
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'Are most INFJs on this form ISFJs or INFPs :dry:

No, we dot exist. Not even Carl Jung! Who laid out the basis of MBTI, which is the system the label INFJ is apart of. Your argument is invalid. :proud:

Bleh. spam

Each and every person has a as self -who they are deep down, and a monkey mind. A monkey mind tariffed of the unknown, avoidant of change, worried about staying alive, lusting after a mate, keeper...

I've noticed that it's a little too common both in walking life and on PersonalityCafe that people like to vent about problems without offering or testing real solutions that actually work. The...

I think it has more to do with a world that is not really adapted to the NiFe type of thinking. Overall it seems common to have positive outlook that has a realistic bite to it mixed with a happy...

When I was younger I used to laugh very easily (still do), and so whenever I was trying to be serious my mom would do something she knew would make me laugh. It annoyed the poor 7 year old me to no...

In many cases for something that in retrospect was extremely petite. In May I was taking an intensive May class in trigonometry -so that I could take calculus 1 in the summer. I was really sick...

Then I tell her we're breaking up because she hangs out with her best friend ignorance.

I think it's very common in real INFJs because their function stack makes them the most distant type. And from what I've seen, real INFJs are for the most part are cold and observing on the inside. ...

Thanks :sad: I'd say Ni types are more prone to suicide because of blocked sensing and introversion. In other words, the most disconnected from the experience, and thus the first ones to...

I'm talking about the one who prefer amateur porn over corporate made pornos. The true meaning of this analogy is very closely tide to Introverted Intuition. Are they not justified?

Not depression, nor hurting, simply lack of interest in this hollow side of existence. Purity in a dimension outside of morality. A love prostituted in a life lived without remembrance of...

I beat one on rainbow road :crazy: https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.M48e17be55a46c6b497c839013f19e7adH0%26pid%3D15.1&f=1 But more seriously, I...

Is the genius the one who designed the AK-47? http://championfirearmsblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Mikhail-Kalashnikov.jpg Or the one who are intelligent enough to use it? ...

I've seen Richard Feynman typed as ENTP, INTP and INFJ, and ESTP in various places. ENTP seems to be the more common. However, it seems fairly obvious that he is an ESTP. I'd guess his father was...

You're welcome :happy: Haha, this is slightly relevant (I got the name of this book from an interview with Richard Feynman) https://youtu.be/GNhlNSLQAFE?t=4m

Yeah, I was also really scared of math when I started college -I was homeschooled and had two SJ parents that taught me in a very Te way, which made me really unsure about anything I did (Even in...

Do you like math? Are you good at it? Do you tend to have a different learning style than others?

Basic Questions: 1) Age or Age Range? Old enough, but not too old. 2) City, Country and/or Region? It depends on who wins the US elections this year. 3) Tell us something about your social life?...

I have many deep internal conflicts when it comes to beliefs. You're an introvert if you're being honest about everything you wrote here. I think a problem for many Ni dominate people is that...

Does it annoy you when someone tires to be unique by dressing and acting weird? :kitteh:

Binaural beats are two tones played in each ear that make a third tone that is an oscillation of the two. Anyway, give it a go and tell share what it did for you. --- This one has other...

No, I meant the ones cutting the hair... 90%+ ISFPs here :shocked:

My will is, and has always been exploration :kitteh: In many traditions the Soul was considered the side of the person that came from nurture though many reincarnations. The spirit was the part...

Go to the nearest haircut place or art school... That is where they all hide... No joke :shocked:

ISTJ - Fetish ISFJ - Nazi INFJ - Materialism INTJ - Dun-Gooder ISTP - Too-Dangerous

ISTJ is below ESTP! Haha!

Internet: Most overrated - INxJ Most underrated - ... Heh... In real life: US Most overrated - ENFJ

:shocked: That was... something new...

Welcome, Penis! I'm also a new ESTP :D

That seems quite natural if you look at nature and how it's basically a predator system :proud: Though, it could be argued that since you see that there is something more that is not being lived...

What happens to people who don't want to be socialist? ;) And who wants to play a game where Everyone's a winner. :bored:

The same reason we enjoy sex ;) The survival instinct :wink: #Greed #Nature

A giant apple :blushed:

What to rename my cat to :proud:

Cat on LSD'