
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'https://clyp.it/inexkeel It's on a different platform, but nonetheless. It's a bit rough because it was my first time recording. Space Oddity-David Bowie :)

Reason; Bitches love smiley faces. LOL

Everyone was lizards, everyone. You thought that was a person? No, LIZARDS!

Also, Mr CafeBot has some wicked dance moves.

Thank you. I see that mentions are disabled so I will have to deal with quoting everyone.

349210 Interesting! Interesting that I also always questioned my feeler type result, and that showed in this.

Hi everyone, I joined here a while ago, but didn't really stick around. Apologies for that. Still having trouble figuring out the functions I'm using, but it's great to make friends and have...

I wonder if anyone is chewing a malteser at the exact same time as me.

Caucasian, particularly British, Aussies, Irish and Scottish. Asians, African-American. But man, especially Irish, British and Asian.

Also, Charlieissolike would be INFP, I believe.

John Green has said that he tested INFP. I also, after looking closer at Shane Dawson, believe that the extroverted nature he shows in his video is an alterego. I think he is hard to type, but is...

3am is my favourite time, because it's dark, no one else is awake, and I can just be at peace.(And watch many Youtube videos)

I don't feel like this is accurate. Plus it includes astrology, so an automatic F for me ;)

Hey guys :), State your type, and whether or not you have a messed up sleep schedule. Why/Why not? I'll start; INFJ Yes Because there are so many ideas that need processing, and so much...

Some jobs I wouldn't mind; -Secretary, because I could organize stuff, as long as it still gave me a chance to voice an opinion and not just be a slave -Teacher, because I like the idea of all...

Yes, yes. It depends on the person, but they can be cute :)

Well, it looks like it's INFJ to question your INFJ-ness.

Oh my god how am I not friends with an INTP, you guys are awesome! INTJ are pretty cool too, though.

Jinsei What do you think? :)

Yes, I would.

Sometimes I'm good with analytical stuff, but it has to be something I'm interested in. Here are my test results; Similarminds-INFJ Cognitive functions test; INFP first, then INFJ...

Either I just make the decision, or if I have too many thoughts and ideas jumping around, I use the process of elimination, or a pros and cons list.

I don't know if it's the 2am thing, or if it's actually incredibly funny, but I'm trying to hold in laughter.

I don't know if there are any doctor who fans here, but here's my wacky theory; What if our world is a trap for the Doctor? The T.V show was created by the same people who created the world in...

INFJ, and I will add it to my reading list. It's nearly 2am.

A system of segregation based on personality type actually wouldn't be too bad. It'd be like all the Y.A novels(ew) magnified by 100, then put into real life. But, honestly. If it were worked out...

A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men-Roald Dahl

Here is the questionnaire answers; Scenario 1; At first, when he'd broken up with me, I'd feel scared, afraid and like I wasn't good enough. When I hear that they've been diagnosed with...

Scenario 1; At first, when he'd broken up with me, I'd feel scared, afraid and like I wasn't good enough. When I hear that they've been diagnosed with cancer, I'd be grief stricken. I'd...

My guesses; 9-INFP borderline INTP 10-ENTP 11-ENTP 12-INTJ perhaps ISTP Amy-INFP Rory-ISFJ Clara-Definite ENFP Rose-ESFP Donna-ESFJ

Thank you for your help. Some things, I do admit, I added just to give people a better idea of who I am as a person, some one to visualise if they were going to put into a situation, etc. ...

Thank you :) I've posted there

Hey guys, I'm new to MBTI, and I was wondering if you could help type me. I've typed mainly as INFP, INFJ and INTJ. Most recently I took the test provided here and got this result; Introverted...

Thanks guys :)

Hey everyone, I'm new to this whole MBTI thing, and don't completely understand everything, but that's okay, I will get better. I'm confused on my type, so I won't put anything down yet. I've been...'