'In romantic relationships, I prefer to be submissive. In any other relationships, I have a very unhealthy need to control/dominate the people I interact with. I need to feel as though I exercise some...
I confess to sometimes wishing I was an NT. *guilt*
I've met at least one person I'm certain is INFJ. Amazing girl—smart, kind, wholesome, mature, and exercises a quiet influence over a group of people. I really enjoy talking with her. :) ENFJs...
The Science of Sleep http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUCrM5i_W3c
Wow, what an angle! That would make for a really interesting essay.
Lol, you too? Kind of a relief to know I'm not the only one though.
That's what I try to do now. In the past, the hunches I've had about people's intentions have proven to be pretty close to the truth, but I don't have a perfect track record. Sometimes other people...
Are other INFJs overly concerned with analyzing the intentions behind people's words or actions? I don't know if it's a personal issue, but I always tend to be suspicious of people's motives. I...
Agreed! :) SpilledMilk - I'll send you my thoughts on your points via PM. With all due respect, sir, I just don't think it's respectful to others if we continue this off-topic discussion on this...
So so fun! :D
Do you consider yourself spiritual? Yes, Christian. What about souls? Do you have one? Do souls even exist? Yes, I have one. Yes, they exist. (Would) Is sex just sex to you or is it something more?...
Yep, I know three, but I find it a bit hard to relate to them. They're a ton of fun to hang around, but I can never find a way to segue into deeper conversations with them. I know they're more than...
-studying -gaming -reading -writing -obsessing over complex concepts -planning my future -helping solve other people's problems -theorizing -baking -cleaning
-applause- lol
I've never been much of a romantic. I used to insist I was a realist; I don't anymore, but as I answered in the poll, I'm only moderately sentimental. I know NTs who have incredibly romanticized...
LOL! You know, that's a good point. I guess pen and paper games like D&D and card games like MTG haven't really been mentioned until now.
These are all the places I would list, and maybe I'd add a poetry reading or a rally.
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqqy4f2QSO1r0r80yo1_400.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqr71gknpL1r1fzzzo1_400.jpg http://d30opm7hsgivgh.cloudfront.net/upload/463748_nPiGWubS_c.jpg ...
Hahaha, yeah, come spring quite a few of the more muscular male students at UChicago start walking around campus or lying around in the grass shirtless. I think the statement is, Here's what you...
You make some big some claims, and I’m just not sure you could objectively back any of these points. First of all, morality varies primarily on an individual basis. To say that these top-level...
I know I don't speak for other INFJs, but this idea holds true for me. You might be on to something..
My closest friends are girls, but the majority of my friends are guys. I'm much more comfortable with friends of the opposite gender, and I do tend to find other females slightly irritating. Again...
I don't intend for the following to sound aggressive or arrogant, so forgive me if it should sound so. I respectfully disagree with this statement because: 1.) I think there's a reason why year...
Dear You, You give me hope of feeling fulfilled in a marriage, when all my life I've doubted the idea that raising a family and committing to one person could ever make me happy. You've brought me...
I actually laughed out loud when I read this. :D
I'm still only a starry-eyed, second-year student. That might explain my bias. Still, I can say that my experience at the UofC has given me a reason to believe that a university can create an...
Hahahaha, awesome. :) I actually find that to be the great thing about these essays—they provide you enough leeway to provide a telling view of your personality. I'd argue that such prompts...
My university is well-known for posing bizarre & quirky essay questions to its applicants. Here are some of our essay questions from past years. How would you answer any of the following? (You're...
23. Wow, wasn't expecting anything that high. :/
Thank you for this. This is a beautiful reflection that has prompted me to consider the role of spirituality and faith (particularly my Christian faith) in introspection, self-discovery, and...
I agree that there are some things people can intuit without being able to explain how they arrived at those conclusions. However, I think that just being an INFJ doesn't justify an inability to...
Hmm, I'm pretty sure I'm the nazi zombie champion.. Just kidding, I'm actually terrible at zombie mode, but hey—it's a lot of fun. Hey, no worries, let's plan for an eventual PerC match on...
Aww, that makes me SO happy! c:
http://d30opm7hsgivgh.cloudfront.net/upload/113021422_K7N61IgP_b.jpg Happy panda. :) Hahaha, interesting perspective.
First one. Definitely.
I love playing Reach, but I don't know. It may just be me, but I find it doesn't quite have the appeal of the Halo games with Master Chief. It must be the Master Chief cult of personality. :P ...
Right, I just plan on deleting the source. Thanks for the heads up though! :)
I'm a bit iffy about posting pictures on the web, but I guess if I have any regrets later on I can always just delete this. http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l600/Geaibleu/meh3.png ...
I played old school Street Fighter obsessively as a kid. Whether that counts as serious gaming is certainly questionable. :P
Is Gears 3 really as awesome as it's been hyped up to be? And that's awesome—let me know if buying the Epic edition was worth it. I know this is super lame of me but I never play on live. Alone, I...
I'm the INFJ dedicated to the cause of alleviating poverty. I'm the INFJ who advocates a moral, humane outlook. I'm the INFJ who feels strongly about her faith. I'm the INFJ with a crazy, wacky...
I wish I could thank this post 20 times. I agree with this so much, and it's sometimes hard to come onto the forums when I encounter so many people unwittingly caricaturizing their type. With that...
Oh man, you're a serious gamer. My friend was a beta tester for Gears 3 and he says it's amazing. I can't wait either!
Lol, ok, please tell me if I'm being a ditz here, but do you actually have a sandbox in the middle of your living room? Because I have to say, that's the image running through my mind right now.
Oh, playing the greatest of the classics! I'm sad to say I've never played any of the other games you mentioned, but I'll have to check those out at some point. Hahaha, that's how I feel when...
Yeah, another person who can't get enough of Black Ops! :D
I sort of stole this from the ENFJ forum, but I'm wondering, is anyone here a gamer? It doesn't really matter what kindx97PC, console, whatever. Ever since I was little, I was absolutely taken with...
Three words: Call of Duty. Edit: I lied. I have to write more than three words because I didn't answer the what's your favorite genre question. So, first-person shooters.
Dear person from my high school who is headed to my college, If you end up in my dorm, I will not be a happy camper. Love, Me
Hmm, after reading your answers I'd say you seem rather INTJ.'