
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'Well, it is a story about the Bohemian ideals of truth, beauty, freedom, and love, after all. I whole-heartedly agree with Zidler and Tulouse (the midget). I think the Duke is an IS...J, because...

I mean, I think it's fairly obvious that Christian is INFP, although I've heard ENFP and while I don't agree, I can understand the argument. Satine? Harold Zidler? The Duke? Tulouse? Others?

So ... I find myself in the midst of emotional uproar for two ENFJ characters that I role-play. One has serious relationship drama, and the other ... well, let's just say her memory was wiped because...

As many INFJ's are prone to do, if they are writers, role-players, actors, etc., I have gotten too far into the minds of my two ENFJ characters. Thus, I am experiencing many feels that I do not know...

The most memorable compliment I've ever received was this: At a summer camp, I was walking with a friend to one of the buildings on the college campus we were using. In a joking manner, I exclaimed,...

I have an example, if that helps? Morgana from the BBC tv series Merlin. She is INFP from the get go, and you see her excited, loving, grieving, angry, and most of all, bitter. She's been bitter for...

I don't shut them off. They just aren't relevant all the time, and it's like I put them on the shelf, similar to hanging up my coat when I get home. When I'm alone, I'm expressionless, and rarely...

The most magical physical place for me is Cape Breton. On a family vacation, we took a tour of the Cabot Trail, and the view was so breathtaking. I was so affected that I didn't want to be there, for...

I'm going to vote, even though I'm only engaged. My fiance is INFP. We've been engaged for about a year, dating for three years total, but we knew each other longer than that. He has told me several...

I don't think we can define evil. As others have said, it's more a matter of perspective. If someone believes an action is good, according to their morality, then it is not evil. If they...

Ok, as far as what you can do: find something about the place you're applying to that you are interested in. In the interview, focus on that. Also, be as honest as possible. I mean, don't tell them...

Internet. Preferably reading one of the blogs I follow, or playing a mindless puzzle game. And music. Always music. I stay away from forums, when I want to unwind, as they take too much effort. Going...

Luckyperuser, I ask because an ENTP character in a story is giving me a hard time, figuring out her methods of socialization. This is interesting. Most of you said it has to do with what they are...

I have this friend. This friend who has Fe through the roof. While I love her, OH MY GOD, COULD SHE PLEASE JUST LISTEN FOR ONCE. I actually want to hear the conversation going on in the movie we're...

Dear ENFJ, STFU Maybe you could try listening for once. Love, INFJ

I have an idea for an INFJ one: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090530133228/harrypotter/images/thumb/c/c4/Dumbledore_and_Elder_Wand.jpg/579px-Dumbledore_and_Elder_Wand.jpg INFJ For your...

I was diagnosed with Executive Functioning Disorder, a form of ADD usually first found in young adults, when I was 17. I always had trouble getting my homework done, ever since fourth grade. But I...

In everyday conversation, if someone starts getting upset, when and how do you notice it?

... I'm both, but never at the same time. When I'm alone, I'm the Intuitive subtype. When I'm around other people, I'm the Ethical subtype. If I'm too much in the Intuitive subtype, bad stuff...

My friends keep asking why I'm not going to become a psychologist. I guess that counts. My Latin teacher told me I'd be a good teacher. I've also been told that I could take over the world, if I...

I'm not INFP, but my boyfriend is, and we had our kiss at the same time. We've recently discussed this, so I will tell you what happened/what he said. Do you remember your first kiss? Yes Was it...

I would like to be an ablative absolute, but that's something rather specific to the Latin language. 1. Noun, because it's there, undoubtedly, and it is what it is. Future Perfect (I will have _...

Just finished Toy Story 3. I recommend it to EVERYONE EVER. Seriously. Just ... have tissues handy. And a friend. Preferably an __F_ friend. (watched it with an ENFJ and an INTJ; the ENFJ was sobbing...

I somewhat agree. Although ... I feel like we are more aware of romantic love than of the other kinds, possibly because of social conditioning, but also possibly because we're nurturing it more than...

