
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

After viewing my profile, you're convinced it is a statement? What exactly is it on my profile that leads you to assume so? I could expand on the recent past and the lead up to me posting that I...

I'm horny. end.

The one by Nicki Minaj where she repeats 'you a stupid hoe'... I really don't want to youtube the video, so there you go...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la75Zz1RNsg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDIK4KhPPO0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbtZyuOMdHI


One particular night with DMT. I heard an incredible rumble, like a giant wave; The mother of the earth. It was then and there that I was able to understand her strength. I'll never forget it.

I have 'tried' to refrain from posting here, reading up on ENFP/INFJ interactions, etc.. But now i have cracked, so here is my story: I previously worked with an ENFP for 7 months. I was new to...

53693 New hair :happy:



Ok, well I decided to bite the bullet and send him an sms expressing how I felt. Now the dreaded wait. Mind you, I have NEVER taken initiative when I have felt something for someone. Good luck to...

I feel that I have reciprocated. When we first started speaking he was abit confused and asked me out of the blue 'Why are you calling me?' and me being the non sleezy + try-not-to-come-on-too-strong...

I honestly get the impression he's not interested in me romantically. Blegh. I feel as if sometimes there is some interest, but then he retreats back into his shell.

52630 talk talk - laughing stock

Was in a relationship with a guy for 4 weeks, he lived in another state, I went over to see him, I flew back knowing I would break up with him as light as possible because It didn't feel right. I...

You can't find them! they are hiding in bookstore/library corners!

I've recently hung out with an INFP (even though we worked together for 9 months) and I've been speaking to this INFP on the phone and unlike other INFP's I have met, he's more reserved than the...


I adore them also! I'm trying to find a basket big enough to put my dog in. It would make my heart happy, seeing him content with his nose up in the air.


Oh my, this thread is me! I am quite a loner and I've always felt more comfortable around males so over the last few years, my closest companions have been males AND all of them have developed...

Only two from Western Australia, one being myself? :( <----- many sad faces.


Not entirely sure where to post this, but someone on Meetup.com (apparently a member on these forums also) has created a group for those residing in Perth who are interested in MBTI. I think this...

Slightly uncomfortable, surrounded by drunk men/sausage-fest, being the only female + sober one there.

Inside (2007)

I guess everyone grows/ learns at their own pace and from experience, no matter how many times i ran to friends, yahoo answers or personalitycafe to seek advice/opinion, it never really set in my...


https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/527977_10151008658613493_118883860_n.jpg can not resize pic -____- oh well. my face.


Dear INFJ's, After 2 1/2 years on and off with an ex, I finally had the strength to leave for good. I want to share this with you as it is the end of a chapter and the start of something new. It...

Thank you for your responses once again. It has been a while since this post was written so I've had quite abit of time to sit back and observe myself. I still recognize where these feelings stemmed...

1 breaking bad 2 the inbetweeners 3 big bang theory 4 family guy 5 grand designs (does that count?)

To elaborate: I personally find it difficult to actually get into relationships itself. Many guys have liked me, whom I have liked also, but when the possibility of them asking me out/ going out...


https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/275854_528893492_421113865_n.jpg new hair :)

this post was originally a picture, now just pointless jumble... mind my introversion/crappy mood.

Thanks, my chest is burning in anger right now, I'll use your advice right now since I have time alone tonight.

This happens to me sometimes and it is not a pleasant state to be in. Currently in one of those states and would like advice on how I can deal with this now, and also in the future. What set it...

So irritated that it makes me irritated that I'm wasting my energy being irritated on something/someone/people that isn't/aern't worth it.

I haven't laughed this much at a youtube video.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEbYfuF6IiM&feature=channel_video_title ...

Well, it's not really venting but this is for the three INFP's I know/speak to: Oh, the irony. Why the cocky attitude? Just because someone likes you, don't let that get to your head. Get off...

Hahaha, that is too true! He usually has the same facial expression with SLIGHT changes, but never a teethy smile.

I'm feeling quite open to sharing today. With the approval to post a picture from the ISTP bf, here is a pic taken last week. Can you tell he's an ISTP? I may end up removing this, but here it...

Um yeah, reading through this thread reminds me of my bf/ex bf / whatever the hell we are now...

Well, so far in my 22 years I have not warmed up to the idea of children, but who knows, perhaps when i'm 'mature' and at a different stage of my life, then maybe I might want a child in my life. ...



I am feeling on top of the world. Sometimes I think to myself 'Wow, it's so awesome being me', really. The amount of time I spend dwelling in pain, contemplating, deciphering.... all ends up...