
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'I'm, usually, awkwardly flirty. For me it's all about (extremely subtle) word play in conjunction with incorporating the little details many don't pick up on or the other telling me about and me...

I usually don't consciously flirt. For me it's more of a, in hindsight, oh, what I did, then and there, actually was my way of flirting, albeit, extremely stubtly. On the one hand, I hope she picked...

Definitely Music. However, while I generally listen to music without lyrics, I do appreciate the lyrics if and when they resonate with me (which is, as far as the songs with lyrics is concerned,...

Generally speaking anything good in the Sci-fi genre Pretty much anything with a mixture of suspense & psychology (Mindhunters, Identity, etc.)

The rule for me definitely is distant and cold with strangers or in a group but quite warm and fuzzy when with a small group of friends or one-on-one time with my friends.

Don't worry. Studies have shown that the average length of a friendship is about 3 years. For me, that's even less (but then again, I'm very particular who I even call my friend, so there isn't...

Didn't even have to take a test to know that my primary love language is physical touch. And I wasn't surprised that my secondary love language is quality time.

I love hugs, on both ends, however, only those whom I'm close with. I definitely won't hug strangers, and I'm uncomfortable with receiving hugs from strangers (I won't say anything to that extent...

Asked a friend how she's doing after a pause in communication (couple of weeks). Turns out she's not doing so well. Her dad's in hospital, in a life-or-death situation. Knowing her and her...

In my case, it took alot of failures to come to the realization, that despite how irrational (without concrete evidence) my instict / intuition is about other people, it actually serves me very well....

Generally yes, I do, however, I'm cautiously optimistic, meaning that I give someone enough space for them to move around freely (that is, for them to be themselves) and let them decide if they want...

Dear Friend, it was great seeing and talking to you again after almost three months. Nothing recharges me in such an intensity and in such a short time, like the one-on-one time I spend with you....

Never have (despite having been offered) and never will. Not my cup of tea (the thought of hooking up alone disgusts me); I need some sort of emotional connection.

I am definitely in the premarital sex category, at least if it's as an expression of love, intimacy and trust in the context of a committed relationship. In the context of taking a committed...

I recognize myself in alot of what you wrote, especially the social aspects (being with people there's a connection with, etc). I say read up on the cognitive functions to get a better idea of what...

I've tried being myself around my family; it didn't, and still doesn't, work very well. The sad truth is, that I now only show a small part of my true self in their presence (just so I don't...

Only had two exceptions; once I tested as an INTJ and once as an INFP. I can't really explain those two anomalies, but I never truly saw myself as those given my unterstanding of cognitive functions.

My music taste varies given the current emotions and overall situation. Generally speaking I prefer calm, soothing melodies & no lyrics, usually found in soundtracks (can't get enough of the calmer...

How I do so very much hate myself right now. While looking for a new place to live, I come across an appartement that completely resonates with me. I mean, while walking around and viewing the app,...

I've been lucid dreaming pretty much every night for the past 20 years (falling asleep with the intention of entering a lucid dream; even having a method for entering a lucid dream with a high...

Listen, not only to what we say, but also to that which we do not (There is a wealth of information in our silence)

Dear Self, Congratulations! Goal reached: 10kg in 6 months. I told you persistence (and a change in lifestyle) pays off. New goal: 5kg in 6 months. Keep at it. Sincerely, Me

I now have that internal rambling only to a degree. I came to the realization that those ramblings aren't good for my health, be it emotional or psychological. The solution for me was simple yet...

At first I wanted to agree with this statement, but then, I figured, that it probably is the most basic form of weighing options and decision-making ( and thereby, in my book, making it logical). It...

As far as friends and romantic interests are concerned, I can't get touched enough. However, I'm uneasy about acquaintances touching me; this uneasyness lessens depending on how long I know them, but...

Sadly, I view a military as a necessary evil, if the military is set up solely as a defensive force, as it would be naive to believe that, in the world we live in, one country would not take...

I currently only have 3 people to whom I'd, once again, say I thank you for your friendship. It's not that I don't like the company of a very good acquaintance, but, well, I'm very picky about...

qft! :happy:

Dear best(?) friend, I'd love to spend some time with you, just talking, drinking coffee & tea. You have to realize that, as an INFJ and as the kind of person I am, it's one hell of feat for you...

My apologies for not only not answering your question, but even asking a new one: Are you compatible as PEOPLE (interests, type of humor, hobbies/activities, etc.)? Sure, there may be a time...

Luckily, I switched to Ebooks (yes, sometimes I do miss the feeling of turning pages by hand). However, if I had to store the currently (and still increasing) 250+ books on bookshelves, I'd have a...

Just because I'm quiet while you are talking (or even shortly afterwards), doesn't mean I'm not listening. I'll talk, not because I have to say something, but because I have something to say....

I am my true self only with two friends. Sadly both my parents have betrayed my trust once too often (it's not that I don't love them with all my heart; just trusting them...is not something I'm...

I can manipulate others well, if I wanted to, but tend not to, simply because afterwards I feel worse for doing it than the reason for doing so was actually worth. It doesn't mean that I don't...

Short version: the soul & heart; long version: sadly, I don't have the time to write down the words, for they could probably fill an entire book :wink:

Generally I write my feelings down in, what I can only describe as, a diary (of sorts). But I don't just write down the negative emotions but also the positive ones, simply because I find it easier...

Dear girl friend, Thank you for being there for me when I simply need someone to vent my feelings and you quietly take it without thinking anymore of it. Thank you for being open for a deeper...'