
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'talking about sense powerlessness and invisible pride too strong. So yes, maybe that's a self pity or strong needs to challenge others' brain to victimize me. If you have something or some solution...

The same, man. Gave me the same INFJ Introvert(9%) iNtuitive(22%) Feeling(12%) Judging(9%) You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (9%) You have slight preference of...

Anyway, thank you for correcting me that way, Peter, shows me how you care. Thanks again. I had tried the link you gave me already but I'm taking it again all over. You're right I'm rude and harsh,...

for now, I haven't seen. Hopefully soon

I'm afraid I had to confirm that I have empathy. Now you just put all my fears in front of me. Yes I'm harsh, I need tragedies and dramas now to validate my plan to rebel. I need to be hurt and...

I'm afraid I had to confirm that I have empathy. Now you just put all my fears in front of me. Yes I'm harsh, I need tragedies and dramas now to validate my plan to rebel. I need to be hurt and...

I knew what you mean, man. I got none either. But I fucked to much already

fuck yes, This is that

But you're an INFP how did you figure this out?

Thanks, HappyThoughts, I want to write this to someone Dear, Matthew JWR Protomega. I want you to know, regardless the whole circumstances and situations between us, I felt it. Since the day...

Perfect. If you don't mind, I would suggest 'dem cakes just a little dash of cocoa, aniseed and cinnamon powders. The more exotic, the sexier :exterminate: 560442

what about baked jalapenos with chiz inside :ninja: 560434

Yes, HGy. It said this. Your results: Te (Extroverted Thinking) (55%) your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods Ti (Introverted Thinking) (70%) ...

Thanks, soulsister11. Our minds' traffic are tricky indeed. After I discover my needs of purpose I could feel I would become stricter but that's simply because I cut right through the bottom of...

True. I remained the same all along but never did I realize it, even worse I fought the emerging of that true self whatsoever. Well here if I had to make a raging line, long time ago behind the...

I pretty much showed him everything. My most vulnerable feelings, miseries, thoughts and ideas, etc. I'm really questioning how and what did made me choosing to masque myself for that long yet hardly...

I pretty much showed him everything. My most vulnerable feelings, miseries, thoughts and ideas, etc.

When somebody told you how mystical you are and you think you're probably an INFP but you're far too tragic and traumatized to be one.

I'm a female, 26. I did MBTI test in 2010 had ENTP results. I never touched that personality bullshit until I had to use it for my Bachelor thesis. 2013 - 2014 I was still and ENTP. This year, 2016,...

This may be a good article reference How Law of Attraction Affects the Thoughts in Your Mind | CalmDownMind.com

Balance yourself with the anti-you to keep the conflicts on watch. When things are up these conflicts will put into perspective. Even if you are godly you need to see the view of an anti-god and...

There between religion and spirituality where I am. I do practice religious acts (not entirely) do some spiritual stuffs but yet I do believe I can make any kind of choices for myself and feel happy...

Hello dear ENTPs. I've been lost for almost half decade just to find myself again in the middle of a blackhole. Yes ENTP's. Blackhole. It is the place where you find the darkest deepest most hideous...

I think... science ... deep into it ... is mystical

Such a shame I quote my own post, haha. I don't care anyway, In reply to previous A ENTPs posts, I have a best friend, A blood-typed, not sure; she's probably an ESTP, she has better and...

Mystic cross is sign of life wisdom/spiritual consciousness that is purposed by the Creator to be exceptionally understood by the mystic cross owners. The learning would be in various form, many...

use a lot of mixture of olive oil(or grapeseed oil)+body lotion over your hands and palm. Regular treatment in a week should be able to control dryness and maintain the moisture, dear. Try to reduce...

37612 I have like 2 on my left palm, both are between head and heart lines. I'm not INFJ anyway...

I've been through some circumstances that made me noticing different tendencies of people and I eventually referred to blood type again... I don't know what about other people I have not met... ...

I'm ENTP and I have this clearly prominent mystic cross between heart and head lines, below the middle finger.

I'm SLUEI. So covered and coated with all I am

Imagine all that you want, feel them, enjoy them, before sleeping. Do for the next 3 - 4 weeks, and see what's gonna happen...

Need to make provocation from my part, though... lol

ISFJ brothers and sisters, I'm ENTP and trust me if I didn't try to figure what would it be like to be an ISFJ, I would have left this guy--who later I found him out to be an ISFJ (thought first...

Now I'm trying, you know it's resulting in what... makes me feeling like I'm actually some kind of indigo person hmmm

1.) Unethical ... I do practice my own way, sometimes it's ethical or unethical, when I just focus in it, I dont care lol until somebody tells me, but even so, I would still care my own lol 2.)...

The way you implicitly typed You go to see if the bold is smoking hot to me  hotter than Enrique Iglesias http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/010/5/e/mr_enrique_by_edgaraf-d36wz7x.jpg

The ES's and the IN's

is it just me, or why does it seem to be most of the complainers are ENTPs?

I saw for the very first time this amazing INFJ boyfriend of mine by September 2010, I was walking down the parking lot of school, and he walked in, I saw he looked at me... that was a vivacious...

I never have had any critic about my english, lol but anyway, maybe you're some ENTx

I am a Muslim anyway

Okay fellows, I'm back, these are mix of simplicity, flakiness, modern edges, bold, balance, and free spirits... http://files.looklet.com/looks/a97f1e08-f92a-4273-9306-bff6ab8daf66.jpg?1...

love the genuine happiness I can see here :-D

Our smiles are rrrrrrraaahhh. too gorgeous. :proud: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs618.ash2/157066_10150334845080472_791610471_16065200_5806545_n.jpg show me yours :-P

coool indeed freezes me, lol:laughing:

I'm back and got y'all some update of newest pic This is me with my ESFP pal in a karaoke room...

Ah, yeah. Sorry I didn't suppose to elaborate that. What I meant was I gain energy with certain type of people, mainly those who would listen to the strange stuffs from my mouth that they never...

That's dangerous, once we meet, the world will bow down w/o excuses HAHAHAHA eh, but we gonna need INTJ for that earth domination

I kinda worry (or just wondering), I'mma hear... a serial killer get arrested in few years, or maybe if he's too smart, after 10 yrs then motiffffs: hating everyone lol'