
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'Thanks... phew, for me, when I first read it --- abuse came to mind, but I wasn't sure if I was over-reacting. Glad that I didn't mention it to them.

Shapeshifting. By about a million points. Eat whatever I want... free clothes... fly.. all possible with shapeshifting lol

and I don't want to go further on how, but am interested in your thoughts, what does it mean? What should I do? When you talk stories, I have memories. When you joke it cuts me; rips into my soul....

Totally! I think for me the problem is people have to push me pretty far to get me to confront them about it, so when I do I'm crystallized on my grievances... My youth pastor said once said that I...

Sorry Hikari, it must be so frustrating to have a barrier like that. Have you spoken to Jess about it? I would recommend you do this before anything else, maybe she can give you a different...

I plan on getting a bird behind my ear ^^ trying to decide if I want to get it before I'm 21 or on my birthday. I used to worry about regretting getting a tat but I think it's more realistic that...

I think it helps when you pair up your myers briggs type with your enneagram type. INFJs are commonly number 4s on the enneagram; the romantic, and with that combination your pretty much guaranteed...

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs011.snc1/4463_213602710191_522105191_7379647_1151704_n.jpg show me an adorable craft

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs045.ash2/35618_1528408129630_1217492120_1490940_1210032_n.jpg some older stuff

... I like extreme sports (snow boarding, white water kayaking etc) and beautiful views, but the just the thought of a rave makes me tired... Lazer strike is super fun though lol. I think it's out of...

http://schriftman.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/cs_lewis-socratic-club.jpg show me your love.

I guess it depends on how you define committed... Law of human nature and moral code etc. I was being specific to one person rather than all entps though. 'Surely a close friend doesn't need...

This sounds more like an emotional issue than a financial one. Getting revenge won't make you feel any better, if anything it's more likely to just leave you feeling empty. This is a horrible...

that sucks, sorry Dave.* In primary, I was a popular goody-good... In intermediate I was an over-confident little beep In high school I wagged school all the time and lost my work ethic. But...

... I did zumba xD

Art therapist :) It's what I'm working towards at uni atm. I also worked as a chocolate tester. That was pretty dreamtastic but lacked relationship. What do you guys actually plan on being?

I can totally relate to the whole feeling like you don't really belong so when you do make a deep connection with someone it's extra special cause it's quite rare for you thing. In terms of...

Wow you guys are fascinating, love how you're all so logical and respectful n_n It's true, but according to Christianity, God trusts us. We all have a moral code, and this same intuitive...

Well, my friend always has guys chasing after her (she's a complete babe on top of being an ENTP... bitch lol) but I don't think this is a very good thing. Cause she's so impulsive she's had heaps of...

Lol such a good summary.

My best friend is an ENTP, and it's the deepest friendship I have... She makes me laugh more than anyone and then suddenly we'll be discussing politics and history. We both feel like we can truly be...

where to start? :) fuck the media, for making people think they should act like a slut and look like a barbie fuck my personality for screwing me over I don't really get angry but today I...

I know what you mean... I a lot of the time we don't realize that we are using it though, because it's just second nature. Like, when someone's talking about a relationship, and you know that's...

I think with stuff like this the enneagram comes in nicely. Most INFJs are number 4, the romantic (pretty much Melancholic with the four temperaments) and so generally if the two (INFJ, 4) come...

then one day, raj and dsv2e became best friends n_n

Oo I can help out with that, I'm know wayy more about enneagram than myers briggs (less types to remember lol) I'm a 9w1, generally 4s are more popular in INFJs.. One of my close friends is an...

I eat my cereal out of a mug, even at friends places n_n

Nice post :) your humility won me over. I can sooo relate to I actually thought that I was more introverted than I was, and I was lonely all the time. It's only in the last couple of months that...

Hello friend :) first of all, thanks for clicking on this thread! So, in the tests I've taken I've generally come out INFJ, and I /liked/ the description of them so I decided that was me. However...

But Yazuka's are a notorious gang. I can't help thinking of what it stands for, which makes it ugly to me. When you say gauges, do you mean all of them or just the massive ones? I've got 9mm so...

Hey, I'm super happy that life is going well for you :D It's great that you want to help out your fellow INFJ, but you sounded a bit patronizing which personally made me want to write you off. As an...

wow you have a really good schedule :o mine goes something like this 8.00 Alarm goes off. Visualize what I should wear 8.30 Get up, put on outfit 8.40 Change outfit x2, look for missing laundry...

I am the girl that goes under the radar.

That's so cool :D Yeah the only downer is when you have a really clear idea of what you want but no one is selling it second hand. Haha I know what you mean, I've always thought it's cause of my...

http://geronimo.blogsome.com/wp-admin/images/floylamachina.jpg show me Britain.

as one of my friends put it 'its not stalking! its getting rid of information asymmetry' I think it's partly personality and partly technology. I reckon it's a lot more common than you'd think,...

I have a 9mm stretched ear, and am planning to get a bird tattoo behind my ear, but only subtle stuff. I'm a big fan of it on guys (and dreads n_n) but for me there's a fine line for girls.

I made a resolution this year to not buy any first hand clothes (to stop supporting slave labour) and now I buy second hand clothes all the time, I get sick of clothes way too fast and have run out...

hello :) in NZ most students don't live on campus, including me, but thought I'd still do my best to help. 1. What were the most positive experiences during your time as a student? Being able to...

I really like the enneagram made easy (Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele); it's a clear (and funny) overview of the types, wings, where they go in stress, the centers, and a bit on myers briggs. The...

Sounds like your at a stage where the kids are particularly demanding! Well, on the enneagram I am a nine, and in stress nines become 'self-forgetting' and lose their agenda to others, which can...

The problem with the internet is you can't tell when someones just being facetious. almost any, not so much the INFJ

Nah INFJs are celibate xD Don't worry I'm not judging I'm just amused at the way you guys talk n_n

Why couldn't you just respect her wishes? Or talk to her about it and find out why she didn't want you to in the first place?

... ENTPs.

This is spot on. They can have truth in them but you can always be the exception to the rule.

I think it was wise of you to politely remove yourself from a rather toxic situation, especially after hearing about her not so graceful response. I've met a few people like this in different times...

The exact thing has happened to me with my mum... Only family members get to see me angry n_n'' The rest just get to experience a mild feeling of disapproval.

I drink but don't get drunk, and I won't go near drugs. Whenever people ask/offer I say I find it tacky. I don't actually think marijuana on it's own is that bad, but it's like that quote if we...

http://i42.tinypic.com/2agrjtv.jpg I just think of indie kids to be honest. That Jesus is creepy as! Lol'