure. I suppose things did go sideways, but in a very different sense. Yes. Such as when you're the bearer of bad news...

I feel like I should ask why, but there is no person who can answer that question to my satisfaction. Sooooo... I have no idea. This is a cool thing to think about.

Somewhere along the line people assumed I don't like hugs, which is kinda annoying. I think a lot of it has to do with hugs being viewed as feminine. I prefer to hug people over a handshake,...

I have already been here.'