'Please see my additions on the last page. Messed up by not quoting you originally!
Your writing is just fine. I will add to it: The ESFJ begins to emotionally self-destruct, all the insecurities boiling over as he misses the now distant (and likely to have fled the scene) INFJ....
Oh, and people are Shocked with that level of explosive temper because you are so Sweet. And you are - it's just that you're not, really. ?wtf? Yep. I am as daunted by the whole damn thing,...
When you have the temper of a maniac. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRTSy5yzFwP6nY4xZgevK81nlGVLQ9jxceKphcbLJ8rt0D-dnhcnA
caterwaul 605098
Victory salutes? Ego maniacs like being saluted.
Victory salutes comes to mind. (In Response to Wellsey ? - Wondering what kind of things Trump may implement.
[]Eyes of Caligula, lips of Marilyn Monroe
Doing things for someone because I think they expect it, then resenting them for it and feeling very put upon, then totally shutting down around them, next feeling bad about my feelings and...
R2-D2 is ENTP? No wonder I love him.
[I personally love hearing ENTJs talk for this very reason[/QUOTE] Do you know of any sites I can listen to an ENTJ? Thank you!
When you realize you are definitely a Type 4 and find that a good and a bad thing.
https://youtu.be/fxGqcCeV3qk I'm with Dennis.
I'm a lazy INFJ, or it could be my lack of interest in politics. I'm married to an ESFJ who Loves politics, and most of the time doesn't notice my eyes glazing over when he goes into a long...
INTJs reactions to idealism: https://media4.giphy.com/media/GkN1Dgy36Alyg/200_s.gif]
The Lover 85% - The Ruler 85% - The Sage 85% - The Creator 85%; The Seeker 75% - The Destroyer 75% - The Joker 75% The Magician 70% - The...
Irish Whiskey. First date at the ocean, or first date at an animal park?
245930245938245946245954Every picture tells a story...
Sure... https://www.personalitypage.com/html/INTJ_per.html Most of the weaker characteristics that are found in INTJs are due to their dominant function (Introverted iNtuition) overtaking...
INTJ's Ability to stick to it: http://media.giphy.com/media/b9SiepYcX2Rva/giphy.gif Ability to have an open mind: ...
u200bhttp://media.giphy.com/media/I4wkGBYGkTNHa/giphy.gif ESFJ's emotional downloading...run away, run away, run away!
235490May seem silly later...but I am still raw. Faking it, but still raw.
Calm Down! You're so annoying! https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8179454720/h99DA37FB/
FearAndTrembling I adore Bruce Lee. What makes me most curious is his amazing physical skills, being so alert, quick, etc. - Do you think his martial arts abilities were based on his intuitive...
Wondering if other INFJs continually do stupid things at work - well, particularly regarding following rules, details, all those essentials that I can't seem to do. Sigh. Is my brain just stuffed...
Wow. Of all the types... I got ISTJ for a partner, and I got INFJ (which I am.) Very strange - we're opposites, but I suppose I value what they are.
istp: 219466 istj: 219474 isfj: 219482 isfp: 219490
esfp: 219418 esfj: 219426 estj: 219434 estp: 219442
entp: 219378 entj: 219386 enfj: 219394 enfp: 219402
infp: 219330 infj: 219338 intj: 219354 intp: 219362
Feel very private, and deeply desire privacy, But - almost everyone seems to know how I'm feeling, dang it.
Those negative traits have been the bane of my existence, especially at work. Oh, the intensity of feeling and how difficult it is to contain.