'I appreciate this thread, as it made me think and realize more that in these past 5 years my music prefernace did shift for the good & qualitative music & lyrics. I believe it started with me...
These aren't really resolutions; more of My Goals for 2014. But here 's my list: * travel 2-3 times out of the country, in enjoyable company * meet in person with my LDR-sweetheart, get to...
I relate to pretty much all of those things listed, except for 5 things + 3 that i'd only relate to at times/depending on the context. Those 5 things i certainly do NOT relate to are: ...
Animated. I rarely watch TV though, but considering watching a movie or a fav show on TV at times, then my face is def animated, too. I actually prefer to have company while watching something (eg. a...
1. sweet 2. caring 3. beautiful 4. thoughtful 5. self-controlled 6. empathetic 7. creative 8. neat 9. organized 10. sensitive
WOWWW this test is Fantastic!!!! :proud: I got INFJ and it's so very accurtate! Also, the percetage of each function is very close to how i see/perceive myself, too: Introverted 73%; Intuitive 64%;...
Peace (and Love - both quite on the same level)
ISFJs: most prolly because my N function is not fully developed/ not strong - i see myself as about 60-65% a N type, so almost balanced S/N. Secondly, because of the influence of my S type parents...
N and F
I really love writing lyrics, but it doesn't happen often, because i don't feel inspired enough. My problem with composing lyrics is that i feel like i can't find the right ways and words/lines to...
My best friends (girls) are an INFJ/INTJ (maybe balanced F/T) and a more outgoing ISTJ. I'm much closer to the INFJ though, because i feel she understand me better (considering the N function) and...
def Ethical
I got Life Path Number 9 - perfectly ME! ^^
I HATE coffee :frustrating: but i like cats - altho i ain't cats-crazy :laughing:
I actually love being on Facebook, cuz it's the only place i can meet new people from over-seas with similar interests, via groups and such. I check it daily, but i also don't post status updates or...
Although most of it has already been posted, i'll tell you from my point of view (being that i'm a single INFJ too): First of all, i spend most of my spare time at home and online. Online/on...
Regarding what MAP said, i also noticed it's hard to motivate myself to start something. I know that once i start it, i tend to finish it, most of the times. However, starting that something is the...
A vision of my future partner and I enjoying spending time together :)
101 lb (46 kg) and i'm 5'2.
1. Travelling to a nice island/beach or at least to visit my friends from US. Either way, i feel the need to travel abroad and change the scenery for a while. Wish to chill somewhere like in the pic:...
1. Love, peace, harmony, the truth, and stability/security are the things i value the most in life. 2. i have officially recorded a song and plan on recording a couple more inspiring/positive...
Top 5 Characteristics: * integrity * good manners (is a gentleman) * open to talking about feelings and relationships * devoted/ comitted * good sense of humour Top 5 Physical Features: *...
yeah, i am a HSP too. I got 20 out of 27 on that test; i am more emotionally sensitive, but i'm also very sensitive when it comes to strong smells, loud sounds and some clothing textures.
Alicia Keys or Beyonce
Tritype: 9w1-2w1-4w5 (9 2 4) and my instinctual variant is sp/sx
10 Words of Affirmation 8 Quality Time 5 Acts of Service 5 Physical Touch 2 Receiving Gifts
Any heavy metal, hard rock, techno, trance, pop-dance (club music in general, except for a few songs). Also, some annoying pop-hop tracks of so-called rappers nowadays (including Lil Wayne, Drake...
I totally know that feeling, it's pretty similar to my story. This guy is, most probably, either an ENTP or an ESTP. Last year i been through a quite difficult period of time, cause of a rejection. I...
I am a Christian (Orthodox) since birth (been raised that way), but my parents aren't religious people, so we don't go to Church on Sundays, just on Holidays and on special occasions. I'm not a...
Personal: Hi! I'm Lorena, L Connect is my nickname/artist name (cause i also sing/rap, as a hobby), Lo, or simply L I got the LConnect nickname from a good friend, who's a hip-hop artist,...
8-9 i usually don't lie and stay true to myself, too. However, at times, i might say a white lie or say the truth in a diplomatic way, but i def won't lie about anything major/important.'