
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'I've given everyone I know a good reason to go I was surprised you stuck around long enough to figure out... 'All Alright', by fun.

My boyfriend, actually! :) Quick back story; dated a friend from high school for about two years, had a baby together, planned to get married, things didn't work, I moved back in with my mom. Was...

I've been referred to as fascinating. Oddly enough, the INFJ I've recently started seeing has been fascinating to me since day one. :)

45853It's a picture of words but it's still a picture and it's perfect.

Oh wow. Everyone is so attractive! xD Am I just drooling because I'm finally single, orrr....? Another picture of me so I don't disrupt the flow too much :) 38260 Beach in the summer of 2010...

Hi Jon! Welcome to PerC :) Like everyone else has said, the INFJ board is a fantastic place to meet other INFJ's. I frequent there myself! I hope you enjoy your time here! It's a pretty great place.

I haven't read the replies yet, but I can relate to this so much. This sounds almost exactly like why my past two relationships have failed. And they were both quite good relationships really,...

Ahaha I think I love you ^-^ Yay! Exciting stoofz!

http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m32h2tnRet1r3gb3zo1_400.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0gzsvlNVW1r0f8s0o2_500.gif http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m39harIqdR1qh65zxo1_500.jpg ...

...Static? (But about to start moving very quickly!)

Hi brother of mine.

Lucky for women, http://fimgs.net/images/perfume/nd.4586.jpg or http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31OhCAhTXlL._SL500_AA300_.jpg Bath & Body Work's Night Blooming Jasmine :3

advance auto parts silver springs fl

I used to believe that, when I went to leave my dad's at the end of the weekend (visitation), when he forgot ('forgot') something inside and ran back to get it, leaving me alone in the truck, that he...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGPyUSVtpZM I don't care. I love The Darkness.

Yay! Did it :)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAj6h6e0_48&feature=plcp&context=C4361e70VDvjVQa1PpcFOKE7cqDdL_0gfaydmbwLzw Gi0hOXEAhl4= I just like this because my friend Michael Mayhew made it, and he's dressed...

http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m19tycz3EO1qlgkano1_500.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1nc0wFrUK1qfhbc2o1_500.jpg ...

http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2te45R0X21qdlh1io1_400.gif Hey...what's this...OH HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF CRACKERS http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1f112UWyU1qaxzdbo1_500.gif The...

Emotions Running Rampant Loathing The loneliness that is love Panicked What have I done? Long time, no see, old friend. Life hasn't been the same Since I let you slip away. ...

Omelets at 11pm were a fairly common occurrence while my boyfriend and I were still living together. A pint of ice cream for breakfast. Coffee anytime, especially iced. Pizza anytime. Has to...

I'm going through a...'break'. We're not together, we've broken up and moved apart for three months to reestablish ourselves and work on our own issues, and then reconcile (hopefully) and work on our...

I can't think of any particular situations, but yes. I feel embarrassed for others at times. Oh, got one. My little brother. He's been homeschooled his whole life and has basically learned his...

I love acting, and took Drama classes and joined Drama club in high school. Haven't done any since then, unfortunately. But I agree with The Ultimate Square Peg ^ the thrill is unlike any other for...

well, that is that, & this is this will you tell me what thought? & i'll tell you what you missed when the ocean met the sky you missed when time & life shook hands & said goodbye. when the...

It's normal not to want the person you're with to be with other people. But extreme jealousy is a very, very bad thing.

Not a problem! :D I like her. She has such a soft voice, but such a temper, haha.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/228501_10150248665541349_669236348_8795787_4124415_n.jpg My darling. ...

By the way, Kelly, those are beautiful. I'm too afraid to make anything that wonderful.

HEYYY! It's the freezy ice chick from Rosario Vampire :3 Mizore.

COMPLETELY off topic. But your little sign holding goblin creeper dude in your siggy, scared the crap out of me at first while I was reading it. I was like, Uh...not sure about the IP...um, yup,...

The last movie I watched, I only watched maybe halfway through, it was Interstella 5555. Before that, I finished The Woman in Black. And the last show I watched was My Little Pony: Friendship is...

I saw Insidious in the theaters, and I was SCARED. It's a jumper, that's for sure. Similar, but also completely different, is The Woman in Black. I finally got to see that, and it was just creepy...

I think I'm a pretty good driver. I'm 23, and only got my license last year. I never did hold a permit, and I didn't get much driving practice, until I started driving my Mom to work at 4:30am in my...

I have two daughters, the older one is four years old now, and the little one is about to turn one. I have a lot of trouble dealing with the constant attention that they both seem to need. I love...

August 25th, Virgo. I wear glasses...I have since I was about ten. I want contacts. (Money issues.) 'Gifted'. Not sure about the due date. But, funny story, I was supposedly a 'perfect baby' -...

Oh my goodness. Fantastic. I had just taken a quiz and been typed as an INFJ, and after reading the description, it kind of felt right...so I did this, with the link you posted. Anddd I got ESTP....

28,000. Not too bad. :)

I wish I were more able to see the big picture before I panic. It would help a lot. That Ni seems pretty enviable :P Anyways, thank you. That helps a bit. I'm still struggling to understand and...

mypersonality.info typed me as an INFJ actually, so I guess anything is possible. Let's see. Ti: No, I don't think so. I can't explain, but it doesn't sound like me. FI: Sounds a bit like me....

I've taken the quiz three times now, and have gotten different answers for each time. My first shot was ENTP, second was ISFJ or ESFJ, I don't quite recall...this time, I've gotten INFP. xD I was...

Uhmmm...yup! I hear those all too often. Everyone tends to tell me that I think too much. I always need to relax, according to others. And when I'm drunk (or...otherwise intoxicated...), I am...

To fall in love and fall in debt To alcohol and cigarettes And Mary Jane, to keep me insane Doing someone else's cocaine.. - Jesus of Suburbia, by Greenday I kiss your neck I feel you...

This reminds me of 'Stand By Me'...the line that goes (I think), And the moon is the only light we'll see. I always hear, And the moon is only flying pussy. -___- Ruined it for me.

Well, I remember one incident at a friend's birthday party a while back, we had Girl's Not Grey playing (by A.F.I.), and I swore up and down that instead of, Where I belong, with all erased, I...

Oh blah, everyone was so awesome and you all gave me ideas for movies and I meant to reply but then...kids...work...boyfriend...stuff. Okay. :) I've seen some of the movies you guys have listed! I...

As I've gotten older, I've started crying more and more during movies, shows, even commercials...that Pampers commercial with the home birth. I had a home birth and it was amazing and I cried every...

1.) Lying. Lying, dammit, lying is number one. Is it so hard to tell the truth? Is it really easier to make up a story and follow through for the rest of your life? That takes some planning and...

A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess, and Damned - Chuck Palahniuk. I'm further in Damned because the made up words in ACWO are making my head hurt. Hah.

http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/376976_10150560442246349_669236348_10820508_1244000622_n.jpg Hmm, Thanksgiving or Christmas, I don't recall. Me and Baby. ...'