
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'when you can fall for someone on the first date and know they're the one (and maybe spend the next 6 months waiting for them to catch up to what you knew all along...that this is it)



Eskimo kisses and being given the last piece of cake

to not be the only one thinking of our future...


a hot sweet cup of tea after a long tiring day


for the long weekend to be here already


having someone to miss

taking your shoes off after a long day at work and putting slippers on

laying in someones arms and listening to the sound of rain outside snuggling under the covers on a cold day

this week to go very quickly....and for the distance to shrink so i can see him more often

for all the science nerds https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/1610067_810053819015631_9193639682631274335_n.jpg

chocolate, you can eat it but you can never trust it

a sunset that turns the sky a million different shades of pink and purple


do a barrel roll


to be in his arms

kisses in the rain


when you can see the reason why you were brought into someone's life and the lessons you'll learn and they'll learn and the events that need to happen to get to a new different point but you're...



watching the stars

the first signs of autumn

the hug thats waiting for me



listening to a new album start to finish and just getting lost in the music that feeling that you're heading in the right direction cuddles from toddlers

for the universe to align exactly the way i'm hoping it will

this made me laugh more than it should  https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/1724022_536021973178779_1694503802_n.jpg

yes, at funerals over the years...have so much respect for him and if anything seeing him cry only served to increase that, love that he set that kind of example for my brothers that its ok to show...

when your anger at someone can dissipate in an instant when you see another side and just start to feel sorry for them

cuddles from toddlers, pillows, jumping in puddles and nailing a sequence of perfect gear changes as you're driving on a windy road

an end to the jetlag....a new hand to hold and think maybe ATLeow has the right idea with the long island ice tea but you dont need to dilute it they're amazingly magical and really yummy (even at...


being cheered up by good friends doing/saying ridiculous things just to make you smile

got the answers like a slap in the face so now i just need the rain to dull the pain and feed my soul


bumping as this was one of my favorites before my holiday and I have a few more to add -yummy buffet breakfasts -seeing butterflies at unexpected moments (like at a heavy metal gig) -bear hugs...

you are sooooo mad at someone for hurting you badly and yet you're still concerned about them because you know that something major is going on with them that they aren't talking about for them to...


some answers or even just not silence.....and some rain

been a while, lots of hilarity to catch up on... ...'