Love is recognizing someone's flaws, weaknesses, and shortcomings. And then wanting to be around them BECAUSE of them. It's compromise, devotion, trust, respect. It's not that funny feeling in your...

Dear ENFJ friend, I love you. A lot. I'm sorry if I appear a little ... clingy isn't the right word, but ... I'm sorry if my going over to talk to you several times a day is irritating. It's just...

Have you considered INxJ? You sound both INFJ and INTJ to me. Definitely Ni dominant, but evidence for both Fe and Te. You're probably closer to INTJ, if you want a definitive answer (although you...

I would say back off a bit, but if you really care about her, wait. Or, if you really REALLY care about her, talk to her. Ask her. You don't have to tell her You are the one, and I can only ever be...

It's odd. I have a slight cold, so meh, but ... I feel inspired. I have this urge to DO something, ... but ... I can't think of what to do. I want to help people reach a greater understanding, but I...

It's Raining Men! Hallelujah, it's raining men! Amen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGLZqDXau98

In the end, it's up to you, but I think you fit an INFJ more than INTP.

Owfin, that might be a good idea. I don't know much about the Enneagram system.

Ace Face, that makes my 100th red balloon! Thank you! Staffan, I like sims more for the people and the interactions. A lot of times, I use the sims to create stories. I think it's a good game for...

Murnando, - I do know several INFP's who have self confidence issues, particularly my mother, who suffered from depression for many years, and my best friend, who is almost diagnosable with an...

Riverlioness, I don't think it's a type thing if someone's grumpy in the morning, but ... INFJ's might be putting up a boundary in the morning when they first wake up so they don't have to deal other...

I agree with DeductiveReasoner: the Doctor.

Thanks, everyone. PeteTheZombie, I wake up around 8, usually. When classes are in session, I wake up earlier. I did talk to her about it when she woke up, and she told me it was just her waking up...

Please love yourself. You are wonderful and amazing and brilliant. Your insights always blow me away, and your enthusiasm for your projects, whether new theories about abstract concepts or a new...

My friends and I have started typing songs. Yes, I know this isn't entirely possible, but that doesn't mean it's not fun. For example, pretty much anything by Coldplay is INTJ. A Fine Frenzy is...

So, my roommate is fairly clearly an INTJ, and I'm INFJ. We rarely communicate, since we both prefer to sit quietly at our desks on our computers. But ... our sleep schedules are completely...

In stories, I'm always attracted to INTJ characters. In real life, it's the INFP's. Not romantic attraction, but ooooo, you're so interesting, let me know you.

One day, he had just been rejected by another girl he cared about, and he was so obviously upset (to me; no one else picked up on it much). He had his head down on his desk for the rest of class. I...

As an INFJ, I can tell you that I usually trust logic over my own feelings. And not all INFJ's are good with people. One of my friends is also INFJ, and there are times when I want to smack her for...

Regardless of the Ti/Te thingy (no offense meant at all, I would love to talk about it, but this is not the place), what do you think, _Mystery_?

Both the ITP and INJ child are said to be VERY curious and both ask many questions, and no one is completely introverted. You also said: That suggests introvert to me. That, and the types you're...

Hey! I'm from NC, too! I adore INFP's, although I would hate to actually be one (no offense). They tend to be my favorite characters in stories, and my best friend is INFP. Of the Fi's, they seem the...

Hello! I'm also an INFJ. What sorts of things do you like, like books or movies, or games, or topics of discussion, or types of people?

ESFP. I'm fairly certain. ENFP would have been my next guess, but something about you just screamed ESFP to me. *ponders quietly in the background*

You are DEFINITELY Fe. And Ni. And introverted. Therefore, I think you are INFJ. Of course, if you look above, the people who have suggested types have suggested types no more than one letter off...

Hmm. A new theory has come out that states children 7-13 only have three letters, and the secondary function develops with age. Perhaps that might be the way to determine this. When you were young,...'