
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'I can defiantly see how INFJ men and INTJ women might be in the same type of situation. Masculinity is the possession of traits that are typical or appropriate for men - I think that masculine traits...

He doesn't sound much like an INFJ but then again we are only seeing one side of him in your description so if you knew him well and think he's an INFJ I'll go with that in my advice. I don't like...

I just took some pictures of a random selection of my clothes; I though that this might give an idea of how I typically dress. 47318473194732047321 I just realized there is a lot of red and blue...

I'm a mechanical engineer. At my job I'm doing energy engineering where I basically find ways to save energy for buildings. I like my job because I think I get challenged by my work and have enough...

I feel like I've always had trouble being truly myself and a lot of my relationships with others seem to be based off of a persona I put on. I think I've been aware of this for a long time but only...

My closest friends I've had have been ENTP, INTJ, ENFP, and INTP. I really like intuitives and typically can form deeper connections with them but I can also make friends with sensors like ISTP,...

I can see how using material items to promote the image you convey to others can be an unfair game because we don't all have the same resources available. People with more money will have more...

I'm a recently graduated engineer and have had some similar experiences with the sciences. I'm great at understanding larger concepts but I perform pretty badly when the material is presented as many...

I also only watched the first season and it was a while ago when it was first airing. I defiantly identified with Peter a lot; I'm not sure whether he is an INFJ himself but I agreed with most of...

Cool song; I think your interpretation makes sense. Drawing the meaning from a song and applying it to a different aspect of life, one that is more personal, is to me one of the aspects that can make...

I feel like this is such a great explanation of how I experience life. There is so much I want to do and so many things I want to be open to but I'm always over-thinking and inhibiting these desires...

I've read before that people's childhood personality can be very telling of their type. I defiantly exhibited some INFJ traits when I was young. I remember when in elementary school durring recess me...

I think my feelings on others are very consistant. Sure, I guess there are dynamics to any relationship people have but I feel like I can always get through things without changing my core believes...

I never got very involved in facebook; I still have an account but I don't visit the site often. I don't have a problem with the site or the atmosphere there, in fact it's a great tool for keeping...

You seem to already understand a lot of it; ENFPs are one of the types that I feel can understand me best. It takes us a long time to open up so don't think that you are doing something wrong just...

Not every INFJ is the same certainly but I can speak for how I might be in this situation. I care a lot about other people and really don't want to hurt anyone but I don't necessarily have unwavering...

I love coffe; it tastes great and really helps me start (and continue) the day. As for cats, don't dislike them. They have the potential for cute pictures and whatnot but I don't think they are...

On the receiving end I think I tend to prefer truth. I'd prefer a less pleasant reality to living unknowing of what was true. I think in order to make the types of decisions I want to make and direct...

I really enjoy researching topics I find interesting and expanding my understanding about different things. I think my goal is always to find out what the big picture is; I can take in lots of small...

I answered this same type of question in the past...

MBTI initially caught my attention because it seemed to explain why I was different than others and gave me a reason to accept and embrace that. I think at this point I'm feeling pretty comfortable...

I can relate to this idea you have, it seems like a lot of christians make the bible out to be the sole or certainly the primary source of interaction with the divine. I think sensor preference...

The issue of wether someone dislikes conflicts might be more relevant to enneagram type because there dosen't seem to be a similar stance among INFJs. I don't enjoy conflicts per say but I think...

Just something interesting I thought I'd add - I'm pretty sure the romance movies Before Sunrise / Before Sunset are about a ENFJ/INFP pair. Of course it is fictional but you can still see how the...

I'm glad that I don't seem to be the first to say this but I think I also need a degree of physical attraction to make me interested in someone. It's a little shallow perhaps but I think without it...

I'm just going to throw out an unsorted list to give you an impression. Radiohead, Björk, Sigur Rós, The Beatles, Joy Division, The Velvet Underground, Kate Bush, King Crimson, John Coltrane,...

Currently:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNWyXd0cIVo  Recently: http://i.imgur.com/Ka3nN.png

I don't believe in tarot card reading in the traditional sense (where some greater force controls which cards are chosen). I do think that tarot cards can present people with a model of the way their...

I don't think I have a particularly good memory. When I try to remember something from the past I get more of an impression of what a moment in time was like rather than having the ability to re-play...

I feel the same way. It's so interesting learning what other people's lives are like and trying to see through to the passions and struggles that make up who they are.

I've never had any bullying escalate very far so I think I've been very lucky. I've never had to do any type of retaliation as far as trying to hurt someone for what they have done to me - I don't...

I relate to a lot of this and experience the same type of thing but in a slightly different way. I also get easily set off by small things. If I feel like someone is being unnecessarily negative...

I think I'm always up for spending time as a family and I enjoy feeling close to them but I often get drained pretty quickly around them. It's either the conflicts that occasionally come up or just...

I feel the same way. I hate feeling like I'm trying to promote anything I make; I don't usually show anything I make to friends unless they asked and seemed genuinely interested.

I've felt more or less the same way; I really want to feel connected to people while still being who I am. I'm interested in hearing about other people's lives and learning more about who they are...

I really like your music, I write some too. I don't sing so mine are just instrumentals. Most of my music is experimental and draws on classical instruments and electronics for textures. Here's...

I usually write pretty dark music instinctively as well. I don't really view it as a problem though; it helps me to release feelings I might have. I don't really feel in touch with evil though, I'm...

Defiantly, I think because I'm quiet, nice, and usually pretty easy-going people don't expect me to be strongly opinionated about certain things. I also think people assume that I am more traditional...

I'm not really very good at directly venting my feelings to someone else, I always feel like it's burdening them or something like that. I do have other ways of dealing with negative emotions; I...

I think I have two possible modes I can go into - one is becoming quiet and more isolated. This reaction might be an attempt to keep my negative emotions away from effecting others and giving myself...

I've taken a cognitive functions test before and my results were more or less INFJ but didn't fit the model perfectly. I scored very high in Ni, high in Fe, Fi, Ne, and Ti, medium in Te and Se, and...

I'm an INFJ and I'm also not very competitive. I like improving at something on my own but I don't see the point in any type of structure that is meant to say who is the best at something. I know...

I can relate a lot. My parents were both SJs and fundamentalist christians. On the subject of religion I eventually left that faith and am now agnostic. As a kid I always had a lot of questions which...

Like many others so far I'm friendly, talkative, and more up-beat than usual when I'm drunk. Something that I find is that I'm typically much more self-aware and controlled than people that are...

I think I can fake extroversion well but anyone who knows me well would say I'm introverted. I can make expressions and comments that engage me in conversations but in the end I end up doing more...

Although you did a great job of explaining the situation I don't think I could tell what exactly was motivating her behavior without seeing it myself. I think that personally I'm always open to my...

Going along the same lines as has been discussed there seems to be two different types of physical discipline - one motivated by the best intrest of the child and one a reaction to their behavior...

Maybe he was thinking of Blondie the character from the western movie The Good the Bad and the Ugly. He's the good from the title and is driven by his own ideals of what is right more than being...


I think some of the topics here seem to be discussions between IFNJs about random topics for the sake of conversing with like-minded people. Other topics seek to find the connections between this...'