
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.


feeling cold os i turned off the AC

Show them instead of using words, though you should do this to everyone. N's can be equally oblivious.

It's not about mbti, it's more about the enneagram type you are.


A miserable little pile of secrets.

How come every Canadian on the internet is an asshole?

A benevolent bacteria.

Had a nightmare my mom and her friends were tortured and killed my mom in the dream was said to be the worst case cuz she was skinned alive and disemboweled. Just things stress b4 bed does to ya!

Sometimes when i get overwhelmed by problems, i just lay down in bed and start meditating into ecstasy and i wish i could live in a magical, perpetual state of pleasure.

People who do this kind of stuff, or even defends its utility makes me feel dirty.

I guess i don't like, vain, pretentious, pompous people, like i'm what i'm because of my circumstances and environment, i didn't pursue to be what i'm(whatever that may be) by petty desires, i simply...

I've never read any book but i like reading the internet and think for myself.

Depends on how sleepy i'm.



All of you 5 Signs A Girl Has Daddy Issues

I think Ti-dom feels but they have a difficult relating their feelings to others, am i right? Correct me if i'm wrong.

A doppelganger of mine would be an amalgam of every pattern i observe on others and dislike. Hell naw.

wtf no

Delete this



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-derT2inbR4 poor doggo

There is a real bipolar disorder but doctors expanded the meaning to prescribe more drugs and make $$$.

Almost all Estp i see on this forum are weeaboos.

Stop judging yourself though other's standards and live within your own values.


Big plans imply stress. I'd rather do good whenver i feel like it and hope it spreads like a virus.

I draw in stylish cursive but can't seem to write some words like e's well.

What's even a feeling? Does it prevent us from achieving objective truth?

I don't like presumptuous/pretentious people either. ya gotta stick with the people u like.

:blushed: hot!

Never heard of this.

I keep thinking uncomfortable and painful things all the time and cringe.

I get fucked all the time by life.

Nah. But i'm willing to try new things.


Only if you fuck the horse part.

If the person cares about forgiveness, then they're probaby good, right?

I've never felt that way. Seems like some bs vanity

Drank coffe and i felt like i was gonna lose my mind or faint.

Well, these things are all intertwined with your privacy, right?

I had a dream i was in Russia and i saw Putin and then some Russians started opening me up with a knife and it hurt like hell. Must be the coccyx pain after my work out.

Yeah, i understand. It's just that things people say are connected to the internal world, abnd it's important to acknowledge that in order to solve conflicts, some people keep lying and having...

From whta i read on this forum, some think Fe is too intrusive and fake, like you don't understand other's struggle.

Slap them with your titties

Watch the fuck out, guys i'm gonna get so political now...

A regular sleep schedule.

I was told that when you swallow bubblegum it would stick to your lung.:exterminate: