
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'The meditation I practice is, at least in my perception of it, almost a pure exercise in Se- even though it seems to be opposite. I don't pay attention to the senses at all, but I close my eyes and...

I can see what you mean by being lost in a freeing and happy way... I think an element of that open minded attitude always has to be present to get the most from life. It just has to be approached...

You've really struck something there about other people being TOO influencing. I've always thought of being super empathetic as being nothing but a blessing- except of course, mood stability when...

Thanks so much.. I think you're right about needing a purpose that you can envision in the future. Somehow in the past year or so, I've lost that. I've been trying to be very in the present moment,...

Alright, so I'm nearing the end of my third semester in college- I live away from home in NYC, I'm finally into my major's specific curriculum, and I'm involved in a lot of extra things I find really...

This strongly depends on who I'm with for an extended period of time- and I assume it's probably like this for everyone -When I'm back home in nj with family, I never curse- doesn't even come to...

Lmao... trust me, I'm not delivering happy news anytime soon ;P

Thanks everyone! It sounds like lists and broken down, uncompromising deadlines along the way sound like a good way to work... You all seem to be very good and comfortable working under a sense...

My hand would be getting pretty toasty

Thanks! That's good to hear, because that's generally how we work Yeah, I think my friend has the same pet peeves really- which I agree with so I'll be keeping any of this stuff minimized....

541914 lmao

Hey! (TL;DR: bolded Q's) I'm a college student who's just finished their first year- and over the course of that year, I've made a new best friend and frankly kickass business partner! (who is an...

My stepmother is and ESTJ and she, although she means no harm, is actually the worst thing in my life. I feel like she lalacks respect and understanding in the extreme. She's also just very...

I think Si may have really played a part in me when I was very depressed and going through extreme negative changes in my life- I would take what was new and happening to me (and not good) and...

weird art girl sometimes, but lately people have been calling me the zen one or the next effing Buddha which I think is hilarious, because I am trying to follow Taoist philosophy in my everyday...

Thanks, you seem to understand my viewpoint very well... You're right about the communication- if I'm going to move out, I have to be very open and direct about what this means and why it's...

I guess that's true... I keep thinking that staying here is what my family wants, but being miserable here isn't. Maybe I'll be even more emotionally available for them if I'm physically away but...

(TL;DR: I'm a rising college sophomore and I want/need to move out of my stepfamily's home for good and become independent asap for mental health reasons, but it's also a dick move to my mom and...

I used to never be mistaken for an extrovert- I'm usually very obviously pretty quiet and lowkey However, since I started college last year, when I'm out of class and on campus, everyone thinks...

Yeah, I do this a lot. Actually, sometimes when I like a person TOO much, it'll be hard to balance other things in my life... although I can tell when it's for the right person because I'll either...

Anything by Louis Theroux!!

So as it says on the side, I'm an INFJ female: 63% masculine 62% feminine 65% androgynous guess I'd say this is pretty accurate, if that even makes sense

Lately I've had so many deadlines, all overlapping each other, I've been really overwhelmed. Overwhelmed to the point of being kind of paralyzed. I feel like at this point if my deadlines loosened...


Stink bugs (of the brown marmorated variety) smell like cilantro for some reason And maned wolves smell like weed! Maned wolves also aren't wolves. (um... what's up with this thread tho? For...

Football, or as we say it in the US... soccer... (sigh) I've only ever enjoyed watching American football at my high school games, but I'm 90% sure that's because I spent the whole time admiring...

Yeah I'm a 4w5 t00... and I thought I was an INFP for a good couple months there. But something was off. Probably the stress on Fi. Anyway, that's what got me looking into the functions, and then I...

Yeah, my avatar is Yes Man from Fallout New Vegas at the moment (because that's the game I'm spending the most time playing nowadays... I've nearly exhausted it) I can only do evil things...

Yeah I do, it's hard but it's fun. You really, REALLY bond with people when you're stuck for hours each day working your butt off. And in the end, it's pretty satisfying. (especially if we win, haha)

My INFP friend and I ramble about video games all the time She loves getting into all the storylines and characters- she sure as HELL can't make evil decisions, (although sometimes we argue about...

in my personal experience as well as on the forums... Great fun to talk about all sorts of things with - very refreshing in that regard, conversations and topics are usually never too out there...

I just like wearing a tanktop and some boots. And jeans of course. Aaand I rotate between some headband things when my hair is up. Signature only in the fact that I'm consistent, I guess. And I like...

I've been in a couple leadership roles, but disclaimer: I'm only 16. So, I haven't been running anything of too much worldly importance, but, eh- anyway, here's what I have: I'm an artist, so I...

Journal...ing has always been a good release for me (although generally when I need a release, I have really negative thoughts, and subsequently my journal is mostly filled with blah kind of...

My Outward Bound instructor 2 summers ago came up to me in private and said that I was the best at powering through challenges and taking them with grit and optimism... the best he and the other...

My mom actually let me take a mental health day today she let me pretend I was sick for my less-than-pleasant stepmother I really needed that small act. Still very anxious today (I was shaking...

I think it's all about context. The fact is, I'm 16. However, I'm a senior in high school- so all people in my grade think I must be 18 (or maybe 17) by now. There's no doubt in their minds. ...

I find I have a rather addictive personality- I always seem to be battling with my self control Internet and video games are my chief addictions, but I'm also not very good at controlling myself...

Chores are the bane of my existence sometimes- most of the time it feels like a useless waste of my time Of course, when you add other human factors into the mix (it would be polite to do them....

My dad and I share this weird humor where we imagine and describe in detail some absurd version of what we're experiencing. It's hard to explain. For example, we're at a fast food place and a guy...

Doing physics problems and listening to a a kind of angry playlist ...angry because... ...math.

Have any of you folk in the US volunteered with the peace corps- or know someone who did? Any immediate thoughts or stories you'd like to share about what it was like... or why you did it... or your...

One of my best friends is an INTP and he's an artist- we're both going to art schools next year! He's also good at math and the sciences, (if you're in the US and know about these things, he passed...

Going to college for art next year... figuring it out... Although I would like a career in some sort of humanitarian work as well ... figuring it out.

I like my room to be organized and clean- although lord knows I don't always keep up to my standards there (I am also an artist, and a teen...) I always love organizing the things I care about,...

Optimism in adversity, even if I find it annoying at times

Summer- hands down. I get cold really easily... so winter's pretty miserable (except when there's snow) The dark gets to me, too. I'm sad just thinking about it. And I don't know, I love the...

I'm usually the quiet one in the back corner drawing or writing or- what I perceive to be daydreaming but others perceive to be angrily death-staring my next murder victim. I've always been...

Sometimes it just doesn't make sense.

I've been kind of baffled by time lately My perception of it has become increasingly fickle Seconds, minutes, hours, days.... Months, years... ...what?'