'Winning my 12 year long battle with Anorexia and Bulimia and being able to do this without medication or hospitalization. While maintaining an overall healthy mindset is a continuing struggle,...
This has nothing to do with you, Hun :) It's more to do with me feeling guilty about starting a bit of a war here. I wasn't sure whether it should be deleted or not because a lot of people were...
I've never felt compassion fatigue like this before; it's to the point where every new mass killing, terrorist attack, riot, social issue and government scandal has left me feeling bored and...
God... I partly wish that I never started this stupid thread, I was hoping that it had become a dead topic but the fact that it's still going a year and a half later shows that this issue is as...
Christ, that has happened to me way too many times :/ Thanks for your post!
I relate to all of this so much. Thank you :)
That describes it pretty well. :)
Awkward social situations are one of the main things I put myself down for. It sucks soooo much! It's so hard to let go of perfectionism (it's in our wiring) but it's got to happen in order to gain...
When I do act on impulse, it doesn't feel natural at all; it feels purely like a knee-jerk reaction to stress and it makes me feel terrible because I'm not being my best and authentic self. I'm a...
Perhaps it's just me viewing everything I've ever said and done through $hit-colored lenses, but there were quite a few things that I just posted on a whim without giving much thought. I guess...
*Gets nervous* Oh, Lord... But I thank you for your effort :)
Hi. I'll try to keep this nice and brief but I want to give as much detail as I can. My impulsivity is one of the many things that makes me question whether INFJ is my true type or not. When I'm not...
Thank you. It means a lot :)
Thanks for your reply! I kind of gave up on Enneagram because I was given different results every time I took the test; type 6, then 9, then 4. I got frustrated. Perhaps I'll try the test again when...
Huh, interesting. You see, I was diagnosed with quite a few things when I was younger; bipolar, OCD and ADD as you mentioned. I was tested by a professional when I was 20 only to find out that I'm...
I'm glad you brought up the part about self-punishment because I forgot in include that in the post. I do somewhat feel that I deserve to feel constantly ashamed but what good will it do? I AM afraid...
Hey, all. I wanted to talk about something that I've been struggling with past few years; I've been feeling immense and constant shame and guilt from past mistakes. I'm not necessarily looking for...
Definitely not any of YOU guys! Reading all of your posts in this forum makes me feel like an illiterate knuckle-dragger. :tongue:
Almost everything that was said here is completely accurate for me as well :)
I used to see it as cowardly as well, but I think that being able to hold back and keep one's ego at bay is strong in a different sense :)
I see where you're coming from; my father is an ENFJ and mother's an ESFJ, my brother turned out to be an INTP. He sadly felt like an outcast in the family, especially since he was raised by a mother...
My spitefulness. Of course, it is only towards people who have intentionally wronged me and/or my loved ones but I do fear the day that I'm no longer able to repress it. (Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuun!)
I don't think that we become INFJs, we just ARE. I personally believe that our types are (for the most part) embedded into our DNA from birth. Most of our traits that we're born with, we inherit...
Yeah. You're much less likely to be taken seriously if you're someone who won't even let the others get a word in edgewise.
I'm very happy to hear from someone who's actually 6w5 :) I don't get my points across very well when I'm angry, I almost never get angry as a matter of fact. When I do, I just tend to silently...
I really do appreciate you explaining this (or rather, spelling this out) for me :) lol I think this shame that I feel when I question my own standpoints is ego based and exhibits some emotional...
Aha. You see, I've read that people who have anxiety issues can easily be mistaken for 6w5. I've read the 6w5 description and I only identified with a small portion of it. I've taken the Enneagram...
I've always had this issue which is why I'm a terrible debater. When I'm left alone to contemplate various ideas and issues without anyone's influence, I form very strong opinions that I inwardly...
I don't take much pride in being super rare. It's more of a burden than anything else.
I was heavily medicated as a teenager, so much so that I didn't even recognize myself. I made very reckless decisions, I was only concerned with what I wanted in the moment and I in general just...
Lost in Oblivion applecrumble I really like it. Some people aren't into its style, but it's still got an interesting story line. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpRhaXfvG_0
Keep my head down at all times. Never make eye contact. Never speak unless spoken to. Make myself look as homely and unattractive as possible. Not draw any attention to myself at all. Live in...
While I don't have any definite plans right now, I have many ideas. I've always had the desire to instill change in society one way or another. When I was a child and teenager, I used to romanticize...
Mostly Melancholic and a little Phlegmatic. I predicted that before getting my results.
I hold my beliefs and morals very closely to my heart, but not so much that I'm closed off to different opinions. How I feel depends on the other person's approach; if they're just trying to be an...
The last game I played was Life is Strange (awesome game! :crazy:) I'm more into simulator, strategy and adventure games. Shooting games are fun, but my reflexes aren't good enough.
What's good? Nothing going on with me, but I'd like to talk to someone too.
Aww thanks :blushed: I appreciate that.
I can't realistically see an INFJ in that position of power without wanting to blow their damn brains out.
Hi. I can't say that I speak from experience, but I understand the devastating effects Narcissistic abuse has on a person's self esteem let alone their sanity. Once the narcissist breaks you down, it...
1.) How was your day? Ah, same old. Went for a jog, then went to work, came home tired and drained, tried to write a little bit but didn't have the motivation. 2.) What's something you wish you...
I'm working on my Spanish for next time I go to Costa Rica. I'm getting pretty good but I'm not fluent yet. Just English and some Spanish, nothing else.
Both, mostly counter-clockwise. Can anyone else switch directions at will?
Spent the last 12 years of my life battling eating disorders, my concern over my appearance was that extreme. It saddens me to wonder what I missed out on and how much of my youth I wasted because of...
It seems that most people just want sympathy rather than advice. While my friends come crying to me about their issues and I try to come up with legitimate solutions, they'll say to me, I just want...
Lol. The creator of the video, Levni Yilmas isn't really all that serious. While basing it off of himself, he exaggerates this deep, contemplative, socially awkward persona for comedy. I agree...
I suppose not.'