'This is probably a contrived answer for any INFx type, though my least favorite type is almost unambiguously ESTJ. Hyper-critical, zealously obsessed with (usually really mundane and/or monotonous)...
Mactheknife: I assume I could just message you with this question, though what subgenre of metal best encompassed the band you performed with (I don't mean to seem excessively superficially rooted,...
fair phantom: I'm thinking you're probably already aware, and I've made this somewhat implicit within my other posts, but violence amongst metalheads does vary heavily among subgenres and/or fan...
Like I referenced within my original post, there is a thread specifically dealing with ENFPs who almost unanimously/unambiguously disliked metal, so I don't know if for whatever reason INFs are more...
I originally searched for a thread with the search query NFs and metal, though nothing showed up beyond that search, and while generally searching for heavy metal titles the thread most comparable...
I didn't know if I would have to preface my post with this, but it seems appropriate acknowledging the age of this thread. I'm aware the most recent post is over 3 years old so I don't mean to annoy...
I'm aware it seems the vast majority of people that have posted here are INTP, though within the previous page there was one INTJ that posted, and I'm not completely sure about my type anyway, so...
I'm thinking I might get some flak for referencing this, as a lot of people tend to have really polarized reception of both her and the general nature of her philosophy, but I'm reading Atlas...
Blade Runner (although being fully honest I didn't watch it in its entirety, though I had watched roughly 75% of it so I assume that would qualify being referenced). I'm not sure if any of you...
While reading this post I'm pretty confident that I'm not any form of NT type, as I definitely don't root my opinions within the extremity of logic that most of you do (Other than defining myself as...
I'm aware any form of intro probably isn't necessitated, though I was a bit surprised that no reference had been made to him as of yet, despite the fact that he's been referenced within a decent deal...
In retrospect I suppose I could've answered this within the thread that I just posted, so in case that annoys any mods or anyone else I apologize in advance... My knowledge of the process of lucid...
As I'd referenced within my own thread, I haven't gotten any form of nightmare in a pretty long time, though while I was younger I'd say I got them a bit more frequently than average - I wasn't sure...
It's interesting that I came across this thread, as I was debating creating a thread asking whether or not it's totally unconventional for iNtuitives - if not people in general - to rarely, if ever,...
It seems decently fitting that an image of Bryan Fury is your avatar acknowledging that reference :-P. Did you have knowledge that his scene within the TTT intro animation was meant to be a blatant...
I'm not partial to being so discerning with reference to my general interests that I can only choose one (generally speaking) though if I did have to it'd probably be Equilibrium; its only fault...
I'm thinking it's possible me making this post might depict me as decently hypocritical after I'd been so candid about myself being so averse to generally dealing with ESTJs, but what's the specific...
I've actually referenced this on a few occasions, so I apologize if this proves generally redundant with reference to anyone who's seen me reference this before, though more than any other specific...
1. The only one I can wholeheartedly say I can play is guitar, though I've dabbled with the bass, (expectantly I'm sure :-P) violin, piano, and generalized percussion. 2. I'd originally taken a...
First off, I agree with the couple users who'd posted here stating that the OP definitely seemed really biased herself, despite the fact they were criticizing introverts for possessing such general...
Was your second listing of English meant for comic effect and/or to uniquely portray your parents' ancestry, or was that accidental (I'm aware that's not extremely important info, but generally...
When I allow my hair to grow more than 3 weeks or so, generally speaking I have messy hair, though contrasted with some of the previous users who've posted here, that's generally not by design......
I'm aware this isn't necessary to state, but I'm a little surprised I'm the first person to thank you as what you stated generally stands out to me. I also believe this might have me lose some esteem...
I've not read any of your other posts, so I have no basis of comparison with reference to what you might be, though I (not that I believe this really needs to be stated) would second sito's...
I should first preface everything I state here with the facts that I'm not fully sure of my MBTI type... I know with little doubt I'm an IN though, acknowledging functionology I'm more likely an...
I don't listen to much mainstream music; as far as genres go I'm most broadly into general alternative, metal, (to reference sub-genres most specifically thrash metal) and as eccentric as this will...
I don't believe a response is necessitated, but I voted for ENFP, and before doing so I was expecting that's who would be in the lead... Despite my intuition proving me correct there, (Ni dominance...
At this point I'm a bit annoyed having to state this explicitly within every thread that exclusively regards INFJs, though just to preface everything I'm not fully sure I am one... I am without a...
As your first sentence did imply you wanted me to reply to your post Angelic, I am doing so now despite the fact the reply is belated and the latter part of your post didn't seem to necessitate a...
You've stated you do fit into a group, one that's not very large based off what else has been stated, but a group nonetheless, and so that would challenge the idea you are a definitive loner... ...
How could you possibly even speculate Episode III could be worse than the previous two prequels? Although I can't get over the latter part of that sentence most specifically, assuming you do respond...
I think admitting this will depict me as being lazy and/or generally unfocused, though I've read through about half of the posts within this thread out of chronological order, so if what I'm posting...
I've only read the first and last page of this thread, so I want to prelude with a possible apology in case any of my references represent blatant redundancy... To answer the OP though, a large...
I don't know if this will seem strange to some of you, but in case any of you had noticed me posting with a unique font, I'd originally typed my posts up within word and pasted them within the...
@ Alfreda: It seems like therex92s a lot I need to specifically reference as far as the content of your post goes... With reference to x93having labelsx94 and their function, I think about two or three...
To be fully honest, at this point forming a response to all of you has proved to be dauntingx85 I wasnx92t expecting many x96 if any x96 responses, and I thought most would be generally negative or at the...
I'm thinking it's possible some people might find my topic title worthy of ridicule, as a lot of people who are members on this network and post here avidly probably possess similar thoughts about...
I've been told I'm boring by a decent deal of people... I've never been told explicitly I'm too serious, though a lot of people probably believe that. Personally, I don't really care, and I don't...
My most enduring hobby my entire life has been gaming. I've been gaming since I've been about 6 and since the 4th gen was still having games made for its consoles. Obviously I've become more focused...
I'm going to seem like a prick stating this after reading every other post, most of which really don't prefer being called smart, and the few others implied indifference, but when younger I used to...
I'm not an INFP, though I would think my thoughts would be welcome as no one else has posted here anyway... I've convinced myself I'm hypoglycemic; I definitely feel debilitated if I don't have...
I'm definitely IN_J, the T or F preference is a bit ambiguous though; if I am INFJ I hope an NF viewpoint is welcome... Anyway, I'm broadly cynical of humanity as a whole, some might call/consider me...
Probably not... Most women I'm attracted to tend to be really vibrant, and I don't think I come off much like that at all... I'm cynical, by broad standards boring, definitely not partial to the...
I have a half-brother; this poll didn't really encompass said kinds of siblings btw.
All that's way too true :-P. To answer the OP, I usually define myself as moderate, but whenever I take political compass tests or anything analogous I end up defined as very liberal. I used to be...
I'd consider myself one of the archetypal bitter, sterile INFJ males, but I guess some people might disagree with me (maybe :-P). I have a natural interest in things of conventionally defined...
I guess no one could derive anything from my vlogs... It's true they don't seem traditionally intuitive per those, sorry that I have no specialized pics.
I'm not sure whether or not I believe that differing types can have distinctive expressions regarding eyes... More lately I've noticed that there is something unique about my eyes when contrasted...
I used to be into typing comic and other fictional characters, but I was under the impression most people considered it folly, as characters can be written as being adept at anything and/or have...
Obviously I belong to a type that's more correlated with feminine than masculine definition, but I don't think I get too much criticism regarding how manly I am. In high school I was often...'